

Welcome to Bitget ApiDoc! Click here for quick start

Coming Soon

No. Interface Launch Date Remark
1 Feature on 'Earn' End of Oct, 2023 Bitget Earn, will be available in V2

Update Forecast

ETA Sep 06, 2023 - Forecast /api/spot/v1/public/products added response field:maxOrderNum /api/spot/v1/public/product added response field:maxOrderNum

Update Log

Oct 10, 2023

Sep 05, 2023

Aug 23, 2023

Websocket error response format change:



Aug 19, 2023

Aug 11, 2023





























12/02/2022 【Ticker】


Add main domain name https://api.bitget.com

Request Url rule
/api/spot/v1/public/time 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/public/currencies 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/public/products 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/public/product 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/market/ticker 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/market/tickers 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/market/fills 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/market/candles 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/market/depth 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/account/assets 10c/1s
/api/spot/v1/account/bills 10c/1s
/api/spot/v1/account/transferRecords 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/trade/orders 10c/1s
/api/spot/v1/trade/batch-orders 5c/1s
/api/spot/v1/trade/cancel-order 10c/1s
/api/spot/v1/trade/cancel-batch-orders 10c/1s
/api/spot/v1/trade/orderInfo 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/trade/open-orders 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/trade/history 20c/1s
/api/spot/v1/trade/fills 20c/1s

24/09/ 2021【WebSocket Api 】

15/09/2021 【Add transfer record interface】

05/07/2021【New creation v1 Spot trading document】


API Introduction

Welcome to Bitget developer documentation!

This document is the only official document of Bitget API. The capabilities provided by Bitget API will be continuously updated here. Please pay attention to it in time.

You can switch to access different business APIs by clicking the upper menu, and you can switch the document language by clicking the language button on the upper right.

On the right side of the document is an example of request parameters and response results.

Update follow-up

Regarding API additions, updates, and offline information, Bitget will issue announcements in advance. It is recommended that users follow and subscribe to our announcements to obtain relevant information in a timely manner.

You can click here to subscribe to the announcement.

Contact us

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us:

Quick start

Prepare to integrate

If you need to use the API, please log in to the web page, then apply the API key and complete the permission configuration, and then develop and trade according to the details of this document.

You can click here to create the API Key after login.

Each user can create 10 sets of Api Keys, and each Api Key can set permissions for reading and trading.

The permissions are described as follows:

After successfully created the API Key, please remember the following information:

SDK / Code example


Java | Python | Node Js | Golang | PHP

PostMan Demo


You should first try to config the APIKey, Secretkey and Passphrase in the Environments tab on left of the PostMan

Interface Type

This chapter is consist of the following two aspects for the interface types:

Public interface

The public interface can be used to obtain configuration information and market data. Public requests can be called without authentication.

Private interface

The private interface can be used for order management and account management. Every private request must be Signatured.

The private interface will be verified from server side with your APIKey.

Access restriction

This chapter mainly focuses on access restrictions:

Rest API

If a valid APIKey is passed with the request, We will use APIKey to limit the frequency; if not, the public IP Address will be used to limit the frequency.

Frequency limit rules: There are separate instructions on each interface. If there is no specific instruction, the frequency limit of general interface is 10 times per second.

Special note: When place orders in batches, 10 orders per currency pair will be counted as one request. For example, a batch order like: 1 order with ETHUSDT, 10 order with BTCUSDT, then the rate-limit will count this batch order as 2 requests.

API domain

You can use different domain as below Rest API.

Domain REST API Recommend to use
Domain1 https://api.bitget.com Main Domain
Domain2 https://capi.bitget.com Old domain

API Public parameters


Trade direction

String Description
sell Sell
buy Buy


Order type

String Description
limit Limit order
market Market order


Order type

String Description
normal Good till cancel
post_only Maker Only
fok Fill Or Kill(FOK)
ioc Immediate-Or-Cancel(IOC)


Order status

String Description
init initial, inserted into DB
new Unfilled, pending in orderbook
partial_fill Partially filled
full_fill Fully filled
cancelled Cancelled


Major types of transaction

String Description
deposit Deposit
withdraw Withdrawal
transaction Trade
transfer Transfer
other Others


Business type

String Description
deposit Deposit
withdraw Withdrawal
buy Buy
Sell sell
deduction of handling fee deduction of handling fee
transfer-in Transfer-in
transfer-out Transfer-out
rebate rewards rebate rewards
airdrop rewards airdrop rewards
USDT contract rewards USDT contract rewards
mix contract rewards mix contract rewards
System lock System lock
User lock User lock

deposit withdrawal order status

String Description
cancel Cancel
reject Reject
success Success
wallet-fail Wallet failed
wallet-processing Wallet processing
first-audit 1st audit
recheck 2nd audit
first-reject 1st audit rejected
recheck-reject 2nd audit rejected

withdrawal type

User withdrawal address query

String Description
chain-on On blockchain
inner-transfer Internal address


String Description
fill_price fill price
market_price mark price


String Description
EXCHANGE spot account
CONTRACT contract account
USDT_MIX USDT Future account
USD_MIX Mix account
USDC_MIX usdc futures
MARGIN_CROSS margin cross
MARGIN_ISOLATED margin isolated

Candlestick line timeframe


fromType,toType(transfer in type,transfer out type)

String Description
spot spot asset coin
mix_usdt USDT transfer only
mix_usd BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDC
mix_usdc USDC transfer only
margin_cross cross margin account
margin_isolated isolated margin account


String Description
WEB WEB Client
APP APP Client
API API Client
SYS SYS Client
IOS IOS Client


String Description
online p2p advertisement online
offline p2p advertisement offline
editing p2p advertisement editing
completed p2p advertisement completed


String Description
pending_pay p2p order pending pay
paid p2p order paid
appeal p2p order appeal
completed p2p order completed
cancelled p2p order cancelled


String Description
normal normal order
market market order
spot_trader_buy spot trace trader buy (trader)
spot_follower_buy Spot follower buy (follower)
spot_trader_sell spot trace trader sell (trader)
spot_follower_sell Spot follower sell (follower)


String Description
NEW_NOTICE Latest Announcements
TRADING_AND_ACTIVITIES Trading competitions and promotions
NEW_COIN_LAUNCH Coin listings
MAINTENANCE_SYSTEM_UPGRADE Maintenance or System Updates

tax type spot

tax type future and margin

String Description
transfer_in Transfer into account
transfer_out Transfer out from account
borrow Borrow
repay Repay
liquidation_fee Liquidation_fee
compensate Liquidation compensate (when account balance less than 0 after liquidation)
deal_in Buy in
deal_out Sell out
system_fee_in Taker maker fee
interest_repay Interest repay
confiscated Confiscated when liquidation
exchange_in coin exchange income (i.e. USDT to BTC, 'BTC' is exchange_in)
exchange_out coin exchange pay out (i.e. USDT to BTC, 'USDT' is exchange_out)

tax type p2p

String Description
transfer_in Transfer into account
transfer_out Transfer out from account
SELL Sell crypto
BUY Buy crypto

API Verification

Initiating request

The header of all REST requests must contain the following keys:

import time
time.time_ns() / 1000000
import (
Math.round(new Date())
microtime(true) * 1000;


The request header of ACCESS-SIGN is obtained by encrypting timestamp + method.toUpperCase() + requestPath + "?" + queryString + body **string (+ means string concat) encrypt by **HMAC SHA256 **algorithm, and encode the encrypted result through **BASE64.

Description for each parameter of the signature

When queryString is empty, the signature format

timestamp + method.toUpperCase() + requestPath + body


When queryString is not empty, the signature format

timestamp + method.toUpperCase() + requestPath + "?" + queryString + body

For example

To obtain in-depth information, take BTCUSDT as an example:

Generate the string to be signed:


Place order,take BTCUSDT as an example:

Generate the string to be signed:



Steps to generate the final signature


Step 1. Use the private key secretkey to encrypt the string to be signed with hmac sha256

String payload = hmac_sha256(secretkey, Message);


Step 2. Base64 encoding for Signature.

String signature = base64.encode(payload);


Step 1. Use the RSA privateKey privateKey to encrypt the string to be signed with SHA-256

Step 2. Base64 encoding for Signature.

HMAC Signature Demo Code


import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.management.RuntimeErrorException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.Base64;

public class CheckSign {

    private static final String secretKey = "";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //POST sign example
//        String timestamp = "1684813405151";
//        String body = "{\"symbol\":\"TRXUSDT_UMCBL\",\"marginCoin\":\"USDT\",\"size\":551,\"side\":\"open_long\",\"orderType\":\"limit\",\"price\":0.0555,\"timeInForceValue\":\"normal\"}";
//        String sign = generate(timestamp,"POST","/api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder" ,null,body,secretKey);
//        log.info("sign:{}",sign);

        //GET sign example
        String timestamp = "1684814440729";
        String queryString = "symbol=btcusdt_umcbl&marginCoin=usdt";
        String sign = generate(timestamp,"GET","/api/mix/v1/account/account" ,queryString,null,secretKey);

    private static Mac MAC;

    static {
        try {
            CheckSign.MAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException var1) {
            throw new RuntimeErrorException(new Error("Can't get Mac's instance."));

    public static String generate(String timestamp, String method, String requestPath,
                                  String queryString, String body, String secretKey)
            throws CloneNotSupportedException, InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

        method = method.toUpperCase();
        body = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(body, StringUtils.EMPTY);
        queryString = StringUtils.isBlank(queryString) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : "?" + queryString;
        String preHash = timestamp + method + requestPath + queryString + body;
        byte[] secretKeyBytes = secretKey.getBytes("UTF-8");
        SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKeyBytes, "HmacSHA256");
        Mac mac = (Mac) CheckSign.MAC.clone();
        return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(mac.doFinal(preHash.getBytes("UTF-8")));



import hmac
import base64
import json
import time

def get_timestamp():
    return int(time.time() * 1000)

def sign(message, secret_key):
    mac = hmac.new(bytes(secret_key, encoding='utf8'), bytes(message, encoding='utf-8'), digestmod='sha256')
    d = mac.digest()
    return base64.b64encode(d)

def pre_hash(timestamp, method, request_path, body):
    return str(timestamp) + str.upper(method) + request_path + body

def parse_params_to_str(params):
    url = '?'
    for key, value in params.items():
        url = url + str(key) + '=' + str(value) + '&'

    return url[0:-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':

    timestamp = "1685013478665" # get_timestamp()
    request_path = "/api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder"
    # POST
    params = {"symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL", "marginCoin": "USDT", "price": 0.0555, "size": 551, "side": "open_long", "orderType": "limit", "timeInForceValue": "normal"}
    body = json.dumps(params)
    sign = sign(pre_hash(timestamp, "POST", request_path, str(body)), API_SECRET_KEY)

    # GET
    body = ""
    request_path = "/api/mix/v1/account/account"
    params = {"symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL", "marginCoin": "USDT"}
    request_path = request_path + parse_params_to_str(params)
    sign = sign(pre_hash(timestamp, "GET", request_path, str(body)), API_SECRET_KEY)

For more demo code on other languages, please refer to SDK/Code Example

RSA Signature Demo Code


import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.management.RuntimeErrorException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.Base64;
import org.springframework.util.Base64Utils;

public class CheckSign {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //GET sign example
//        String timestamp = "1684814440729";
//        String queryString = "symbol=btcusdt_umcbl&marginCoin=usdt";
//        String signContent = timestamp + "GET" + "/api/mix/v1/account/account?" + queryString;
//        String sign = generate(signContent);
//        log.info("sign:{}",sign);

        //POST sign example
        String timestamp = "1684814440729";
        String preContent = timestamp + "POST" + "/api/spot/v1/trade/orders";
        String body = "{\"symbol\":\"btcusdt_spbl\",\"quantity\":\"8\",\"side\":\"buy\",\"price\":\"1\",\"orderType\":\"limit\",\"clientOrderId\":\"bitget1233456\"}";
        String signContent = preContent + body;
        String sign = generate(signContent);

   * @param content: the string to be signed
   * @return
  private String generate(String content) {
    String privateKey = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n" +
            "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQD5C1iP01MC9fh5\n" +
            "43mGx8WgJRAp3Xz9Tcqfz6HzoSg+zd8HVxKXRTXBwMDBfLxfQXobptz1tDlPUs+g\n" +
            "YI38X8XEBZi5U4EBaZ5qHxArBTimyNXX6WNL6hTw0MI238cGKiW0WvWd9v6Z6/LX\n" +
            "i6uFUiUEsZiiuHXcO7EKGuvBrVIRl57FzvOPD5QKfhVxcHr63NfEViAEQfQH4IN2\n" +
            "+mu+L8epkWkmbua4jILUP+LXvHN7ZMiWP9bouw3r4l6v0NJ4XyucSYJL9fJ81rsI\n" +
            "iUoD1S7xlSboujR4RSsFZKFyurE1c8XiU2aZ2qq+6vjby0ncE4dKVu5x/iJZ4gsL\n" +
            "bneZujBLAgMBAAECggEAD6cF5uw6QGpjNo30emMd6aXKsUbpbyYvgQHUxPIxDFl2\n" +
            "FgkD8xv3d/j8ZGzJjhcYbJp9MrgkDfc/c23+HomKbXqIkcVMy2DvAu523q1SVTE0\n" +
            "N4DEq+XHcSc9vaMs6BdIDWDWJRp8AAKTXba6jgOOrg/Xbwq25aOeyerNPHv/N3m3\n" +
            "VImJZVV+ZcetUZ82UdX7NkvV4qmRi8se47OXUT9aypzpvGbSukkqXuE4GtKGoybR\n" +
            "R1sJtU10ap3QvyVNshn2QJnRd3GN2UENDvZS3ZvSY6f/Cq7K/EAmrsstOdUB2Ihn\n" +
            "POnI9/MrghWFq/n3ekuArWc54bDai0deKFl9KvI2oQKBgQD9ekRFMB6ueRCCeoyg\n" +
            "TOGvvW3d7X7G90XKL1xKhrg6mYh65hfQaxbihfOcrneFOoc3BgZwnbAZpF+hlq9J\n" +
            "klu69adhYlMxP2nF3PGj5vPln9/rd6/gcFFE9o7zZhI166PsmlxQ7/N0SCnlao7y\n" +
            "HZQoeeFJ1xuvCHVlNsTR+XZ88QKBgQD7hckVvGxIftcZsHChP8TFcDAn1IsaVbyt\n" +
            "i1UZ5JPznSLTcdb8YPtFr9afiCJ4b2NqRe8gCpUCUi+urnoMMsqMxTUMopiLPh2S\n" +
            "SYaBgpQYUIDLpt+Wx06krbOOyXVZ8RtgYLMpMhFCsRyzovqe8/LZQfQKWfQGTAXS\n" +
            "qL5vdyiw+wKBgQC7DMDYdbwOcFRYlOq1WEarExTCUoHdfZfIrc5jSKsmwynN14H3\n" +
            "US9gFg1BsBWPATPKzO1vqU3Mfln7umC73/9FJgZQfOh7TRpW4saGduXAq4voDTiC\n" +
            "XR/7zh6LSuVhWPRsozRAnfF/+8i+/TVjQaSVgetYPB63uXw4JoRzlq1zYQKBgQDJ\n" +
            "7ASb25G+vX1n1TsGaNBKhR9TypEFylDXreTbDaMtTzg3Mcwa/qyarGiL2Fl8AEh6\n" +
            "d7xaJ8SqgVpgTRgUFO6BBozpINt/5ZUN7NL7w92qi25qkAQt4sGi+QQOnHMGisak\n" +
            "n90VNGmg9dkJ6cxzsXqDqiwF52M9bui5zthbWfkj4wKBgEFVT+jf235aihaS88Oj\n" +
            "MbR078tvsFiRBICHlYCIef7/a+gt7N1u9sEGlPspY3HuPamA39201BuItD9X83VR\n" +
            "Vg+HjkeQIIrxmfvZn1O8/l+ItSNUzQhX6T0cSdCo6KtmZLBQ6Zaw7r63GcdvSdR2\n" +
            "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n" +
            "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
    try {
      String parsedPem = privateKey.replace("\n", "").trim();
      parsedPem = parsedPem
              .replace("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "")
              .replace("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
      PKCS8EncodedKeySpec priPKCS8 = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64Utils.decodeFromString(parsedPem));
      KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
      PrivateKey priKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(priPKCS8);
      Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256WithRSA");
      String sign = Base64Utils.encodeToString(signature.sign());
      return sign;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new RuntimeException("create sign  failed", ex);



import base64
import json
import time
import base64
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

def get_timestamp():
    return int(time.time() * 1000)

def rsa_sign(message, private_key):
  pri_key = RSA.importKey(private_key)
  encoded_param = SHA256.new(bytes(message, encoding='utf-8'))
  sign_str = PKCS1_v1_5.new(pri_key).sign(encoded_param)
  return base64.b64encode(sign_str).decode()

def pre_hash(timestamp, method, request_path, body):
    return str(timestamp) + str.upper(method) + request_path + body

def parse_params_to_str(params):
    url = '?'
    for key, value in params.items():
        url = url + str(key) + '=' + str(value) + '&'

    return url[0:-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    private_key = '''-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----'''

    timestamp = get_timestamp()
    request_path = "/api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder"
    # POST
    params = {"symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL", "marginCoin": "USDT", "price": 0.0555, "size": 551, "side": "open_long", "orderType": "limit", "timeInForceValue": "normal"}
    body = json.dumps(params)
    sign = rsa_sign(pre_hash(timestamp, "POST", request_path, str(body)), private_key)

    # GET
    body = ""
    request_path = "/api/mix/v1/account/account"
    params = {"symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL", "marginCoin": "USDT"}
    request_path = request_path + parse_params_to_str(params)
    sign = rsa_sign(pre_hash(timestamp, "GET", request_path, str(body)), private_key)


export function sign() {

    const private_key = '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n' +
        'e0ljABC58EVhiw7fPXWhMh7gZwurQQ8M/I9/VA8lDjwwoGuuJ6enurdfwhpZxeZH\n' +
        'P3wdmwvD7XLESEXVuxJv5hdpI9m6ydInK9SA8IbaF4yYWp0l4N2mA44MzadA7QZq\n' +
        'bQtQPlyPZHeia5q/NZHFWCrCbW2lGAAWwrhQq9LceVIW75e213xtnps0pGlII7Ye\n' +
        'xLkoazuhC1X8YNSxlCdLOiz1GvOeVSeiSZx31o/O+rj7tDFpSgZJEXRmtGRoJkJy\n' +
        '10EGSrvUMezCVSOcb1hCExg4osK6rBKnDjFjwQvwvNNZq0JG+CkfH8eHAa7gSK50\n' +
        'In51go29AgMBAAECggEAEvYk30hQGu7PH0stQX3UhlVsR6HXnRlvgIrmJe7F/VLO\n' +
        'WaZoNdUQLktU/heYY1nsX8+mIyjmvEOayqPgdkEmXevVlcuQf38Zbduynr3vlRCX\n' +
        'AJnL9+8GkmucSxFBODuu/EAZc3mm27C2wUV7w6SAy9g0g6Os97ehZsSGAwHl4aye\n' +
        'i6KtB07LAA10Eh5Ptq4YAfCYiUO7j10pQ+DJKqN9N1eyjyw5eixEgCpudcbpCc9X\n' +
        '+EK6zxk8Ynr0ANX8/LwvokqgYBK1UIL6ear0dtKmeFU+KwrmkKZfXk8/Amr/O8Ot\n' +
        'iHTTr1SLyQKRzq3La149LMmNkUYxaMSV/KGTEV7ukQKBgQDQl/fA3mxXtQg2IjTB\n' +
        'cvDBGhB4c3haECWcP7TQWJDb30vxOKeq1k9YPUfegZga5zlyV28PAZnb0m5x07+0\n' +
        'OY4862brT+pje9OhQxfkAY6AtJaiIqhCcw5ew8Go/Ja1ML0jZESWG1MWBJtCcFTm\n' +
        'd3+n9yU1fB1Ze0adilYmyu7zwwKBgQDBDPJZgSj7YssPyRmo3bO0MjknfYBqXvwi\n' +
        '6TxV11mJRe5BJ9Rc2WXGfEm3DEn7TO/Wv0t7Yqm6/sXg5HzriN/PHlaVtE6wlXe7\n' +
        '3gpYKjlm99KO7KKWYqP812mASl6ydLX9QWozlOXjVhWMuSGqMWjut4J3P8jlkOJ6\n' +
        'pNq9c8/gfwKBgQCxwvAl8ubNj78hsuDWgsddKIMkwvKrfdsvXrMOYouAdLjZJvjs\n' +
        'A5q2jfKzUil3s9km8g/479pYlOn+Iv/Z7Lqke8/HdOFASoQ9h1nSuujgEgXUwkg1\n' +
        '6Ks0Ywqkoi0k2BY3FPnGGh8iQma1pdkUVn35fAq/m7e/S+kP1JY6lPIx1QKBgQCS\n' +
        'jxul67KLNrNmpot+ceGt2bseSd8l4jqU3nDZ0oW8+4Qnnu9QFhN4Hn9wIjpAOGaU\n' +
        'p+HMKFknB6h+Vbior98JxMSDHsHmuXKPA8DishumGlqV+vxsIzLQD1Ge/dbqsERB\n' +
        'olnYEyB7+KyfiyUNqjk5kcPQeHIyJk5qQaF21udoTQKBgDOMbtM0Nq7cd/SAHISR\n' +
        'VYIGGXRFNqAjLJW7DRJGxw3AEwxKG+nxNLeG7GsQDyPCvZSKwRpdpXRTh+6mzXqe\n' +
        'pQ6+33v2gOtez8Cwo6tgyKRi6QPObQk00vbrKEBTihP30m81rwBPzjwj7iKXxWgA\n' +
        'DJoVsaqGOaIf4qXXXXXXXXXX\n' +
        '-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n'

    const ts = Date.now();
    const NodeRSA = require('node-rsa')
    const pri_key = new NodeRSA(private_key)

    const ts = Date.now();
    const params = 'coin=USDT&startTime=1687744761000&endTime=1690336761929'
    const endpoint = '/api/spot/v1/wallet/withdrawal-list'
    const method = "GET"
    const pre_hash = String(ts) + method + endpoint + '?' + params
    const sign = pri_key.sign(pre_hash, 'base64', 'UTF-8')

    const endpoint_post = '/api/spot/v1/trade/open-orders'
    const params_post = '{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL"}'
    const method_post = "POST"
    const pre_hash_post = String(ts) + method_post + endpoint_post + params_post
    const sign_post = pri_key.sign(pre_hash_post, 'base64', 'UTF-8')

    return sign

Request interaction

All requests are based on the Https protocol, and the Content-Type in the POST request header information needs to be standardized as:'application/json'.

Request interaction description


HTTP status code 200 indicates a successful response and may contain content. If the response contains content, it will be displayed in the corresponding return content.

Common error codes

Standard Specification


The unit of ACCESS-TIMESTAMP in the request signature is milliseconds. The timestamp of the request must be within 30 seconds of the API service time, otherwise the request will be considered expired and rejected. If there is a large deviation between the local server time and the API server time, we recommend that you update the timestamp by query and compare the time difference between API server time and the time in your code.

Frequency limiting rules

If the request is too frequent, the system will automatically limit the request and return the “429 too many requests” status code in the http header.

· Public interface: For the market information interfaces, the global rate limit is 2 seconds with max. 20 requests.

· Authorization interface: restrict the call of the authorization interface through apikey, refer to the frequency limitation rule of each interface for frequency limitation.

Request format

There are currently only two supported request methods: GET and POST



Get All Notices

Return data within one month

Rate Limit: 20 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
noticeType String
startTime String
endTime String
languageType String

Request Example

curl "/api/spot/v1/notice/queryAllNotices?languageType=en_US"


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1688008631614,
  "data": [
      "noticeId": "23685",
      "noticeTitle": "test0629",
      "noticeDesc": "new notice",
      "createTime": "1688008040000",
      "languageType": "en_US",
      "noticeUrl": "https://www.bitget.com/en_US/support/articles/23685"

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
noticeId notice id
noticeTitle notice title
noticeDesc notice desc
createTime create time
languageType languageType
noticeUrl notice url


Get Server Time

Rate Limit: 20 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request

Obtain server time

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/public/time"


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1622097118135,
    "data": 1622097118134

Get Coin List

Rate Limit: 3 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request 

Obtain all coins information on the platform

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/public/currencies"



Response Parameters

Parameter Description
coinId Coin ID
coinName Coin name
coinDisplayName Coin display name
transfer Whether can be transferred
> chain Chain name
> needTag Whether need the tag
> withdrawable Whether can be withdrawn
> rechargeable Whether can deposit
> withdrawFee Withdrawal fee, fixed amount
> depositConfirm Deposit no. of confirmation block
> extraWithDrawFee Extra withdraw fee, only applicable for part of the coins. On chain destruction, 0.1 means 10%
> withdrawConfirm Withdrawal no. of confirmation block
> minDepositAmount Min. deposit amount, BTC
> minWithdrawAmount Min. withdrawal amount, BTC
> browserUrl Blockchain browser

Get Symbols

Rate Limit: 20 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request 

obtain basic configuration information of all trading pairs

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/public/products"


            "buyLimitPriceRatio": "0.05",
            "sellLimitPriceRatio": "0.05"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
symbol symbol Id
symbolName symbol name
symbolDisplayName symbol display name
baseCoin Base coin
quoteCoin Denomination coin
minTradeAmount Min. trading amount
maxTradeAmount Max. trading amount
takerFeeRate Default taker transaction fee rate, could be overwritten by personal fee rate
makerFeeRate Default maker transaction fee rate, could be overwritten by personal fee rate
priceScale Pricing scale
quantityScale Quantity scale
status Status: offline,gray,online
minTradeUSDT Min trade USDT amount
buyLimitPriceRatio Buy price gap from market price, "0.05" means: 5%
sellLimitPriceRatio Sell price gap from market price, "0.05" means: 5%

Get Single Symbol

Rate Limit: 20 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request 

obtain all ticker information

Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/public/product?symbol=BTCUSDT_SPBL"


            "buyLimitPriceRatio": "0.05",
            "sellLimitPriceRatio": "0.05"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
symbol Symbol ID
symbolName Symbol Name
symbolDisplayName Symbol display name
baseCoin Base coin
quoteCoin Denomination coin
minTradeAmount Min. trading amount
maxTradeAmount Max. trading amount
takerFeeRate Taker transaction fee rate, could be overwritten by personal fee rate
makerFeeRate Maker transaction fee rate, could be overwritten by personal fee rate
priceScale Pricing scale
quantityScale Quantity scale
status Status
minTradeUSDT Min trade USDT amount
buyLimitPriceRatio Buy price gap from market price, "0.05" means: 5%
sellLimitPriceRatio Sell price gap from market price, "0.05" means: 5%


Get Single Ticker

Rate Limit: 20 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request 

Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol ID

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/market/ticker?symbol=BTCUSDT_SPBL"


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "data": {
        "symbol": "BTCUSDT",
        "high24h": "24175.65",
        "low24h": "23677.75",
        "close": "24014.11",
        "quoteVol": "177689342.3025",
        "baseVol": "7421.5009",
        "usdtVol": "177689342.302407",
        "ts": "1660704288118",
        "buyOne": "24013.94",
        "sellOne": "24014.06",
        "bidSz": "0.0663",
        "askSz": "0.0119",
        "openUtc0": "23856.72",

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
symbol Symbol Id
high24h 24h highest price
close Latest transaction price
low24h 24h lowest price
ts System timestamp, milliseconds
baseVol Base coin volume
quoteVol Denomination coin volume
buyOne buy one price
sellOne sell one price
bidSz Bid1 size
askSz Ask1 size
usdtVol USDT volume
openUtc0 UTC0 opening price
changeUtc change since UTC0, 0.01 means 1%
change change, 0.01 means 1%

Get All Tickers

Rate Limit: 20 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/market/tickers"


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "data": [{
        "symbol": "BTCUSDT",
        "high24h": "24175.65",
        "low24h": "23677.75",
        "close": "24014.11",
        "quoteVol": "177689342.3025",
        "baseVol": "7421.5009",
        "usdtVol": "177689342.302407",
        "ts": "1660704288118",
        "buyOne": "24013.94",
        "sellOne": "24014.06",
        "bidSz": "0.0663",
        "askSz": "0.0119",
        "openUtc0": "23856.72",

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
symbol Symbol Id
high24h 24h highest price
close Latest transaction price
low24h 24h lowest price
ts System timestamp
baseVol Base coin volume
quoteVol Denomination coin volume
buyOne buy one price
sellOne sell one price
bidSz Bid1 size
askSz Ask1 size
usdtVol USDT volume
openUtc0 UTC0 open price
changeUtc change since UTC0, 0.01 means 1%
change change, 0.01 means 1%

Get Recent Trades

Get most recent 500 trades

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request

Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol ID
limit String No Default is 100,Max. is 500

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/market/fills?symbol=BTCUSDT_SPBL"



Response Parameter

Parameter Description
symbol Symbol ID
tradeId Filled order ID
side Trade direction, 'buy', 'sell'
fillPrice Transaction price, quote coin
fillQuantity Transaction quantity, base coin
fillTime Transaction time

Get Market Trades

Fetch trade history within 30 days, response will be cached with same param for 10 minutes, please revise 'endTime' to get the latest records

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request

Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol ID
limit String No Default is 500, Max is 1000
tradeId String No tradeId, return records with 'tradeId' less than the provided value
startTime String No startTime, ms
endTime String No endTime, ms

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/market/fills-history?symbol=btcusdt_spbl&limit=2&tradeId=1020221685304578123&startTime=1678965010861&endTime=1678965910861"


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1678965934811,
    "data": [
            "symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL",
            "tradeId": "1020221668657385473",
            "side": "Sell",
            "fillPrice": "21120",
            "fillQuantity": "0.5985",
            "fillTime": "1678965721000"
            "symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL",
            "tradeId": "1020221660121976833",
            "side": "Buy",
            "fillPrice": "21120",
            "fillQuantity": "0.3119",
            "fillTime": "1678965719000"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
symbol Symbol ID
tradeId Filled order ID, desc
side Trade direction, 'Buy', 'Sell'
fillPrice Transaction price, quote coin
fillQuantity Transaction quantity, base coin
fillTime Transaction time

Get Candle Data

Rate Limit: 20 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request 

obtain candlestick line data

Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id
period String Yes Candlestick line time unit, granularity (refer to the following list for values)
after String No Time after, milliseconds, return greater than or equals
before String No Time before, milliseconds, return less than or equals
limit String No Default 100, max 1000

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/market/candles?symbol=BTCUSDT_SPBL&period=1min&after=1659076670000&before=1659080270000&limit=100"



Response Parameter

Parameter Description
ts System timestamp
open Opening price
high Highest price
low Lowest price
close Closing price
baseVol Base coin volume
quoteVol Denomination coin volume
usdtVol USDT volume


Get History Candle Data

Rate Limit: 20 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request

obtain history candlestick line data

Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id
period String Yes Candlestick line time unit, granularity (refer to the following list for values)
endTime String Yes endTime, milliseconds
limit String No Default 100, max 200

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/market/history-candles?symbol=BTCUSDT_SPBL&period=1min&endTime=1659080270000&limit=100"



Response Parameter

Parameter Description
ts System timestamp
open Opening price
high Highest price
low Lowest price
close Closing price
baseVol Base coin volume
quoteVol Denomination coin volume
usdtVol USDT volume


Get Depth

Rate Limit: 20 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/market/depth?symbol=BTCUSDT_SPBL&type=step0&limit=100"



Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol ID
type String Yes Default: step0; value: step0, step1, step2, step3, step4, step5
limit String No default 150, max 200














Get merged depth data

Speed limit rule: 20 times/1s

HTTP Request


parameter name Parameter Type Required describe
symbol String Yes
Trading pair name, for example: BTCUSDT_SPBL
precision String No Price accuracy, according to the selected accuracy as the step size to return the cumulative depth, enumeration value: scale0/scale1/scale2/scale3, scale0 is not merged, the default value, in general, scale1 is the merged depth of the transaction pair’s quotation accuracy*10, generally In this case, scale2 is the quotation precision *100, scale3 is the quotation precision *1000, and the precision corresponding to 0/1/2/3 is subject to the actual return parameter "scale". The quotation precision of each trading pair is different, and some currencies The pair does not have scale2, and the request for a scale that does not exist for the currency pair will be processed according to the maximum scale. Example: A certain trading pair only has scale 0/1, and when scale2 is requested, it will be automatically reduced to scale1.
limit String No Fixed gear enumeration value: 1/5/15/50/max, the default gear is 100. When the actual depth does not meet the limit, it will be returned according to the actual gear. Passing in max will return the maximum gear of the trading pair.

request example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/market/merge-depth?symbol=BTCUSDT_SPBL&precision=scale0&limit=5"

return data

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1692761101932,
  "data": {
    "asks": [
    "bids": [
    "ts": "1692761101940",
    "scale": "0.00000001",
    "precision": "scale0",
    "isMaxPrecision": "NO"

Return value description

parameter name Parameter Type field description
asks Array All buy orders at the current price, such as ["38084.5","0.5"], "38084.5" represents the depth price, and "0.5" represents the amount of base currency
bids Array All sell orders at the current price
precision String Current gear, for example: scale 1
scale String The actual precision value, for example: 0.1
isMaxPrecision String YES means it is already the maximum precision, NO is not the maximum precision
ts String The time corresponding to the current depth

VIP fee rate

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/market/spot-vip-level"


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1675759699382,
    "data": [
            "level": 1,
            "dealAmount": "1000000",
            "assetAmount": "50000",
            "takerFeeRate": "0",
            "makerFeeRate": "0",
            "withdrawAmount": "300",
            "withdrawAmountUSDT": "5000000"

Response parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
level Integer Yes VIP level
dealAmount BigDecimal Yes Transaction volume (USDT) within 30 days
assetAmount BigDecimal Yes Asset amount (USDT)
takerFeeRate BigDecimal No Taker fee rate, actual fee rate please refer to official announcement when '0'
makerFeeRate BigDecimal No Maker fee rate, actual fee rate please refer to official announcement when '0'
withdrawAmount BigDecimal Yes 24 hours withdraw amount (BTC)
withdrawAmountUSDT BigDecimal Yes 24 hours withdraw amount (USDT)



Main account only

Rate Limit:5/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/wallet/transfer" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"fromType": "spot","toType": "mix_usdt","amount": "100","coin": "USDT"}'



Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
fromType String Yes out account type
toType String Yes inner account type
amount String Yes transfer amount
coin String Yes transfer coin
symbol String No Must provide when fromType or toType = margin_isolated
clientOid String No custom id

fromType/toType restriction

fromType toType Desc
spot spot Good to go
spot mix_usdt Only USDT
spot mix_usd Only margin Coin like BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDC
spot mix_usdc Only USDC
mix_usdt spot Only USDT
mix_usdt mix_usd Not allow
mix_usdt mix_usdc Not allow
mix_usdt mix_usdt Only USDT
mix_usd spot Only margin Coin like BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDC
mix_usd mix_usdt Not allow
mix_usd mix_usdc Only USDC
mix_usd mix_usd Only margin Coin like BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDC
mix_usdc spot Only USDC
mix_usdc mix_usdt Not allow
mix_usdc mix_usd Only USDC
mix_usdc mix_usdc Only USDC
xxx margin_cross Only coins that supported by spot cross-margin
xxx margin_isolated Only coins that supported by spot isolated-margin







Transfer V2

Main account only

Rate Limit:5/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/wallet/transfer-v2" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"fromType": "spot","toType": "mix_usdt","amount": "100","coin": "USDT"}'


    "data": {

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
fromType String Yes out account type
toType String Yes inner account type
amount String Yes transfer amount
coin String Yes transfer coin
symbol String No Must provide when fromType or toType = margin_isolated
clientOid String No custom id

Response parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
transferId String Yes Transfer ID
clientOrderId String Yes Client Order ID

fromType/toType restriction

fromType toType Desc
spot spot Good to go
spot mix_usdt Only USDT
spot mix_usd Only margin Coin like BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDC
spot mix_usdc Only USDC
mix_usdt spot Only USDT
mix_usdt mix_usd Not allow
mix_usdt mix_usdc Not allow
mix_usdt mix_usdt Only USDT
mix_usd spot Only margin Coin like BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDC
mix_usd mix_usdt Not allow
mix_usd mix_usdc Only USDC
mix_usd mix_usd Only margin Coin like BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDC
mix_usdc spot Only USDC
mix_usdc mix_usdt Not allow
mix_usdc mix_usd Only USDC
mix_usdc mix_usdc Only USDC
xxx margin_cross Only coins that supported by spot cross-margin
xxx margin_isolated Only coins that supported by spot isolated-margin







Sub Transfer

Initiate by the main account. Restricted by the sub accounts

This interface supports to transfer in below ways

Transfer from Transfer to Desc
main account sub account Sub account belongs to the main account
sub account sub account Two sub account belongs to the same main account
sub account main account Sub account belongs to the main account

1). Main/Sub transfer requires IP whitelist

2). Transfer between fromUserId and toUserId should have direct/brother relationship

3). Note the risk may increase when transfer out from account with cross margin mode


Rate Limit:2/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/wallet/subTransfer" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"fromType": "spot","toType": "mix_usdt","amount": "100","coin": "USDT","clientOid":"12345","fromUserId":"1","toUserId":"2"}'



Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
fromType String Yes from account type
toType String Yes to account type
amount String Yes transfer amount
coin String Yes transfer coin
clientOid String Yes unique custom id, idempotent control
fromUserId String Yes from user ID
toUserId String Yes to user ID







fromType/toType restriction

fromType toType Desc
spot spot Good to go
spot mix_usdt Only USDT
spot mix_usd Only margin Coin like BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDC
spot mix_usdc Only USDC
mix_usdt spot Only USDT
mix_usdt mix_usd Not allow
mix_usdt mix_usdc Not allow
mix_usdt mix_usdt Only USDT
mix_usd spot Only margin Coin like BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDC
mix_usd mix_usdt Not allow
mix_usd mix_usdc Only USDC
mix_usd mix_usd Only margin Coin like BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDC
mix_usdc spot Only USDC
mix_usdc mix_usdt Not allow
mix_usdc mix_usd Only USDC
mix_usdc mix_usdc Only USDC
xxx margin_cross Only coins that supported by spot cross-margin
xxx margin_isolated Only coins that supported by spot isolated-margin

Get Coin Address

Rate Limit:5/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Type Required Description
coin String Yes currency name
chain String Yes chain name

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/wallet/deposit-address?coin=USDT&chain=trc20" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "address": "1HPn8Rx2y6nNSfagQBKy27GB99Vbzg89wv",
    "chain": "BTC-Bitcoin",
    "coin": "BTC",
    "tag": "",
    "url": "https://btc.com/1HPn8Rx2y6nNSfagQBKy27GB99Vbzg89wv"

Response Description

Parameter Description
address currency address
chain chain name
coin currency name
tag tag
url Blockchain browser address


Main account only

Just withdraw coins on the chain

Rate Limit:5/sec (Uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Type Required Description
coin String Yes currency name
address String Yes withdraw address
chain String Yes chain name
tag String No tag
amount String Yes Withdraw amount
remark String No remark
clientOid String No custom id

'address' should be in your main-account's address book

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/wallet/withdrawal" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"coin": "USDT","address": "TBQ2LGFysnqkscvKqLBxnVVVw7ohiDvbdZ","chain": "trc20","amount": "10"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "data": "888291686266343424"

Response Description

Parameter Description
data Order ID

Withdraw V2

Main account only

Just withdraw coins on the chain

Rate Limit:5/sec (Uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Type Required Description
coin String Yes currency name
address String Yes withdraw address
chain String Yes chain name
tag String No tag
amount String Yes Withdraw amount
remark String No remark
clientOid String No custom id

'address' should be in your main-account's address book

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/wallet/withdrawal-v2" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"coin": "USDT","address": "TBQ2LGFysnqkscvKqLBxnVVVw7ohiDvbdZ","chain": "trc20","amount": "10"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {

Response Description

Parameter Description
orderId Order ID
clientOrderId client order ID

Inner Withdraw

Main account only

Internal withdrawal means that both users are on the Bitget platform

Withdraw money directly in the form of uid, without going on the chain, no need to pass the address

Rate Limit:5/sec (Uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Type Required Description
coin String Yes currency
toUid String Yes target uid
amount String Yes Withdraw amount
clientOid String No custom id

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/wallet/withdrawal-inner" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"coin": "USDT","toUid": "6314497154","amount": "10"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "data": "888291686266343424"

Response Description

Parameter description
data Order ID

Inner Withdraw v2

Main account only

Internal withdrawal means that both users are on the Bitget platform

Withdraw money directly in the form of uid, without going on the chain, no need to pass the address

Rate Limit:5/sec (Uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Type Required Description
coin String Yes currency
toUid String Yes target uid
amount String Yes Withdraw amount
clientOid String No custom id
toType String No 'email/mobile/uid', default 'uid'
areaCode String No Tel area code, This field is mandatory when the toType equals to 'mobile'

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/wallet/withdrawal-inner-v2" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"coin": "USDT","toUid": "6314497154","amount": "10"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {

Response Description

Parameter description
orderId Order ID
clientOrderId client order ID

Get Withdraw list

Rate Limit:20/1s (Uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Type Required Description
coin String No currency
clientOid String No clientOid
startTime String Yes start Time (timestamp ms)
endTime String Yes end Time(timestamp ms)
pageNo String No pageNo default 1
pageSize String No pageSize default 20, max 100

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/wallet/withdrawal-list?coin=USDT&clientOid=123&startTime=1659036670000&endTime=1659076670000&pageNo=1&pageSize=20" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1654507973411,
    "data": [
            "id": "912533114861326336",
            "txId": "912533114861326336",
            "coin": "USDT",
            "clientOid": "123",
            "type": "withdraw",
            "amount": "10.00000000",
            "status": "success",
            "toAddress": "7713789662",
            "fee": "0.00000000",
            "chain": "erc20",
            "confirm": "0",
            "tag": null,
            "cTime": "1653290769222",
            "uTime": "1653290769222"

Response Description

Parameter Description
id order Id
txId trade Id
coin currency
clientOid clientOid
type type: 'withdraw'
amount withdraw amount
status status
toAddress Withdraw address
fee Withdraw fee
chain Withdraw chain
confirm confirm times for withdraw
tag tag
cTime create time
uTime update time

Get Deposit List

Rate Limit:20/1s (Uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Type Required Description
coin String No currency
startTime String Yes start time(timestamp ms)
endTime String Yes end time(timestamp ms)
pageNo String No pageNo default 1
pageSize String No pageSize default20 Max 100

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/wallet/deposit-list?coin=USDT&startTime=1659036670000&endTime=1659076670000&pageNo=1&pageSize=20" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1654507973411,
    "data": [
            "id": "912533114861326336",
            "txId": "912533114861326336",
            "coin": "USDT",
            "type": "deposit",
            "amount": "10.00000000",
            "status": "success",
            "toAddress": "7713789662",
            "chain": "erc20",
            "tag": null,
            "cTime": "1653290769222",
            "uTime": "1653290769222"

Response Data

Parameter Description
id order Id
txId trade Id
coin currency
type type: 'deposit'
amount deposit amount
status status
toAddress deposit address
fee fee, might be null
confirm confirm, might be null
chain deposit chain
tag tag
cTime create time
uTime update time

Get User Fee Ratio

Rate Limit:10/sec (Uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String yes symbol(mix:BTCUSDT_UMCBL, spot:BTCUSDT_SPBL, spot margin:BTCUSDT)
business String yes business type(mix:mix, spot:spot, spot margin:margin)

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/user/v1/fee/query?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&business=mix" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1683875302853,
    "data": {
        "makerRate": "0.0002",
        "takerRate": "0.0006"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
makerRate maker fee
takerRate taker fee


Get ApiKey Info

Rate Limit:1/sec (Uid)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/account/getInfo" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "data": {
        "user_id": "714229403",
        "inviter_id": "682221498",
        "ips": "",
        "authorities": [
        "isSpotTrader": false

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
user_id uid
inviter_id Inviter ID
agent_inviter_code agent inviter code
channel channel
ips ip whitelist address
authorities apiKey permission
parentId Parent Uid
trader true is Trader, false is not
isSpotTrader true is Spot Trader, false is not

Get Account Assets

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request 

obtain account assets

Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
coin String No CoinName, default will return data even assets are 0 when 'coin' is null

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/account/assets?coin=USDT" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"



Response Parameter

Parameter Description
coinId Coin ID
coinName Coin name
coinDisplayName Coin display name
available Available assets
frozen Frozen: create order frozen margin
lock Locked assets, like become a fiat/p2p merchant
uTime Update timing

Get Account Assets Lite

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
coin String No CoinName, default 'coin' is null, will return data with assets > 0; if 'coin' is not null, will return the coin no matter what the assets is

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/account/assets-lite?coin=USDT" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"



Response Parameter

Parameter Description
coinId Coin ID
coinName Coin name
coinDisplayName Coin display name
available Available assets
frozen Frozen: create order frozen margin
lock Locked assets, like become a fiat/p2p merchant
uTime Update timing

Get sub Account Spot Assets

Main account only

Rate Limit: 1 times/10s (uid)

HTTP Request 

obtain account assets

Request parameter - N/A

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/account/sub-account-spot-assets" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "{}"


      "userId": 9165454769,
      "spotAssetsList": [
          "coinId": 1,
          "coinName": "BTC",
          "available": "1.1",
          "frozen": "0",
          "lock": "1.1"
      "userId": 1765254759,
      "spotAssetsList": [
          "coinId": 2,
          "coinName": "ETH",
          "available": "12.1",
          "frozen": "0",
          "lock": "1.1"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
coinId Coin ID
coinName Coin name
available Available assets
frozen Frozen assets
lock Locked assets

Get Bills

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Obtain transaction detail flow

Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
coinId Integer No Coin ID
groupType String No Transaction group type groupType
bizType String No Business type bizType
after String No Returns data that less than the passed billId
before String No Returns data that grater than the passed billId
limit Integer No The number of returned results, the default is 100, the max. is 500

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/account/bills" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ 


      "balance": "1",

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
cTime Creation time
coinId Coin Id
coinName Coin name
groupType Transaction flow type
bizType Transaction bill business type
quantity Quantity
balance Assets before transfer
fees Transaction fees
billId ID

Get Transfer List

Rate Limit: 20 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request parameter

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
coinId Integer Yes Coin ID
fromType String Yes Major type of bill accountType
after String Yes End time, seconds
before String Yes Start time, seconds
clientOid String No clientOid, match record that equals to the provided value
limit Integer No The number of returned results, the default is 100, the max. is 500

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/account/transferRecords?coinId=2&fromType=exchange&after=1659076670&before=1659076670&limit=100" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


            "clientOid": "1",
            "transferId": "997381107487641600"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
coinName Coin name
status Transfer status: Successful, Failed, Processing
toType Transfer in account type accountType
toSymbol Transfer to account Symbol
fromType Transfer out account type accountType
fromSymbol Transfer from account Symbol
amount Number of transfers
tradeTime Transfer time, ms
clientOid client order ID
transferId Transfer ID


Place order

Rate Limit: 10/sec (uid)

Trader Rate Limit: 1/sec (uid)

HTTP Request 

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/orders" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL","side": "buy","orderType": "limit","force":"normal","price":"23222.5","quantity":"1","clientOrderId":"myorder_16569403333"}'



Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id
side String Yes Trade direction: buy or sell
orderType String Yes Order type limit/market
force String Yes force
price String No Limit pricing, null if orderType is market
quantity String Yes Order quantity, base coin when orderType is limit; quote coin when orderType is buy-market, base coin when orderType is sell-market
clientOrderId String No Custom id length: 40

Duplicate clientOrderId Response

    "code": "43118",
    "msg": "clientOrderId duplicate"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
code "00000": success, else failure
msg "success" or failure message
data response data
> orderId Order ID
> clientOrderId Custom ID



Batch order

Rate Limit: 5/sec (uid)

Trader Rate Limit: 1/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/batch-orders" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL","orderList":[{"side":"buy","orderType": "limit","force":"normal","price":"23222.5","quantity":"1","clientOrderId":"myorder_16569403333"}] }'



Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id
orderList List Yes order data list (max length 50)
Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
side String Yes Order side buy/sell
orderType String Yes Order type limit/market
force String Yes order time force
price String No Limit price, null if orderType is market
quantity String Yes Order quantity, base coin
clientOrderId String No Custom order ID


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1666336231317,
    "data": {
        "resultList": [
                "orderId": "96724974842718610",
                "clientOrderId": "1"
        "failure": [
                "orderId": "96724974842718611",
                "clientOrderId": "1",
                "errorMsg": "clientOrderId duplicate"

Response Body

Parameter Description
resultList Success result array
> orderId Order ID
> clientOrderId client order ID
Failure Failed Array
> orderId Order ID
> clientOrderId client order ID
> errorMsg error message















Cancel order

Rate Limit: 10 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id
orderId String Yes Order ID

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/cancel-order" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL","orderId": "34923828882"}'



  "data": "202934892814667"








Cancel order V2

Rate Limit: 10 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id
orderId String No Order ID, 'clientOid' & 'orderId' must have one
clientOid String No Client Order ID, 'clientOid' & 'orderId' must have one

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/cancel-order-v2" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL","orderId": "34923828882"}'



  "data": {






Cancel order By Symbol

Rate Limit: 10 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/cancel-symbol-order" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL"}'



  "data": "BTCUSDT_SPBL"

Final cancel result should be re-confirmed






Cancel order in batch (single instruments)

Rate Limit: 5 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id
orderIds String[] Yes Order ID array, max size: 50

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/cancel-batch-orders" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL","orderIds": ["34923828882"]}'



  "data": ["202934892814667"]








Cancel order in batch V2 (single instruments)

Rate Limit: 5 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id
orderIds String[] No Order ID array, 'orderIds' or 'clientOids' must have one
clientOids String[] No clientOid array, 'orderIds' or 'clientOids' must have one

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/cancel-batch-orders-v2" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL","orderIds": ["34923828882"]}'



  "data": {
                "errorMsg":"duplicate clientOrderId",








Get order details

Rate Limit: 20 times/sec(uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
orderId String No Order ID, clientOrderId and orderId should have one
clientOrderId String No Custom ID, clientOrderId and orderId should have one (clientOrderId must be user-generated to be valid, and only orders within 24 hours can be queried)

User could query cancelled/filled order details within 24 hours; Noted that after 24 hours should query via history interface

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/orderInfo" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL","orderId": "34923828882"}'


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1684492945476,
    "data": [
            "accountId": "222222222",
            "symbol": "TRXUSDT_SPBL",
            "orderId": "1041901704004947968",
            "clientOrderId": "c5e8a5e1-a07f-4202-8061-b88bd598b264",
            "price": "0",
            "quantity": "10.0000000000000000",
            "orderType": "market",
            "side": "buy",
            "status": "full_fill",
            "fillPrice": "0.0699782527055350",
            "fillQuantity": "142.9015000000000000",
            "fillTotalAmount": "9.9999972790000000",
            "enterPointSource": "API",
            "feeDetail": "{\"BGB\":{\"deduction\":true,\"feeCoinCode\":\"BGB\",\"totalDeductionFee\":-0.017118519726,\"totalFee\":-0.017118519726,\"newFees\":{\"t\":1,\"d\":1,\"r\":1,"\c\":1}}}",
            "orderSource": "market",
            "cTime": "1684134644509"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
accountId Account ID
symbol Symbol Id
orderId Order ID
clientOrderId Custom ID
price Order price, quote coin
quantity Order quantity (base coin when orderType=limit; quote coin when orderType=market)
orderType Order type, limit/market
side Order direction, buy/sell
status Order status
fillPrice Transaction price
fillQuantity Transaction quantity
fillTotalAmount Total transaction volume
enterPointSource enterPointSource
cTime Creation time
feeDetail order fee detail, json string
> deduction Is deduction
> feeCoinCode Fee coin, like BGB
> totalDeductionFee Total deduction
> totalFee Total fee
> newFees Object
>> t Total fee, base coin when 'buy', quote coin when 'sell'
>> d Fee deduction: BGB quantity
>> r Real fee deducted, base coin when 'buy', quote coin when 'sell'
>> c Coupon deducted: base coin when 'buy', quote coin when 'sell'
orderSource orderSource

Get order List

Rate Limit: 20 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String No Symbol Id. If query all, pass empty string ""

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/open-orders" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL"}'


  "enterPointSource": "WEB",

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
accountId Account ID
symbol Trading pair name
orderId Order ID
clientOrderId Custom ID
price Order price
quantity Order quantity (base coin when orderType=limit; quote coin when orderType=market)
orderType Order type, limit/market
side Order direction, buy/sell
status Order status
fillPrice Transaction price
fillQuantity Transaction quantity
fillTotalAmount Total transaction volume
enterPointSource enterPointSource
cTime Creation time

Get order history

Rate Limit: 20 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol Id
after String No orderId, return the data less than this orderId
before String No orderId, return the data greater than this orderId
limit Integer No The number of returned results, the default is 100, the max. is 500

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/history" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL","after":"1659076670000","before":"1659076670000","limit":"100"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1684493060724,
  "data": [
      "accountId": "2222222222",
      "symbol": "TRXUSDT_SPBL",
      "orderId": "1041901704004947968",
      "clientOrderId": "c5e8a5e1-a07f-4202-8061-b88bd598b264",
      "price": "0",
      "quantity": "10.0000000000000000",
      "orderType": "market",
      "side": "buy",
      "status": "full_fill",
      "fillPrice": "0.0699782527055350",
      "fillQuantity": "142.9015000000000000",
      "fillTotalAmount": "9.9999972790000000",
      "enterPointSource": "API",
      "feeDetail": "{\"BGB\":{\"deduction\":true,\"feeCoinCode\":\"BGB\",\"totalDeductionFee\":-0.017118519726,\"totalFee\":-0.017118519726,\"newFees\":{\"t\":1,\"d\":1,\"r\":1,"\c\":1}}}",
      "orderSource": "market",
      "cTime": "1684134644509"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
accountId Account ID
symbol Symbol Id
orderId Order ID
clientOrderId Custom ID
price Order price
quantity Order quantity (base coin when orderType=limit; quote coin when orderType=market)
orderType Order type, limit/market
side Order direction, buy/sell
status Order status
fillPrice Transaction price
fillQuantity Transaction quantity
fillTotalAmount Total transaction volume
enterPointSource enterPointSource
cTime Creation time
feeDetail order fee detail
> deduction Is deduction
> feeCoinCode Fee coin, like BGB
> totalDeductionFee Total deduction
> totalFee Total fee
> newFees Object
>> t Total fee, base coin when 'buy', quote coin when 'sell'
>> d Fee deduction: BGB quantity
>> r Real fee deducted, base coin when 'buy', quote coin when 'sell'
>> c Coupon deducted: base coin when 'buy', quote coin when 'sell'
orderSource orderSource

Get transaction details

Rate Limit: 20 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol ID
orderId String No Order ID
after String No Max orderId, return data less than this 'orderId'
before String No Min orderId, return data greater or equals to this 'orderId'
limit Integer No The number of returned results, the default is 100, the max. is 500

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/trade/fills" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL","orderId":"34923828882","after":"349234552212","before":"34923775522","limit":"100"}'



Response Parameter

Parameter Description
accountId account ID
symbol Symbol ID
orderId order ID
fillId fill ID
orderType order type (limit/market )
side order side (buy/ sell)
fillPrice order filled price
fillQuantity order filled quantity
fillTotalAmount order filled total amount
cTime create time (milli seconds)
feeCcy fee currency
fees fees

Place plan order

Rate Limit: 20 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol ID
side String Yes order side (buy/ sell)
triggerPrice BigDecimal Yes order trigger price
executePrice BigDecimal No Execute price, could not be null when orderType=limit
size BigDecimal Yes purchase quantity, base coin amount when orderType=limit, quote coin amount when orderType=market
triggerType String Yes order trigger type (fill_price/market_price )
orderType String Yes order type (limit/market )
clientOid String No Customized client order ID, idempotent control
timeInForceValue String No Order validity
placeType String No amount/total

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/plan/placePlan" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"symbol": "TRXUSDT_SPBL", "side": "buy", "triggerPrice": 0.041572, "executePrice": "0.041572", "size": 151, "triggerType": "market_price", "orderType": "limit","clientOid": "12345", "timeInForceValue": "normal"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1668134576535,
  "data": {
    "orderId": "974792555020390400",
    "clientOrderId": "974792554995224576"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
orderId order ID
clientOrderId Custom ID









Modify plan order

Rate Limit: 20 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
orderId String No Order ID, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one
clientOid String No Client Order ID, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one
triggerPrice BigDecimal Yes order trigger price
executePrice BigDecimal No order execute price
size String No purchase quantity
orderType String Yes order type (limit/market)

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/plan/modifyPlan" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"orderId": "974792060738441216", "triggerPrice": 0.041222, "executePrice":"0.041272", "size": 156, "orderType":"limit"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1668136575920,
  "data": {
    "orderId": "974792060738441216",
    "clientOrderId": "974792554995224576"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
orderId order ID
clientOrderId Custom ID









Cancel plan order

Rate Limit: 20 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
orderId String No Order ID, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one
clientOid String No Client Order ID, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/plan/cancelPlan" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"orderId": "974792060738441216"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1668134497496,
  "data": "974792060738441216"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
data orderId or clientOid, same as input param









Get current plan orders

Rate Limit: 20 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol ID
pageSize String Yes Page Size
lastEndId String No last end ID (Pagination needs)

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/plan/currentPlan" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{ "symbol": "TRXUSDT_SPBL", "pageSize":"20" }'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1668134581005,
  "data": {
    "nextFlag": false,
    "endId": 974792555020390400,
    "orderList": [
        "orderId": "974792555020390400",
        "symbol": "TRXUSDT_SPBL",
        "size": "151",
        "executePrice": "0.041572",
        "triggerPrice": "0.041572",
        "status": "not_trigger",
        "orderType": "limit",
        "side": "buy",
        "triggerType": "fill_price",
        "enterPointSource": "API",
        "cTime": "1668134576563"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
orderId Order ID
clientOid Client Order ID
symbol Symbol ID
size Purchase quantity, base coin amount when orderType=limit, quote coin amount when orderType=market
executePrice Order execute price
triggerPrice Order trigger price
status Order status
orderType Order type
side Buying direction
triggerType Order trigger type
enterPointSource enterPointSource
cTime Create time
placeType place type

















Get history plan orders

Rate Limit: 20 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Symbol ID
pageSize String Yes Page Size
lastEndId String No last end ID (Pagination needs)
startTime String Yes start time. (For Managed Sub-Account, the StartTime cannot be earlier than the binding time)
endTime String Yes end time

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/plan/historyPlan" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{ "symbol": "TRXUSDT_SPBL", "pageSize":"20", "startTime":"1667889483000", "endTime":"1668134732000" }'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1668134626684,
  "data": {
    "nextFlag": false,
    "endId": 974792060738441216,
    "orderList": [
        "orderId": "974792060738441216",
        "symbol": "TRXUSDT_SPBL",
        "size": "156",
        "executePrice": "0.041272",
        "triggerPrice": "0.041222",
        "status": "cancel",
        "orderType": "limit",
        "side": "buy",
        "triggerType": "fill_price",
        "enterPointSource": "API",
        "cTime": "1668134458717"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
orderId Order ID
clientOid Client Order ID
symbol Symbol ID
size Purchase quantity, base coin amount when orderType=limit, quote coin amount when orderType=market
executePrice Order execute price
triggerPrice Order trigger price
status Order status
orderType Order type
side Buying direction
triggerType Order trigger type
enterPointSource enterPointSource
cTime Create time
placeType place type





batch cancel plan orders

Rate Limit: 10 times/sec (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Body

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbols List No symbols:["BTCUSDT_SPBL", "ETHUSDT_SPNL"], when symbols is empty, will cancel all spot plan open orders

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/plan/batchCancelPlan" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{ "symbols": ["BTCUSDT_SPBL", "ETHUSDT_SPNL"] }'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1683876261117,
  "data": [
      "orderId": "10401817882538259200",
      "clientOid": "10408117882913093376",
      "result": true
      "orderId": "10401817887238259200",
      "clientOid": "10401817882213193376",
      "result": true

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
orderId spot plan order ID
clientOid spot plan order Client Order ID
result true is success

P2P endpoint

P2P merchant list

Limit rule 10 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Description
online String no is online (yes/no)
merchantId String no merchant ID
lastMinId String no minId
pageSize String no Page Size(default 100)

Reversal Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/p2p/v1/merchant/merchantList?online=yes&pageSize=20" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Reversal Response Data

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1681195810516,
  "data": {
    "resultList": [
        "registerTime": "1678674575000",
        "nickName": "zed-test1",
        "isOnline": "no",
        "merchantId": "3784051421",
        "averagePayment": "3",
        "averageRelease": "2",
        "totalTrades": "23",
        "totalBuy": "10",
        "totalSell": "13",
        "totalCompletionRate": "0.9",
        "thirtyTrades": "8",
        "thirtySell": "4",
        "thirtyBuy": "4",
        "thirtyCompletionRate": "0.8"
    "minId": "594"

Response Description

Parameter Description
resultList response array
> registerTime register time, ms
> nickName nick name
> isOnline is online, yes/no
> merchantId merchant ID
> averagePayment average payment time, min
> averageRealese average realese coin time, min
> totalTrades total No. of trades
> totalBuy total No. of buy
> totalSell total No. of sell
> totalCompletionRate total completion rate
> thirtyTrades thirty days total No. of trades
> thirtySell thirty days total No. of sell
> thirtyBuy thirty days total No. of buy
> thirtyCompletionRate thirty days total completion rate
minId response data minimum 'merchantId' in resultList

get merchant information

Limit rule 10 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Description

Reversal Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/p2p/v1/merchant/merchantInfo" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Reversal Response Data

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1681194805204,
  "data": {
    "registerTime": "1672039640000",
    "nickName": "Mark",
    "realName": "M***K",
    "merchantId": "2569373299",
    "averagePayment": "2",
    "averageRealese": "3",
    "totalTrades": "2",
    "totalBuy": "1",
    "totalSell": "0",
    "totalCompletionRate": "1",
    "thirtyTrades": "12",
    "thirtySell": "4",
    "thirtyBuy": "8",
    "thirtyCompletionRate": "0.71",
    "kycFlag": true,
    "emailBindFlag": true,
    "mobileBindFlag": true,
    "email": "****@gmail.com",
    "mobile": "107****434"

Response Description

Parameter Description
registerTime register time, ms
nickName nick name
realName kyc name
merchantId merchant ID
kycFlag is kyc: true/false
emailBindFlag is bind email: true/false
mobileBindFlag is bind mobile: true/false
email email
mobile mobile
averagePayment average payment time, min
averageRealese average realese coin time, min
totalTrades total No. of trade
totalBuy total No. of buy
totalSell total No. of sell
totalCompletionRate total completion rate
thirtyTrades thirty days total No. of trade
thirtySell thirty days total No. of sell
thirtyBuy thirty days total No. of buy
thirtyCompletionRate thirty days total completion rate

get advertisement list

Limit rule 10 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Description
advNo String no advertisement No
type String no buy/sell
status String no advertisement status
languageType String no zh-CN/en-US
coin String no coin
fiat String no fiat
orderBy String no order by desc:createTime/price (default createTime)
payMethodId String no advertisement payMethodId
lastMinId String no The minId returned by the previous query, will return records with advId less than the given 'lastMinId'
startTime String yes start time, ms
endTime String no end time, ms
pageSize String no page Size(default 100)

Reversal Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/p2p/v1/merchant/advList?startTime=1659403328000&endTime=1659410528000&pageSize=20" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Reversal Response Data

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1681198612226,
  "data": {
    "advList": [
        "advId": "100",
        "advNo": "1012099637487755264",
        "type": "buy",
        "amount": "100",
        "dealAmount": "0",
        "coin": "USDT",
        "price": "1",
        "coinPrecision": "4",
        "fiatCode": "USD",
        "fiatPrecision": "2",
        "fiatSymbol": "$",
        "status": "online",
        "hide": "no",
        "maxAmount": "100",
        "minAmount": "10",
        "payDuration": "5",
        "turnoverNum": "1",
        "turnoverRate": "1.00",
        "remark": null,
        "userLimit": {
          "minCompleteNum": "10",
          "maxCompleteNum": "0",
          "placeOrderNum": "0",
          "allowMerchantPlace": "no",
          "thirtyCompleteRate": "0",
          "country": ""
        "paymentMethod": [
            "paymentMethod": "",
            "paymentId": "3",
            "paymentInfo": [
                "name": "",
                "required": true,
                "type": "number"
                "name": "",
                "required": true,
                "type": "file"
        "ctime": "1677029278156"
    "minId": "100"

Response Description

Parameter Description
advList response array
> advId ID
> advNo advertisement No
> type sell/buy
> amount advertisement buy/sell amount
> dealAmount deal amount
> coin buy/sell coin (BGB,USDT,BTC,ETH)
> price payment fiat (USD, JPY, CNY)
> coinPrecision coin precision
> fiatCode fiat code
> fiatPrecision fiat precision
> fiatSymbol fiat symbol
> status advertisement status
> hide advertisement hide: yes/no
> maxAmount Maximum Order Quantity
> minAmount Minimum Order Quantity
> payDuration order payment duration, min
> turnoverNum merchant total trade Number
> turnoverRate merchant total trade completion
> remark remark
> ctime create time, ms
> userLimit user place order limit
>> minCompleteNum user minimum completion orders
>> maxCompleteNum user maximum completion orders
>> placeOrderNum user maximum place orders in this advertisement
>> allowMerchantPlace allow merchant place order: yes/no
>> thirtyCompleteRate thirty days completion rate
> paymentMethod payment method
>> paymentMethod payment method name
>> paymentId payment id
>> paymentInfo payment information
>>> required required: true/false
>>> name pay detail description
>>> type pay detail type, file/number, please ignore this field
> merchantCertifiedResult merchant certified
>> imageUrl merchant certified image
>> desc merchant certified desc
minId response data minimum 'advId'

merchant get P2P order list

Limit rule 10 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Description
advNo String Yes advertisement No
type String No buy/sell
orderNo String No order No
status String No p2p order status
languageType String Yes zh-CN/en-US
coin String No coin
fiat String No fiat
lastMinId String No The minId returned by the previous query, will return records with advNo less than the given 'lastMinId'
startTime String Yes start time, ms
endTime String No end time, ms
pageSize String No page size(default 100)

Reversal Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/p2p/v1/merchant/orderList?startTime=1659403328000&endTime=1659410528000&pageSize=20" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Reversal Response Data

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1681201761390,
  "data": {
    "orderList": [
        "orderId": "557",
        "orderNo": "1029222647482966017",
        "advNo": "1027001359783845889",
        "price": "1",
        "count": "11",
        "type": "buy",
        "fiat": "USD",
        "coin": "USDT",
        "withdrawTime": "",
        "representTime": "",
        "paymentTime": "",
        "releaseCoinTime": "",
        "amount": "11",
        "buyerRealName": "Jordan",
        "sellerRealName": "Mark",
        "status": "cancelled",
        "paymentInfo": {
          "paymethodName": "paypal",
          "paymethodId": "3",
          "paymethodInfo": [
              "name": "IBC",
              "required": true,
              "type": "number",
              "value": "11****"
              "name": "Paypal",
              "required": true,
              "type": "file",
              "value": "http://bitgetapp.com/otc/images/20230116/498ab1b8-3ba6-44bd-9570-b3e5c118233f.jpg"
        "ctime": "1681111722251"
    "minId": "557"

Response Description

Parameter Description
orderList response array
> orderId ID
> orderNo order No
> advNo advertisement No
> type buy/sell
> count order coin amount
> coin coin
> price price
> fiat fiat
> withdrawTime withdraw time
> representTime order appeal time
> releaseCoinTime release coin time
> paymentTime payment time
> amount order fiat amount
> status p2p order status
> buyerRealName buyer kyc name
> sellerRealName seller kyc name
> ctime create time
> paymentInfo payment information
>> paymethodName pay method name
>> paymethodId pay method ID
>> paymethodInfo pay method information
>>> name name
>>> required required: true/false
>>> type type, number/file, please ignore this field
>>> value value
minId response data minimum 'orderId'


Sub-Account Endpoints

Create Virtual Sub Account

Limit Rule:5c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Pam

Parameter Name Type Required Description
subName List Yes Virtual nickname English letters with a length of 8 characters

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/user/v1/sub/virtual-create" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"subName": ["bitgeton"]}'


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1682660169412,
    "data": {
        "failAccounts": [
        "successAccounts": [
                "subUid": "9837924274",
                "subName": "guningfk@virtual-bitget.com",
                "status": "normal",
                "auth": [
                "remark": null,
                "cTime": "1682660169573"


Parameter Description
subUid virtual sub uid
subName Virtual Email
status virtual account status
auth Virtual auth
remark account label
cTime Create time timestamp

Modify Virtual Account

Limit Rule:5c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request (Request Body)

Parameter Type Required Description
subUid String Yes virtual sub uid
perm String Yes Perm ,
status String Yes Virtual account status

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/user/v1/sub/virtual-modify" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"subUid": "9837924274","perm":"spot_trade,contract_trade", "status":"normal"}'


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1682660666458,
    "data": "success"

Batch Create Virtual Account And ApiKey

This interface can create a virtual sub-account and a sub-account apikey together. The created virtual sub-account has contract and spot permissions by default.

Limit Rule:1c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request (Request Body)

Parameter Type Required Description
List List
-- subName String Yes Virtual nickname (letters with a length of 8 characters)
-- passphrase String Yes Password (Password length is 8~32 letters + numbers) case sensitive
-- label String Yes label limit 20
-- ip String No Virtual sub-account ApiKey ip whitelist
-- perm String No Sub-account apiKey permissions

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/user/v1/sub/virtual-api-batch-create" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"list":[{"subName":"armendon","passphrase":"1r1b6uX6PQ9tbKwa","perm":"spot_trade,contract_trade","label":"1681808312065"}]}'


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1682662465346,
    "data": {
        "list": [
                "subUid": "4236327146",
                "subName": "armendon@virtual-bitget.com",
                "label": "1681808312065",
                "apiKey": "bg_d32ff9d9**********c3d2bc5e23",
                "secretKey": "af22848395e3d97e08dbd9a876a1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                "perm": "readonly,spot_trade,contract_trade",
                "ip": ""

Get Virtual Account List

Limit Rule:10c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request (Request Param)

Parameter Type Required Description
pageSize String No Default20 Max100
pageNo String No PageNo Default 1
status String No virtual status

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/user/v1/sub/virtual-list" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1656589586807,
    "data": {
        "hasNextPage": false,
        "lastEndId": 51,
        "list": [
                "subUid": "7713789662",
                "subName": "mySub01@bgbroker6314497154",
                "status": "normal",
                "auth": [
                "remark": "mySub01",
                "cTime": "1653287983475"

Create Virtual Account ApiKey

Limit Rule:5c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request (Request Body)

Paarameter Type Required Description
subUid String Yes virtual sub uid
passphrase String Yes Password (Password length is 8~32 letters + numbers) case sensitive
label String Yes label
ip String No ip,Max 30
perm String No perm,default readonly

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/user/v1/sub/virtual-api-create" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"subUid":"983792","passphrase":"1r1b6usadasdasd","label":"1682396356594","perm":"spot_trade"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "subUid": "58281113",
      "label": "sub api",
      "apiKey": "bg_djwwwls98a1s0dLK3deq2",
      "secretKey": "Sjwwwls98a1s0dLK3deq2",
      "perm": "spot_trade,contract_trade",
      "ip": ""


Paarameter Description
subUid Sub uid
label sub apikey label
apikey apikey
secretKey sub apikey secretKey
perm Perm
ip subApiKey ip whileList

Modify Virtual Account ApiKey

Limit Rule:5c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request (Request Body)

Parameter Type Required Description
subUid String Yes sub account uid
subApiKey String Yes sub account apikey
passphrase String Yes subApiKey passphrase
label String Yes Sub Apikey label
ip String No Will overwrite the previous ip information(If no ip is passed, the whitelist is set to empty) Max 30
perm String No perm

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/user/v1/sub/virtual-api-modify" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"subUid":"983792","subApiKey":"bg_ab5735b8a90f2d4","passphrase":"1r1b6usadasdasd","label":"1682396356594","perm":"spot_trade"}'


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1682661350849,
    "data": {
        "subUid": "9837924274",
        "label": "1682396356594",
        "apiKey": "bg_19aab20aafdb177408faf3fba6580656",
        "perm": "spot_trade",
        "ip": ""


Parameter Desciption
subUid Sub uid
label apikey lable
apikey sub apikey
perm perm
ip sub apikey ip whitelist

Get Virtual Sub ApiKey List

Limit Rule:10c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request


Parameter Type Required Description
subUid String Yes Sub uid

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/user/v1/sub/virtual-api-list?subUid=1111111" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1682661432874,
    "data": [
            "subUid": "9837924274",
            "label": "1682396356594",
            "apiKey": "bg_ab5735b8a90f2d4c02771b36e8dbebf4",
            "perm": "spot_trade",
            "ip": ""


Parameter Desciption
subUid Sub virtual Uid
label Apikey label
apikey sub apikey
perm Perm
ip sub ApiKey ip whilelist


Get Convert Coins

Limit Rule: 10c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

RequestParameter(Request Param)

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/convert/currencies" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \


  "code": "00000",
  "data": [
      "coin": "ETH",
      "available": "0.9994",
      "maxCcy": "5",
      "minCcy": "0.0005"
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1627293612502


Parameter Description
coin coin name
available account available
maxCcy Max convert, When used as fromCoin, it represents the maximum amount that can be consumed, and when used as toCoin, it represents the maximum amount that can be obtained
minCcy Min convert, When used as fromCoin, it represents the minimum amount that can be consumed. When used as toCoin, it represents the minimum amount of convert.

Get Quoted Price

Get the quote price and request the convert interface within 8 seconds, and it cannot be converted if it expires

Get a quote of the toCoin amount when the fromCoin amount is consumed

Get a quote of the consumed amount of fromCoin when getting the amount of toCoin

need trade or spot_trade

Limit Rule: 5c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Parameter Type Required Description
fromCoin String Yes consumption coin
fromCoinSz String No Consumption size (fromCoinSz and toCoinSz Only one is allowed to be passed in once)
toCoin String Yes Goal Coin
toCoinSz String No size of Goal Coin (fromCoinSz and toCoinSz Only one is allowed to be passed in once)

RequestParameter(Request Param)

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/convert/quotedPrice" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"fromCoin": "USDT","fromCoinSz":"444","toCoin":"ETH"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "data": {
    "fee": "0",
    "fromCoinSz": "444",
    "fromCoin": "USDT",
    "cnvtPx": "0.0005226794534969",
    "toCoinSz": "0.23206967",
    "toCoin": "ETH",
    "traceId": "1060321041546502144"
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1627293612502
Parameter Description
fromCoin Consumption coin name
fromCoinSz Consumption coin size
cnvtPx convert price
toCoin Goal Coin name
toCoinSz size of Goal Coin
traceId trace Id
fee convert fee


need trade or spot_trade

Limit Rule: 5c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Parameter Type Required Description
fromCoin String Yes Consumption Coin eg USDT
fromCoinSz String Yes Consumption Coin size
cnvtPx String Yes convert price /quotedPrice cnvtPx
toCoin String Yes Goal Coin eg BGB
toCoinSz String Yes size of Goal Coin /quotedPrice toCoinSz
traceId String Yes trace Id /quotedPrice traceId 8 seconds expires

RequestParameter(Request Param)

Request Example

curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/convert/trade" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d \'{"fromCoin": "USDT","fromCoinSz":"444","toCoin":"ETH","cnvtPx":"0.0005226794534969","toCoinSz":"0.23206967","traceId":"1060321041546502144"}'


  "code": "00000",
  "data": {
    "timestamp": "1688527221603",
    "cnvtPx": "0.00052268",
    "toCoinSz": "0.23206967",
    "toCoin": "ETH"
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1627293612502
Parameter Description
toCoin Goal coin name
toCoinSz size of Goal Coin
cnvtPx convert price
timestamp get quote price

Convert History

Limit Rule: 10c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Parameter Type Required Description
startTime String Yes start time (ms timestamp)
endTime String Yes end time (timestamp ms) Maximum difference 90 days
pageSize String No default 20 max 100
lastEndId String No last endId

RequestParameter(Request Param)

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/account/convert-record?startTime=1686128558000&endTime=1686214958000&pageSize=10" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \


  "code": "00000",
  "data": {
    "dataList": [
        "id": "1060326726652944385",
        "timestamp": "1688527512229",
        "cnvtPx": "0.00052268",
        "fee": "0",
        "fromCoinSz": "444",
        "fromCoin": "USDT",
        "toCoinSz": "0.23206967",
        "toCoin": "ETH"
    "endId": "1060325507679150080"
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1627293612502
Parameter Description
dataList List
-- id record Id
-- timestamp Convert trade time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
-- cnvtPx convert price
-- fee convert fee
-- fromCoinSz Consumption Coin size
-- fromCoin Consumption Coin name
-- toCoinSz size of Goal Coin
-- toCoin Goal Coin name
endId last end id


Spot Account Record

It is recommended that APIKey onlyn check the tax permission

limit rule: 1c/1s (uid)

*HTTP Request *

Request Parameter(Request Param)

Parameter Type Required Description
coin String No default all coin
startTime String Yes start time(timestamp ms)
endTime String Yes end time (timestamp ms) and startTime Maximum range 366 days
pageSize String No default500 Max500
lastEndId String No last data id


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1687257612262,
  "data": [
      "id": "1050266154437103616",
      "coin": "AIBB",
      "type": "Interest",
      "amount": "6018333.33333333",
      "fee": "0",
      "total": "468575833.33333306",
      "timestamp": "1686128884851"

Response Description

Parameter Description
id record id lastEndId
coin coin name
type biz type spot
amount account change
fee fee
total account total
timestamp record create time (timestamp ms)

Future Account Record

It is recommended that APIKey onlyn check the tax permission

limit rule: 1c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter(Request Param)

Parameter Type Required Description
productType String No default USDT future
marginCoin String No default all marginCoin
startTime String Yes start time(timestamp ms)
endTime String Yes end time (timestamp ms) and startTime Maximum range 366 days
pageSize String No default500 Max500
lastEndId String No last data id


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1687257612262,
  "data": [
            "id": "1024179365593391107",
            "symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL",
            "marginCoin": "USDT",
            "type": "close_long",
            "amount": "0.10545",
            "fee": "-0.02134863",
            "timestamp": "1679909309766"

Response Description

Parameter Description
id record id lastEndId
coin Coin name
type biz type future
amount account change
fee fee
timestamp record create time (timestamp ms)

Margin Account Record

It is recommended that APIKey onlyn check the tax permission

limit rule: 1c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter(Request Param)

Parameter Type Required Description
marginType String No MarginType isolated/crossed
coin String No default all coin
startTime String Yes start time(timestamp ms)
endTime String Yes end time (timestamp ms) and startTime Maximum range 366 days
pageSize String No default500 Max500
lastEndId String No last data id


    "code": "00000",
    "msg": "success",
    "requestTime": 1687259242290,
    "data": [
            "id": "1050267830387408896",
            "symbol": null,
            "coin": "USDT",
            "type": "transfer_in",
            "amount": "13333",
            "fee": "0",
            "total": "13333",
            "timestamp": "1686129284474"

Response Description

Parameter Description
id record id lastEndId
coin coin name
type biz type margin
amount Account change
fee fee
total account total
timestamp record create time (timestamp ms)

P2P Account Record

It is recommended that APIKey onlyn check the tax permission

limit rule: 1c/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

Request Parameter(Request Param)

Parameter Type Required Description
coin String No default all coin
startTime String Yes start time(timestamp ms)
endTime String Yes end time (timestamp ms) and startTime Maximum range 366 days
pageSize String No default500 Max500
lastEndId String No last data id


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1687260620793,
  "data": [
      "id": "1752117",
      "coin": "USDT",
      "type": "BUY",
      "total": "10",
      "timestamp": "1680582050393"

Response Description

Parameter Description
id record id lastEndId
coin coin name
type biz type p2p
total account total
timestamp record create time (timestamp ms)











Query currency data list

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/public/loan/coinInfos" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
coin String no coin


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1692433281223,
  "data": {
    "loanInfos": [
        "coin": "USDT",
        "hourRate7D": "0.00000617",
        "rate7D": "0.054",
        "hourRate30D": "0.00000879",
        "rate30D": "0.077",
        "minUsdt": "200",
        "maxUsdt": "1000000",
        "min": "200",
        "max": "1000000"
  "pledgeInfos": [
      "coin": "MATIC",
      "initRate": "0.6",
      "supRate": "0.75",
      "forceRate": "0.83",
      "minUsdt": "0",
      "maxUsdt": "200000"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
loanInfos Loan infos
>coin Loan coin
>hourRate7D 7 days fixed rate per hour percentage
>rate7D 7-day fixed rate annualized percentage
>hourRate30D 30-day fixed rate hourly percentage
>rate30D 30-day fixed rate annualized percentage
>minUsdt Minimum Borrowable limit usdt
>maxUsdt Maximum borrowing limit usdt
>min Minimum borrowing limit
>max Maximum borrowing limit
pledgeInfos Pledge infos
>coin Pledge coin
>initRate Initial pledge rate percentage
>supRate Percentage of supplementary guarantee pledge rate
>forceRate Forced Liquidation Pledge Rate Percentage
>minUsdt Minimum pledge limit usdt
>maxUsdt Maximum pledge limit usdt











Query hourly estimated interest and loan amount

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (IP)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/public/loan/hour-interest?loanCoin=USDT&pledgeCoin=ETH&pledgeAmount=0.2&daily=SEVEN" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
loanCoin String yes Loan coin
pledgeCoin String yes Pledge coin
daily String yes Pledge days
pledgeAmount String no Pledge amount


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1692433739845,
  "data": {
    "hourInterest": "0.00133436",
    "loanAmount": "216.2654"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
hourInterest Estimated interest amount per hour
loanAmount Borrowable amount











Borrow coin

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (UID)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/loan/borrow" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d \'{

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
loanCoin String yes Loan coin
pledgeCoin String yes Pledge coin
daily String yes Pledge days
pledgeAmount String no Pledge amount
loanAmount String no Loan amount pledgeAmount and loanAmount must send one


  "data": {
    "orderId": "1076713704374022144"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
orderId Order ID











Query the list of loan orders

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (UID)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/loan/ongoing-orders?orderId=1076713704374022144" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
orderId String no Order ID
loanCoin String no Loan coin
pledgeCoin String no Pledge coin


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1692434611622,
  "data": [
      "orderId": "1076713704374022144",
      "loanCoin": "ETH",
      "loanAmount": "1",
      "interestAmount": "0.00000229",
      "hourInterestRate": "0.000229",
      "pledgeCoin": "USDT",
      "pledgeAmount": "2619.69231032",
      "pledgeRate": "65",
      "supRate": "75",
      "forceRate": "83",
      "borrowTime": "1692434472156",
      "expireTime": "1693036799999"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
orderId Order ID
loanCoin Loan coin
loanAmount Loan amount
interestAmount Interest amount
hourInterestRate Hour interest rate
pledgeCoin Pledge coin
pledgeAmount Pledge amount
pledgeRate Pledge rate
supRate Supplementary rate
forceRate Forced Liquidation Pledge Rate Percentage
borrowTime Borrow time millseconds
expireTime Expire time millseconds











Repay Loan Orders

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (UID)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/loan/repay" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d \'{

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
orderId String yes Order ID
amount String no Repay amount
repayUnlock String no Repay unlock, default value: yes
repayAll String yes Repay all


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1684747525424,
  "data": {
    "loanCoin": "TRX",
    "pledgeCoin": "USDT",
    "repayAmount": "1566.23820848",
    "payInterest": "0.1185634",
    "repayLoanAmount": "1566.22635214",
    "repayUnlockAmount": "195"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
loanCoin Loan coin
pledgeCoin Pledge coin
repayAmount Repay amount
payInterest payment interest
repayLoanAmount Repay loan amount
repayUnlockAmount Pledge currency releases the amount of collateral











Query the repayment history list

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (UID)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/loan/repay-history?startTime=1685957902000&endTime=1691228302423" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
orderId String no Order ID
loanCoin String no Loan coin
pledgeCoin String no Pledge coin
startTime String yes Start time, only supports querying the data of the past three months
endTime String yes End time
pageNo String no pageNo default 1
pageSize String no pageSize default 10,max 100


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1684747525424,
  "data": [{
    "orderId": "1278182632",
    "loanCoin": "TRX",
    "pledgeCoin": "USDT",
    "repayAmount": "1566.23820848",
    "payInterest": "0.1185634",
    "repayLoanAmount": "1566.22635214",
    "repayUnlockAmount": "195",
    "repayTime": "1684747525424"
  }, {
    "orderId": "1278182633",
    "loanCoin": "TRX",
    "pledgeCoin": "USDT",
    "repayAmount": "1566.23820848",
    "payInterest": "0.1185634",
    "repayLoanAmount": "1566.22635214",
    "repayUnlockAmount": "195",
    "repayTime": "1684747525424"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
orderId Order id
loanCoin Loan coin
loanAmount Pledge coin
repayAmount Repay amount
payInterest Payment interest
repayLoanAmount Loan Currency Repayment of Principal Amount
repayUnlockAmount Pledge currency releases the amount of collateral
repayTime Repayment time











Adjust pledge rate

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (UID)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/loan/revise-pledge" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d \'{

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
orderId String yes Order ID
amount String yes Repay amount
pledgeCoin String yes Pledge coin
reviseType String yes Repay Type


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1684747525424,
  "data": {
    "loanCoin": "TRX",
    "pledgeCoin": "USDT",
    "afterPledgeRate": "60.5"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
loanCoin Loan coin
pledgeCoin Pledge coin
afterPledgeRate Adjusted Pledge Rate Percentage











Query the historical list of adjusted pledge ratios

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (UID)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/loan/revise-history?startTime=1691119224000&endTime=1692436119603" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
orderId String no Order ID
reviseSide String no Revise side
pledgeCoin String no Pledge coin
startTime String yes Start time, only supports querying the data of the past three months
endTime String yes End time
pageNo String no pageNo default 1
pageSize String no pageSize default 10,max 100


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1692436125845,
  "data": [
      "loanCoin": "ETH",
      "pledgeCoin": "USDT",
      "orderId": "1076713704374022144",
      "reviseTime": "1692436102448",
      "reviseSide": "down",
      "reviseAmount": "10",
      "afterPledgeRate": "64.75",
      "beforePledgeRate": "65"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
loanCoin Loan coin
pledgeCoin Pledge coin
orderId Order ID
reviseTime Adjust time
reviseSide Adjust direction
reviseAmount Adjustment quantity
afterPledgeRate Adjusted Pledge Rate Percentage
beforePledgeRate Pledge rate percentage before adjustment











Query loan history list

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (UID)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/loan/borrow-history?startTime=1691119224000&endTime=1692436119603" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
orderId String no Order ID
loanCoin String no Loan coin
pledgeCoin String no Pledge coin
status String no Status
startTime String yes Start time, only supports querying the data of the past three months
endTime String yes End time
pageNo String no pageNo default 1
pageSize String no pageSize default 10,amx 100


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1684747525424,
  "data": [{
    "orderId": "1278182632",
    "loanCoin": "TRX",
    "pledgeCoin": "USDT",
    "initPledgeAmount": "0.757",
    "initLoanAmount": "4321321.23820848",
    "hourRate": "59.1",
    "daily": "7",
    "borrowTime": "1684747528424",
    "status": "REPAY"
  }, {
    "orderId": "1278182633",
    "loanCoin": "TRX",
    "pledgeCoin": "USDT",
    "initPledgeAmount": "0.757",
    "initLoanAmount": "4321321.23820848",
    "hourRate": "59.1",
    "daily": "7",
    "borrowTime": "1684747528424",
    "status": "REPAY"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
loanCoin Loan coin
pledgeCoin Pledge coin
orderId Order ID
initPledgeAmount Initialize the pledge amount
initLoanAmount Initialize the loan amount
hourRate hourly rate percentage
daily Pledge loan days
borrowTime Borrowing time
status Status











Query the list of assets and liabilities

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (UID)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/loan/debts?startTime=1691119224000&endTime=1692436119603" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

Request Parameter



  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1692436610750,
  "data": {
    "pledgeInfos": [
        "coin": "USDT",
        "amount": "28826.61539642",
        "amountUsdt": "28826.61"
    "loanInfos": [
        "coin": "ETH",
        "amount": "11.00002748",
        "amountUsdt": "18730.85"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
loanInfos Pledged assets info
>coin Coin
>amount Amount
>amountUsdt Amount usdt
pledgeInfos Pledge assets Info
>coin Coin
>amount Amount
>amountUsdt Amount usdt











Query the list of forced liquidation records

Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (UID)

HTTP Request

Request Example

curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/spot/v1/loan/reduces?startTime=1691119224000&endTime=1692436119603" \
  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
  -H "locale:en-US" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

Request Parameter

Parameter type Required description
orderId String no Order ID
loanCoin String no Loan coin
pledgeCoin String no Pledge coin
status String no Status
startTime String yes Start time, only supports querying the data of the past three months
endTime String yes End time
pageNo String no pageNo default 1
pageSize String no pageSize default 10,max 100


  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "success",
  "requestTime": 1684747525424,
  "data": [{
    "orderId": "1278182632",
    "loanCoin": "TRX",
    "pledgeCoin": "USDT",
    "reduceTime": "0.757",
    "pledgeRate": "98.2",
    "pledgePrice": "111.4",
    "status": "COMPLETE",
    "pledgeAmount": "1213.5",
    "reduceFee": "REPAY",
    "residueAmount": "3234.2",
    "runlockAmount": "23",
    "repayLoanAmount": "53.2"
  }, {
    "orderId": "1278182632",
    "loanCoin": "TRX",
    "pledgeCoin": "USDT",
    "reduceTime": "0.757",
    "pledgeRate": "98.2",
    "pledgePrice": "111.4",
    "status": "COMPLETE",
    "pledgeAmount": "1213.5",
    "reduceFee": "REPAY",
    "residueAmount": "3234.2",
    "runlockAmount": "23",
    "repayLoanAmount": "53.2"

Response Parameter

Parameter Description
orderId Order ID
loanCoin Loan coin
pledgeCoin Pledge coin
reduceTime Liquidation time
pledgeRate Pledge rate percentage during liquidation
pledgePrice Pledge price when Liquidation
status Liquidation status
pledgeAmount Liquidation of the number of pledged coins
reduceFee Liquidation fee
residueAmount Remaining pledged coin amount
runlockAmount Release the amount of pledged coin
repayLoanAmount Repayment of loan amount













WebSocket is a new HTML5 protocol that achieves full-duplex data transmission between the client and server, allowing data to be transferred effectively in both directions. A connection between the client and server can be established with just one handshake. The server will then be able to push data to the client according to preset rules. Its advantages include:

It is strongly recommended that developers use WebSocket API to obtain market information and transaction depth. ​

domain WebSocket API Recommended to use
domain 1 wss://ws.bitget.com/spot/v1/stream internationality


Connection instructions:

Connection limit: 100 connections per IP

When subscribing to a public channel, no login is required.

When subscribing to a private channel, MUST login before subscribe to any channel(s)

Subscription limit: 240 times per hour

If there’s a network problem, the system will automatically close the connection.

The connection will be closed automatically if the subscription is not established or, no data pushed from server for more than 30 seconds.

Client should keep ping the server in every 30 seconds. Server will close the connections which has no ping over 120 seconds(even when the client is still receiving data from the server)

To keep the connection stable:

  1. Set a timer of 30 seconds.
  2. If the timer is triggered, send the String 'ping'.
  3. Expect a 'pong' as a response. If the response message is not received within 30 seconds, please raise an error and/or reconnect.
  4. The Websocket server accepts up to 10 messages per second. The message includes:
    • PING frame
    • Messages in JSON format, such as subscribe, unsubscribe.
  5. If the user sends more messages than the limitation, the connection will be disconnected. IPs that are repeatedly disconnected may be blocked by the server;
  6. A single connection can subscribe up to 1000 Streams;
  7. A single IP can create up to 100 connections.


api_key: Unique identification for invoking API. Requires user to apply one manually.

passphrase: APIKey password

timestamp: the Unix Epoch time, the unit is seconds

sign: signature string

method: always 'GET'

requestPath: always '/user/verify'

secretKey: The security key generated when the user applies for APIKey, e.g. : 22582BD0CFF14C41EDBF1AB98506286D

the signature algorithm is as follows:

Concatenate "timestamp", "method", "requestPath", and "body" as string
Encrypt the string using Hmac_SHA256 with secretKey
Base64 encode the Hmac_SHA256 output

Sign example sign=CryptoJS.enc.Base64.Stringify( CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(timestamp +'GET'+'/user/verify', secretKey) )

The request will expire 30 seconds after the timestamp. If your server time differs from the API server time, we recommended using the REST API to query the server time(noted it return milliseconds, while in websocket login you should use seconds) and then set the timestamp.

For the description of the signature method, refer to the verification section in the API overview

Steps to generate the final signature:

Step 1. Use the private key secretkey to encrypt the string to be signed with hmac sha256

Signature = hmac_sha256(secretkey, Message)

The second step is to base64 encode the Signature

Signature = base64.encode(Signature)

If login fails, it will automatically disconnect

Request format description

    "op": "login",
    "args": [{
        "apiKey": "<api_key>",
        "passphrase": "<passphrase>",
        "timestamp": "<timestamp>",
        "sign": "<sign>"

Request Example

    "op": "login",
    "args": [{
        "apiKey": "bg_573af5eca856acd91c230da294ce2105",
        "passphrase": "123456",
        "timestamp": "1538054050",
        "sign": "8RCOqCJAhhEh4PWcZB/96QojLDqMAg4qNynIixFzS3E="

Successful Response Example

    "event": "login",
    "code": "0",
    "msg": ""

Failure Response Example

    "event": "error",
    "code": "30005",
    "msg": "error"


Subscription Instructions

Request format description

  "op": "subscribe",
  "args": ["<SubscriptionTopic>"]

WebSocket channels are divided into two categories: public and private channels.

Public channels -- includes

Tickers channel

Candlesticks channel

Depth channel

Trades Channel

etc -- do not require log in.

Private channels -- including

Account Channel

Order Channel

etc -- require login.

User can choose to subscribe to one or more channels, and the total length of multiple channels cannot exceed 4096 bytes.

Request Example

    "op": "subscribe",
    "args": [{
        "instType": "SP",
        "channel": "ticker",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"
    }, {
        "instType": "SP",
        "channel": "candle5m",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation, subscribe
args Array Yes List of subscribe channels
> instType String No Instrument typeSP: Spot public channel SPBL Spot private channel
> channel String Yes Channel name, please refer to each examples below
> instId String No refer to Get Symbols in response field: symbolName; at some cases 'default'

Example response

    "event": "subscribe",
    "args": {
        "instType": "SP",
        "channel": "ticker",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Return parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
event String Yes Event, subscribe error
arg Object No Subscribed channel
> instType String No Instrument typeSP: Spot public channel SPBL Spot private channel
> channel String Yes Channel name, same as request
> instId String No Instrument ID
code String No Error code
msg String No Error message


Unsubscribe from one or more channels.

Request format description

  "op": "unsubscribe",
  "args": ["< SubscriptionTopic> "]

Request Example

    "op": "unsubscribe",
    "args": [{
        "instType": "SP",
        "channel": "ticker",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"
    }, {
        "instType": "SP",
        "channel": "candle1m",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation, unsubscribe
args Array Yes List of channels to unsubscribe from
> instType String Yes Instrument typeSP: Spot public channel SPBL Spot private channel
> channel String Yes Channel name, please refer to each examples below
> instId String Yes refer to Get Symbols in response field: symbolName; at some cases 'default'

Example response

    "event": "unsubscribe",
    "args": {
        "instType": "SP",
        "channel": "ticker",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Return parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
event String Yes Event, unsubscribe error
arg Object Yes Unsubscribed channel
>instType String No Instrument typeSP: Spot public channel SPBL Spot private channel
> channel String Yes Channel name
> instId String Yes Instrument ID
code String No Error Code
msg String No Error Message


This mechanism will assist users to checking the accuracy of depth data.

Merging incremental data into full data

After subscribing to the incremental push channel (such as books 400 levels) of Order Book Channel, users first receive the initial snapshot of the market depth. Afterwards the incremental data is subsequently received, you are responsible to update the snapshot locally.

  1. If there is a same price, compare the amount. If the amount is 0, delete this depth data. If the amount changes, replace the original data.
  2. If there is no same price, sort by price (bids in descending order, asks in ascending order), and insert the depth information into the local snapshot.

Calculate Checksum

Use the first 25 bids and asks in the local snapshot to build a string (where a colon connects the price and amount in an ask or a bid), and then calculate the CRC32 value (32-bit signed integer).

Calculate Checksum

1. More than 25 levels of bid and ask
A local snapshot of market depth (only 2 levels of the orderbook are shown here, while 25 levels of orderbook should actually be intercepted):
    "bids": [
      [ 43231.1, 4 ],   //bid1
      [ 43231,   6 ]    //bid2
    "asks": [
      [ 43232.8, 9 ],   //ask1
      [ 43232.9, 8 ]    //ask2
Build the string to check CRC32:
The sequence:

2. Less than 25 levels of bid or ask
A local snapshot of market depth:
    "bids": [
      [ 3366.1, 7 ]
    "asks": [
      [ 3366.8, 9 ],
      [ 3368  , 8 ],
      [ 3372  , 8 ]

Build the string to check CRC32:
The sequence:
  1. When the bid and ask depth data exceeds 25 levels, each of them will intercept 25 levels of data, and the string to be checked is queued in a way that the bid and ask depth data are alternately arranged. Such as: bid1[price:amount]:ask1[price:amount]:bid2[price:amount]:ask2[price:amount]...
  2. When the bid or ask depth data is less than 25 levels, the missing depth data will be ignored. Such as: bid1[price:amount]:ask1[price:amount]:ask2[price:amount]:ask3[price:amount]...
  3. If price is '0.5000', DO NOT calculate the checksum by '0.5', please DO use the original value

Public Channels

Tickers Channel

Retrieve the last traded price, bid price, ask price and 24-hour trading volume of the instruments. Data will be pushed every 200 ms.

Request Example

    "op": "subscribe",
    "args": [{
        "instType": "SP",
        "channel": "ticker",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation, subscribe unsubscribe
args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
> instType String Yes Instrument typeSP: Spot public channel; MC: Contract/future channel
> channel String Yes Channel name, ticker
> instId String Yes Instrument ID, refer to Get Symbols in response field: symbolName, a sample value could be like BTCUSDT

Successful Response Example

    "op": "subscribe",
    "args": [{
        "instType": "SP",
        "channel": "ticker",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Failure Response Example

    "event": "error",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "ticker",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
    "code": 30001,
    "msg": "instType:sp,ticker:candle1D,instId:BTC-USDT doesn't exist",
    "op": "subscribe"

Response parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
event String Yes Event, subscribe unsubscribe error
arg Object No Subscribed channel
> instType String Yes Instrument Type
> channel String Yes Channel name
> instId String Yes Instrument name
code String No Error Code
msg String No Error Message

Push data parameters

Parameter Type Description
arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
> instType String Instrument Type
> channel String Channel name
> instId String Instrument ID
action String Push data action, incremental or full data. update: incremental; snapshot: full, channel 'ticker' would only return 'snapshot'
data Array Subscribed data array
>instId String Instrument ID, BTCUSDT
>last String Latest traded price from the moment this data generated
>bestAsk String Best ask price or: ask1 price
>bestBid String Best bid price or: bid1 price
>open24h String Open price in the past 24 hours
>high24h String Highest price in the past 24 hours
>low24h String Lowest price in the past 24 hours
>baseVolume String 24h trading volume, with a unit of currency. BTC is base currency in BTCUSDT
>quoteVolume String 24h trading volume, with a unit of contract.USDT is quote contract in BTCUSDT
>ts String Ticker data generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds
>labeId Long Label ID
>openUtc String Open price in UTC time
>chgUTC String Change rate since openUtc, that is: (last - openUtc) / openUtc, scale e-5
>bidSz String Best bid size
>askSz String Best ask size

Response Example

    "action": "snapshot",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "ticker",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"
    "data": [
            "instId": "BTCUSDT",
            "last": "20193.17",
            "open24h": "19112.64",
            "high24h": "20374.29",
            "low24h": "18973.16",
            "bestBid": "20192.420000",
            "bestAsk": "20196.440000",
            "baseVolume": "13177.3815",
            "quoteVolume": "261300702.3745",
            "ts": 1664292040025,
            "labeId": 0,
            "openUtc": "19226.5300000000000000",
            "chgUTC": "0.05028",
            "bidSz": "0.06",
            "askSz": "0.0119"

Candlesticks Channel

Retrieve the candlesticks data of an instrument. Data will be pushed every 500 ms.

Request Example

    "op": "subscribe",
    "args": [{
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "candle1m",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation, subscribe unsubscribe
args Array Yes List of subscription channels
> instType String Yes Instrument Type SP: spot; MC: contract/future
> channel String Yes Channel Name,candle1W, candle1D, candle12H, candle4H, candle1H, candle30, candle15m, candle5m, candle1m
> instId String Yes Instrument ID for example :BTCUSDT

Successful Response Example

    "event": "subscribe",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "candle1D",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Failure Response Example

    "event": "error",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "candle1D",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
    "code": 30001,
    "msg": "instType:sp,channel:candle1D,instId:BTC-USDT doesn't exist",
    "op": "subscribe"

Response parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
event String Yes Event, subscribe unsubscribe error
arg Object No Subscribed channel
> instType String Yes Instrument Type
> channel String Yes channel name
> instId String Yes Instrument name
code String No Error Code
msg String No Error Message

Push Data Example - snapshot

    "action": "snapshot",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "candle1D",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"
    "data": [
        ["1597026383085", "8533.02", "8553.74", "8527.17", "8548.26", "45247"]

Push data parameters

Parameter Type Description
arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
> instType String Instrument Type
> channel String Channel name
> instId String Instrument ID
data Array Subscription data array, format in String Array
> ts String Data generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds
> o String Open price
> h String highest price
> l String Lowest price
> c String Close price
>v String Trading volume, with a unit of contact

Depth channel

Subscribe depth(order book) data

books: Push the full snapshot data for the first time, push incrementally later, that is, if there is a change in depth, the depth data that has changed will be pushed

books5: Push 5 levels of snapshot data every time

book15 15 levels of snapshot data every time

Channel Length of bids Length of asks Remark
books maximum 200 maximum 200 Snapshot and update might return less than 200 bids/asks as per symbol's orderbook various from each other; The number of bids/asks is not a fixed value and may vary in the future
books5 5 5 Top 5 order book of "books" that begins from bid1/ask1
books15 15 15 Top 15 order book of "books" that begins from bid1/ask1

For example, if the whole order book consist of 20 bids and 12 asks

channel books return 20 bids and 12 asks

channel books5 return 5 bids and 5 asks, bids return from index 15 to 19(index 19 is bid1), asks return from index 0 to index 4

channel books15 return 15 bids index from 5 to 19(index 19 is bid1), and return 12 asks index from 0 to 11

Noted that bids are in descending order, while asks are in ascending order

Request Example

    "op": "subscribe",
    "args": [{
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "books5",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation, subscribe unsubscribe
args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
> instType String Yes Instrument Type SP
> channel String Yes Channel name, books books5 or books15
> instId String Yes Instrument ID

Example Response

    "event": "subscribe",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "books5",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Failure example

    "event": "error",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "books5",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
    "code": 30001,
    "msg": "instType:sp,channel:books5,instId:BTC-USDT doesn't exist",
    "op": "subscribe"

Response parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
event String Yes Event,subscribe unsubscribe error
arg Object No Subscribed channel
> instType String Yes Instrument Type
> channel String Yes Channel name
> instId String Yes Instrument ID
msg String No Error Message
code String No Error Code

Push data parameters

Parameter Type Description
arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
> instType String Instrument Type
> channel String Channel name
> instId String Instrument ID
action String Push data action, incremental push data or full push data snapshot: full update: incremental
data Array Subscribed data
> asks Array Order book on sell side, ascending order
> bids Array Order book on buy side, descending order
> ts String Order book generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds
> checksum Integer Checksum, calculate and compare the checksum, re-subscribe if mis-match

An example of the array of asks and bids values: ["411.8", "10"] "411.8" is the depth price, "10" is the size

Trades Channel

Retrieve the recent trading data. Data will be pushed whenever there is a trade.

Request Example

    "op": "subscribe",
    "args": [{
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "trade",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation, subscribe unsubscribe
args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
> instType String Yes Instrument Type, sp : spot
> channel String Yes Channel Name,trade
> instId String Yes Instrument ID, i.e. BTCUSDT

Successful Response Example

    "event": "subscribe",
    "arg": [{
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "trade",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT"

Failure Response Example

    "event": "error",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "sp",
        "channel": "trade",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
    "code": 30001,
    "msg": "instType:sp,channel:trade,instId:BTC-USDT doesn't exist",
    "op": "subscribe"

Response parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
event String Yes Event,subscribe unsubscribe error
arg Object No Subscribed channel
> instType String Yes InstrumentType
> channel String Yes Channel Name
> instId String Yes Instrument ID
code String No Error Code
msg String No Error Message

Push data parameters

Parameter Type Description
arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
> instType String Instrument Type
> channel String Channel Name
> instId String Instrument ID
data Array Subscribed data
> ts String Filled time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds
> px String Trade price
> sz String Trade size
> side String Trade direction, buysell

Private Channel

Account Channel

Subscribe account information. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing/canceling order, and will also be pushed when transfer in/out or withdraw/deposit.

Request Example

    "op": "subscribe",
    "args": [{
        "instType": "spbl",
        "channel": "account",
        "instId": "default"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation, subscribe unsubscribe
args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
> instType String Yes Instrument Type,spbl
> channel String Yes Channel Name,account
> instId String Yes Currency, always 'default'

Successful Response Example

    "event": "subscribe",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "spbl",
        "channel": "account",
        "instId": "default"

Failure Response Example

    "event": "error",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "spbl",
        "channel": "account",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
    "code": 30001,
    "msg": "instType:SP,channel:account,instId:BTC-USDT doesn't exist",
    "op": "subscribe"

Response parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
event String Yes Operation, subscribe unsubscribe error
arg Object No Subscribed channel
> instType String Yes Instrument Type
> channel String Yes Channel Name
> instId String No Currency
code String No Error Code
msg String No Error Message

Push Data Example

    "action": "snapshot",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "spbl",
        "channel": "account",
        "instId": "default"
    "data": [{
        "coinId": "2",
        "coinName": "USDT",
        "available": "1000.0000"
    }, {
        "coinId": "1",
        "coinName": "BTC",
        "available": "1.35000"

Push data parameters

Parameter Type Description
action String snapshot: snapshot of current account, update: incremental changes
arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
> instType String Instrument Type
> channel String Channel Name
> instId String Currency
data Array Subscribed data
> coinId String Coin Id
> coinName String Coin Name, BTC, USDT
> available String balance

First push: full push.

Incremental push: push transaction changes

Order Channel

Retrieve order information. Data will not be pushed when first subscribed. Data will only be pushed when triggered by events such as placing/canceling order.

Request Example

    "op": "subscribe",
    "args": [{
        "channel": "orders",
        "instType": "spbl",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT_SPBL"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation,subscribe unsubscribe
args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
> instType String Yes Instrument Type,spbl
> channel String Yes Channel Name, orders
> instId String Yes Instrument Id, BTCUSDT_SPBL

Successful Response Example

    "event": "subscribe",
    "arg": {
        "channel": "orders",
        "instType": "spbl",
        "instId": "BTCUSDT_SPBL"

Failure Response Example

    "event": "error",
    "arg": {
        "instType": "spbl",
        "channel": "orders",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
    "code": 30001,
    "msg": "instType:SP,channel:orders,instId:BTC-USDT doesn't exist",
    "op": "subscribe"

Response parameters

Parameters Type Required Description
event String Yes Event,subscribe unsubscribe errror
arg Object No Subscribed Data
> channel String Yes Channel Name
> instType String Yes Instrument Type`spbl:private spot
> instId String No Instrument Id
code String No Error Code
msg String No Error Message

Push data Example



Push data parameters

Parameter Type Description
action String 'snapshot'
arg String Subscribe arg
> channel String Channel Name
> instType String Instrument Type
> instId String Instrument Id
data Array Subscribed Data
> instId String Instrument Id
> ordId String Order Id
> clOrdId String Client customized order ID
> px String Order price
> sz String The original order quantity
> notional String The purchase amount, which will be returned when the market price is purchased
> ordType String Order Type market limit
> force String Categorynormaltwapadlfull_liquidationpartial_liquidation
> side String order side,buy sell
> fillPx String fill price
> tradeId String
> fillSz String fill size
> fillTime String fill time
> fillFee String last filled fee, negative
> fillFeeCcy String last filled fee currency
> execType String Order flow type, T: taker M: maker
> accFillSz String Accumulated fill quantity
> avgPx String Average filled price. If none is filled, it will return 0.
> status String order state new, partial-fill, full-fill, cancelled
> eps String enterPointSource
> cTime String Created time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds
> uTime String Updated time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds
> orderFee Array fee list
>> feeCcy String Fee currency
>> fee String Negative fee: the user transaction fee charged by the platform. Positive fee means rebate.

RestAPI  error code

Error message Error code http status code
00000 success! 400
40001 ACCESS_KEY cannot be empty 400
40002 ACCESS_SIGN cannot be empty 400
40003 Signature cannot be empty 400
40004 Request timestamp expired 400
40005 Invalid ACCESS_TIMESTAMP 400
40006 Invalid ACCESS_KEY 400
40007 Invalid Content_Type 400
40008 Request timestamp expired 400
40009 sign signature error 400
40010 Request timed out 400
40011 ACCESS_PASSPHRASE cannot be empty 400
40012 apikey/password is incorrect 400
40013 User status is abnormal 400
40014 Incorrect permissions, need {0} permissions 400
40015 System is abnormal, please try again later 400
40016 The user must bind the phone or Google 400
40017 Parameter verification failed {0} 400
00171 Parameter verification failed {0}{1} 400
00172 Parameter verification failed 400
40018 Invalid IP 400
40019 Parameter {0} cannot be empty 400
40020 Parameter {0} error 400
40021 User disable withdraw 400
40022 The business of this account has been restricted 400
40023 The business of this account has been restricted 400
40024 Account has been frozen 400
40025 The business of this account has been restricted 400
40026 User is disabled 400
40027 Withdrawals in this account area must be kyc 400
40028 This subUid does not belong to this account 400
40029 This account is not a Broker, please apply to become a Broker first 400
40031 The account has been cancelled and cannot be used again 400
40032 The Max of sub-account created has reached the limit 400
40033 This email has been bound 400
40034 Parameter {0} does not exist 400
50001 coin {0} does not support cross 400
50002 symbol {0} does not support isolated 400
50003 coin {0} does not support isolated 400
50004 symbol {0} does not support cross 400
40035 Judging from your login information, you are required to complete KYC first for compliance reasons. 400
40036 passphrase is error 400
40037 Apikey does not exist 400
40038 The current ip is not in the apikey ip whitelist 400
40039 FD Broker's user signature error 400
40040 user api key permission setting error 400
40041 User's ApiKey does not exist 400
40043 FD Broker does not exist 400
40045 The bound user cannot be an FD broker 400
40047 FD Broker binding related interface call frequency limit 400
40048 The user's ApiKey must be the parent account 400
40049 User related fields decrypt error 400
40051 This account is not a FD Broker, please apply to become a FD Broker first 400
40052 Security settings have been modified for this account. For the safety of your account, withdrawals are prohibited within 24 hours 400
40053 Value range verification failed: {0} should be between {1} 400
40054 The data fetched by {0} is empty 400
40055 subName must be an English letter with a length of 8 400
40056 remark must be length of 1 ~ 20 400
40057 Parameter {0} {1} does not meet specification 400
40058 Parameter {0} Only a maximum of {1} is allowed 400
40059 Parameter {0} should be less than {1} 400
40060 subNames already exists 400
40061 sub-account not allow access 400
40063 API exceeds the maximum limit added 400
40064 Sub-account creation failed, please check if there is a duplicate 400
40065 This subApikey does not exist 400
40066 This subUid does not belong to the account or is not a virtual sub-account 400
40067 sub-account create failed, please check if there is a duplicate 400
40068 Disable subaccount access 400
40069 The maximum number of sub-accounts created has been reached 400
40070 passphrase 8-32 characters with letters and numbers 400
40071 subName exist duplication 400
40072 symbol {0} is Invalid or not supported mix contract trade 400
40102 Symbol does not exist 400
40109 The data of the order cannot be found, please confirm the order number 400
40200 Server upgrade, please try again later 400
40301 Permission has not been obtained yet. If you need to use it, please contact customer service 400
40303 Can only query up to 20,000 data 400
40304 clientOid or clientOrderId length cannot greater than 50 400
40305 clientOid or clientOrderId length cannot greater than 64, and cannot be Martian characters 400
40306 Batch processing orders can only process up to 20 400
40308 The contract is being temporarily maintained 400
40309 The contract has been removed 400
40400 Status check abnormal 400
40401 The operation cannot be performed 400
40402 orderId or clientOId format error 400
40407 The query direction is not the direction entrusted by the plan 400
40408 Range error 400
40409 wrong format 400
40704 Can only check the data of the last three months 400
40705 The start and end time cannot exceed 90 days 400
40706 Wrong order price 400
40707 Start time is greater than end time 400
40708 client_oid duplicate 400
40709 There is no position in this position, and no automatic margin call can be set 400
40710 Abnormal account status 400
40711 Insufficient contract account balance 400
40712 Insufficient margin 400
40713 Cannot exceed the maximum transferable margin amount 400
40714 No direct margin call is allowed 400
40715 delegate count can not high max of open count 400
40716 This trading pair not support Cross Margin mode 400
40717 The number of closed positions cannot exceed the number of sheets held 400
40718 The entrusted price of Pingduo shall not be lower than the bursting price 400
40719 Flat empty entrustment price is not allowed to be higher than explosion price 400
40720 swap hand depth does not exist 400
40721 Market price list is not allowed at present 400
40722 Due to excessive price fluctuations and the insufficient market price entrusted cost, the opening commission is failed. 400
40723 The total number of unexecuted orders is too high 400
40724 Parameter is empty 400
40725 service return an error 400
40726 Cross margin not support Auto Margin Replenishment (AMR) 400
40727 Cross margin not support margin adjustment 400
40728 You’re log in as trader, please close position for current copy trade orders 400
40729 Failed to adjust the position, the current position or order or plan order 400
40730 There is currently a commission or a planned commission, and the leverage cannot be adjusted 400
40731 This product does not support copy trading 400
40732 Not currently a trader 400
40199 Traders are prohibited from calling the API 400
40733 The order closing has been processed 400
40734 Failed to place an order, the minimum number of traders to open a position {0} 400
40735 Long position take profit price should be greater than the average opening price 400
40736 Long position take profit price is greater than the current price 400
40737 The short position take profit price should be less than the average opening price 400
40738 The short position take profit price should be less than the current price 400
40739 The stop loss price of a long position should be less than the average opening price 400
40740 The stop loss price of a long position should be less than the current price 400
40741 The stop loss price of a short position should be greater than the average opening price 400
40742 The stop loss price of the short position should be greater than the current price 400
40743 The order is being closed and cannot be closed again 400
40744 The tracking order status is wrong 400
40745 This order is being commissioned, and liquidation is not supported temporarily 400
40746 The current maximum number of positions that can be closed is {0}, if you exceed the number, please go to the current order to close the position 400
40747 The bonus is not allowed to hold two-way positions 400
40748 The commission price is higher than the highest bid price 400
40749 The commission price is lower than the lowest selling price 400
40750 The plan commission for this contract has reached the upper limit 400
40751 The contract's stop profit and stop loss order has reached the upper limit 400
40752 You are disabled for current business, if you have any questions, please contact customer service 400
40753 The contract transaction business is disabled, if you have any questions, please contact customer service 400
40754 balance not enough 400
40755 Not enough open positions are available. 400
40756 The balance lock is insufficient. 400
40757 Not enough position is available. 400
40758 The position lock is insufficient. 400
40759 No assets 400
40760 Account abnormal status 400
40761 The total number of unfilled orders is too high 400
40762 The order size is greater than the max open size 400
40763 The number of orders cannot exceed the maximum amount of the corresponding gear 400
40764 The remaining amount of the order is less than the current transaction volume 400
40765 The remaining volume of the position is less than the current transaction volume 400
40766 The number of open orders is less than this transaction volume 400
40767 Position does not exist when opening a position 400
40768 Order does not exist 400
40769 Reject order has been completed 400
40770 The settlement or fee currency configuration was not found. 400
40771 When there is a gap, you cannot have a position closing order. 400
40772 The account does not exist 400
40773 Closed positions can only occur in two-way positions. 400
40774 The order type for unilateral position must also be the unilateral position type. 400
40775 The market-making account can only be a unilateral position type. 400
40776 Error creating order. 400
40777 Cancel order error. 400
40778 Coin pair {0} does not support {1} currency as margin 400
40779 Please check that the correct delegateType is used 400
40780 There are multiple risk handling records for the same symbolId at the same time 400
40781 The transfer order was not found 400
40782 Internal transfer error 400
40783 No gear found 400
40784 Need to configure modify depth account 400
40785 Need to configure draw line account 400
40786 Duplicate clientOid 400
40787 The price step does not match 400
40788 Internal batch transfer error 400
40789 The tokenId is duplicated in the configuration item 400
40790 Duplicate symbolCode in configuration item 400
40791 The baseToken or quoteToken of symbolCode does not exist 400
40792 The symbol in the configuration item is duplicated 400
40793 The symbolCode of BusinessSymbol does not exist 400
40794 The supportMarginToken of BusinessSymbol is not configured 400
40795 The transaction is suspended due to settlement or maintenance reasons 400
40796 The adjusted leverage is not within the appropriate range 400
40797 Exceeded the maximum settable leverage 400
40798 Insufficient contract account balance 400
40799 Cannot be less than the minimum transfer amount 400
40800 Insufficient amount of margin 400
40801 Cannot exceed the maximum transferable deposit amount 400
40802 Position is zero and direct margin call is not allowed 400
40803 The leverage is reduced and the amount of margin call is incorrect 400
40804 The number of closed positions cannot exceed the number of positions held 400
40805 Unsupported operation 400
40806 Unsupported currency 400
40807 The account does not exist 400
40808 Parameter verification exception {0} 400
40809 Execution price parameter verification exception 400
40810 Triggered price parameter verification exception 400
40811 The parameter {0} should not be null 400
40812 The condition {0} is not met 400
40813 The parameter {0} must have a value and cannot be empty 400
40814 No change in leverage 400
40815 The order price is higher than the highest bid price 400
40816 The order price is lower than the lowest selling price 400
40817 The current order status cannot be cancelled 400
40818 The current order type cannot be cancelled 400
40819 The order does not exist! 400
40820 The order price for closing a long position is not allowed to be lower than the liquidation price 400
40821 The closing order price cannot be higher than the liquidation price 400
40822 The contract configuration does not exist 400
40823 The transaction or reasonable marked price does not exist 400
40824 Currently, it is not allowed to list market orders 400
40825 Contract opponent depth does not exist 400
40826 Due to excessive price fluctuations, the market order cost is insufficient, and the position opening order failed. 400
40827 The bonus is not allowed to hold two-way positions 400
40828 Special market making accounts cannot manually place orders 400
40829 The take profit price of a long position should be greater than the average open price 400
40830 The take profit price of the long position should be greater than the current price 400
40831 The short position take profit price should be less than the average open price 400
40832 The take profit price of short positions should be less than the current price 400
40833 The stop loss price of a long position should be less than the average opening price 400
40834 The stop loss price of the long position should be less than the current price 400
40835 The stop loss price of the short position should be greater than the average opening price 400
40836 The stop loss price of the short position should be greater than the current price 400
40837 There is no position in this position, so stop-profit and stop-loss orders cannot be made 400
40838 There is no position in this position, and automatic margin call cannot be set 400
40839 The automatic margin call function of this contract has been suspended 400
40840 Duplicate shard market making account 400
40841 Online environment does not allow execution 400
40842 Current configuration does not allow adjustment, please try again later 400
40843 no_datasource_key_exists 400
40844 This contract is under temporary maintenance 400
40845 This contract has been removed 400
40846 Status verification abnormal 400
40847 The operation cannot be performed 400
40848 Cannot open a copy transaction if there is a position 400
40849 This user already has an ongoing copy 400
40850 The copy is in progress, the balance cannot be transferred 400
40851 Account status is wrong, cannot end copying 400
40852 There are unfilled orders, cannot end the copy 400
40853 There is an unexecuted plan order, cannot end the copy 400
40854 This product does not support copy trading 400
40855 The user has ended copying and cannot end copying again 400
40856 Data abnormal 400
40857 Document number error 400
40858 Error tracking order status 400
40859 This order is being closed and cannot be closed again 400
40860 The trader does not exist and cannot be set to follow 400
40861 The trader has been disabled and cannot be set to follow 400
40862 Please cancel the current order 400
40863 Please cancel the current plan 400
40864 Please close the current position with orders 400
40865 This order is being commissioned, and it is not currently supported to close the position 400
40866 You are currently a trader, please close the position under the current order 400
40867 Currently the maximum number of positions that can be closed is {0}, please go to the current order to close the position if the amount exceeds 400
40868 You are currently a trader and currently do not support liquidation through planned orders 400
40869 You are currently a trader and currently do not support modification of leverage 400
40870 You are currently copying an order and currently do not support modifying the leverage 400
40871 The leverage does not meet the configuration, and you cannot become a trader 400
40872 Failed to adjust position, currently holding position or order or plan order 400
40873 The account has a margin and needs to be transferred out 400
40874 Whole position mode does not support automatic margin call 400
40875 Whole position mode does not support margin adjustment 400
40876 Too many tracking orders 400
40877 Too many follow-up orders 400
40878 The contract index data is abnormal. In order to avoid causing your loss, please try again later. 400
40879 The risk is being processed, and the funds cannot be adjusted. 400
40880 The risk is being processed and the leverage cannot be adjusted. 400
40881 There is currently an order, or an order is planned, and the leverage cannot be adjusted. 400
40882 You are currently a trader and you cannot switch to the full position mode 400
40883 When the currencies are mixed, it cannot be adjusted to the warehouse-by-warehouse mode 400
40884 When a one-way position is held, it cannot be adjusted to a position-by-position mode 400
40885 In the case of position by position mode, it cannot be adjusted to one-way position 400
40886 The automatic margin call cannot be adjusted in the full position mode 400
40887 Failed to place the order, the number of single lightning open positions is at most {0} 400
40888 Failed to place the order, the maximum amount of single lightning closing is {0} 400
40889 The plan order of this contract has reached the upper limit 400
40890 The order of stop-profit and stop-loss for this contract has reached the upper limit 400
40891 Insufficient position, can not set take profit or stop loss 400
40892 Failed to place the order, the minimum number of positions opened by the trader is {0} 400
40893 Unable to update the leverage factor of this position, there is not enough margin! 400
40894 The documentary closing has been processed 400
40895 The preset price does not match the order/execution price 400
40896 The default stop profit and stop loss has been partially fulfilled and cannot be modified 400
40897 The system experience gold account does not exist 400
40898 The system experience gold account balance is insufficient 400
40899 The number of stored users exceeds the limit 400
40900 The system experience gold account is inconsistent 400
40901 The contract experience fund balance is insufficient 400
40902 Future time is not allowed 400
40903 Failed to obtain leverage information 400
40904 Failed to collect funds 400
40905 Failed to collect user funds 400
40906 Failed to pay user funds 400
40907 The payment cannot be transferred 400
40908 Concurrent operation failed 400
40909 Transfer processing 400
40910 Operation timed out 400
40911 Request timestamp expired 400
40912 single cancel cannot exceed 50 400
40913 {0} must be passed one 400
40914 Trader the maximum leverage can use is {0} 400
40915 Long position take profit price please > mark price 400
40916 The business of this account has been restricted 400
40917 Stop price for long positions please < mark price {0} 400
40918 Traders open positions with orders too frequently 400
40919 This function is not open yet 400
40920 Position or order exists, the position mode cannot be switched 400
40921 The order size cannot exceed the maximum size of the positionLevel 400
40922 Only work order modifications are allowed 400
40923 Order size and price have not changed 400
40924 orderId and clientOid must have one 400
40925 price or size must be passed in together 400
43013 Take profit price needs> current price 400
43014 Take profit price needs to be <current price 400
43015 Stop loss price needs to be <current price 400
43016 Stop loss price needs to be> current price 400
43017 You are currently a trader and currently do not support liquidation through planned orders 400
43020 Stop profit and stop loss order does not exist 400
43021 The stop-profit and stop-loss order has been closed 400
43022 Failed to trigger the default stop loss 400
43023 Insufficient position, can not set profit or stop loss 400
43024 Take profit/stop loss in an existing order, please change it after canceling all 400
43025 Plan order does not exist 400
43026 The planned order has been closed 400
43027 The minimum order value {0} is not met 400
43028 Please enter an integer multiple of {0} for price 400
43029 The size of the current Order > the maximum number of positions that can be closed 400
43030 Take profit order already existed 400
43031 Stop loss order already existed 400
43032 rangeRate is smaller than {0} 400
43033 Trailing order does not exist 400
43034 The trigger price should be ≤ the current market price 400
43035 The trigger price should be ≥ the current market price 400
43036 Trader modify tpsl can only be operated once within 300ms 400
43037 The minimum order amount allowed for trading is {0} 400
43038 The maximum order amount allowed for trading is {0} 400
43039 Maximum price limit exceeded {0} 400
43040 Minimum price limit exceeded {0} 400
43041 Maximum transaction amount {0} 400
43042 Minimum transaction amount {0} 400
43043 There is no position 400
43044 The follow order status error 400
43045 The trader is ful 400
43046 User does not exist 400
43047 Followers are not allowed to follow again within xx minutes after being removed, please try again later! 400
43048 The symbol is null 400
43049 Margin coin is not allowed 400
43050 Leverage exceeds the effective range 400
43051 Maximum limit exceeded 400
43052 Follow order count can not less than {0} 400
43053 The copy ratio cannot exceed {0} 400
43054 The copy ratio cannot be less than {0} 400
43055 The take loss ratio must be between {0}-{1} 400
43056 The take profit ratio must be between {0}-{1} 400
43057 It is not allowed to bring orders or copy orders between sub-accounts 400
43058 Parameter verification failed 400
43059 Request failed, please try again 400
43060 Sort rule must send 400
43061 Sort Flag must send 400
43062 not to follow 400
43063 Can not follow trade with yourself 400
43064 Tracking order status error 400
43065 Tracking No does not exist 400
43066 operation failed 400
43067 The loaded data has reached the upper limit, and the maximum support for loading {0} data 400
43068 The status of the current follower is abnormal and removal is not allowed for now 400
43069 A follower account can only be removed when its equity is lower than {0} USDT 400
43001 The order does not exist 400
43002 Pending order failed 400
43003 Pending order failed 400
43004 There is no order to cancel 400
43005 Exceed the maximum number of orders 400
43006 The order quantity is less than the minimum transaction quantity 400
43007 The order quantity is greater than the maximum transaction quantity 400
43008 The current order price cannot be less than {0}{1} 400
43009 The current order price exceeds the limit {0}{1} 400
43010 The transaction amount cannot be less than {0}{1} 400
43011 The parameter does not meet the specification {0} 400
43012 Insufficient balance 400
41103 param {0} error 400
41101 param {0} error 400
41113 symbol is offline 400
41114 The current trading pair is under maintenance, please refer to the official announcement for the opening time 400
42013 transfer fail 400
42014 The current currency does not support deposit 400
42015 The current currency does not support withdrawal 400
42016 symbol {0} is Invalid or not supported spot trade 400
41100 error {0} 400
43111 param error {0} 400
43112 The amount of coins withdrawn is less than the handling fee {0} 400
43113 The daily limit {0} is exceeded in a single transaction 400
43114 Withdrawal is less than the minimum withdrawal count {0} 400
43115 The current trading pair is opening soon, please refer to the official announcement for the opening time 400
43116 This chain requires a tag to withdraw coins 400
43117 Exceeds the maximum amount that can be transferred 400
43118 clientOrderId duplicate 400
43119 Trading is not open 400
43120 symbol is not open trade 400
43121 Withdrawal address cannot be your own 400
43122 The purchase limit of this currency is {0}, and there is still {1} left 400
43123 param error {0} 400
43124 withdraw step is error 400
43125 No more than 8 decimal places 400
43126 This currency does not support withdrawals 400
43127 Sub transfer not by main account, or main/sub relationship error 400
43128 Exceeded the limit of the maximum number of orders for the total transaction pair {0} 400
45034 clientOid duplicate 400
47001 Currency recharge is not enabled 400
47002 Address verification failed 400
45001 Unknown error 400
45002 Insufficient asset 400
45003 Insufficient position 400
45004 Insufficient lock-in asset 400
45005 Insufficient available positions 400
45006 Insufficient position 400
45007 Insufficient lock position 400
45008 No assets 400
45009 The account is at risk and cannot perform trades temporarily 400
45010 The number of orders cannot exceed the maximum amount of the corresponding leverage 400
45011 Order remaining volume < Current transaction volume 400
45012 Remaining volume of position < Volume of current transaction 400
45013 The number of open orders < Current transaction volume 400
45014 Position does not exist during opening 400
45017 Settlement or the coin for transaction configuration not found 400
45018 In the case of a netting, you cannot have a liquidation order 400
45019 Account does not exist 400
45020 Liquidation can only occur under two-way positions 400
45021 When one-way position is held, the order type must also be one-way position type 400
45023 Error creating order 400
45024 Cancel order error 400
45025 The currency pair does not support the currency as a margin 400
45026 Please check that the correct delegateType is used 400
45031 The order is finalized 400
45035 Price step mismatch 400
45043 Due to settlement or maintenance reasons, the trade is suspended 400
45044 Leverage is not within the suitable range after adjustment 400
45045 Exceeds the maximum possible leverage 400
45047 Reduce the leverage and the amount of additional margin is incorrect 400
45051 Execution price parameter verification is abnormal 400
45052 Trigger price parameter verification anbormal 400
45054 No change in leverage 400
45055 The current order status cannot be cancelled 400
45056 The current order type cannot be cancelled 400
45057 The order does not exist! 400
45060 TP price of long position > Current price {0} 400
45061 TP price of short position < Current price {0} 400
45062 SL price of long position < Current price {0} 400
45064 TP price of long position > order price {0} 400
45065 TP price of short position < order price {0} 400
45066 SL price of long position < order price {0} 400
45067 SL price of short position > order price {0} 400
45068 There is no position temporarily, and the order of TP and SL cannot be carried out 400
45075 The user already has an ongoing copy trade 400
45082 Copy trade number error 400
45089 You are currently copy trading, leverage cannot be changed 400
45091 Too many tracking orders 400
45097 There is currently an order or a limit order, and the leverage cannot be adjusted 400
45098 You are currently a trader and cannot be switched to the full position mode 400
45099 When there are different coins, it cannot be adjusted to Isolated Margin mode 400
45100 When a one-way position is held, it cannot be adjusted to the Isolated Margin mode 400
45101 In Isolated Margin mode, it cannot be adjusted to a one-way position 400
45102 In the full position mode, the automatic margin call cannot be adjusted 400
45103 Failed to place the order, the maximum amount of single flash opening position is %s 400
45104 Failed to place the order, the maximum amount of single flash closing position is %s 400
45106 copy trade liquidation has been processed 400
45107 API is restricted to open positions. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service 400
45108 API is restricted to close position. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service 400
45109 The current account is a two-way position 400
45110 less than the minimum amount {0} USDT 400
45111 less than the minimum order quantity 400
45112 more than the maximum order quantity 400
45113 Maximum order value limit triggered 400
45114 The minimum order requirement is not met 400
45115 The price you enter should be a multiple of {0} 400
45116 The count of positions hold by the account exceeds the maximum count {0} 400
45117 Currently holding positions or orders, the margin mode cannot be adjusted 400
45118 Reached the upper limit of the order of transactions (the current number of order + the current number of orders) {0} 400
45119 This symbol does not support position opening operation 400
45120 size > max can open order size 400
45121 The reasonable mark price deviates too much from the market, and your current leveraged position opening risk is high 400
45122 Short position stop loss price please > mark price {0} 400
45123 Insufficient availability, currently only market orders can be placed 400
45124 Please edit and submit again. 400
45125 Order cancellation is unavailable for inactive orders. Please cancel parent order and place a new order. 400
45126 Order cancellation is unavailable for inactive orders. Please cancel parent order and place a new order. 400
45127 Position brackets disabled TP SL 400
45128 Position brackets disabled modify qty 400
45129 Cancel order is too frequent, the same orderId is only allowed to be canceled once in a second 400
47003 Withdraw address is not in addressBook 400
49000 apiKey and userId mismatch 400
49001 not custody account, operation deny 400
49002 missing http header: ACCESS-BROKER-KEY or ACCESS-BROKER-SIGN 400
49003 illegal IP, access deny 400
49004 illegal ACCESS-BROKER-KEY 400
49005 access deny: sub account 400
49006 ACCESS-BROKER-SIGN check sign fail 400
49007 account is unbound 400
49008 account is bound 400
49009 clientUserId check mismatch with the bound user ID 400
49010 account: {0} still have assets: {1} 400
49011 kyc must be done before bind 400
49020 unsupported coin 400
49021 operation accepted 400
49022 access deny 400
49023 insufficient fund 400
49024 {0} decimal precision error 400
49025 Parameter mismatch with the initial requestId, request body: {0} 400
49026 {0} maximum {1} digits 400
49030 custody account, operation deny 400
49040 Unknown Error 400
60001 StartTime not empty 400
60002 MerchantId not empty 400
60003 Not found the p2p order 400
60004 Not found the p2p advertisement 400
60005 Not found the p2p merchant 400
70001 Activity ID not correct 400
70002 rankType error 400
40000 Bitget is providing services to many countries and regions around the world and strictly adheres to the rules and regulatory requirements of each country and region. According to the relevant regulations, Bitget is currently unable to provide services to your region (Mainland China) and you do not have access to open positions.Apologies for any inconvenience caused! 400
48001 Parameter validation failed {0} 400
48002 Missing request Parameter 400
46013 This symbol limits the selling amount{0},Remaining{0} 400
40404 Request URL NOT FOUND 400
50010 Unknown error 400
50012 The account has been suspended or deleted. Please contact our Customer Support 400
50013 The account has been suspended and deleted. Please contact our Customer Support 400
50019 The user is forbidden to trade. 400
50059 This currency cannot be transferred 400
50052 The asset balance will be less than 0 after transferring 400
50048 The maximum number of orders is exceeded 400
50046 The price is too low 400
50047 The price is too high 400
50026 The trading pair is currently unavailable 400
50025 The trading pair is currently unavailable 400
50016 The number of open orders is smaller than the minimum limit of the trading pair 400
50017 The number of open orders is bigger than the maximum limit of the trading pair 400
50023 The account has been suspended due to abnormal behavior. Please contact our Customer Support is you have any questions. 400
50031 System error 400
50044 The system account is not found 400
50049 The request body of the system user is empty 400
50050 The system loan collection has been done 400
50027 The trading pair is suspended for maintenance 400
50030 The trading pair will soon be available 400
50029 The trading pair has no order price 400
50028 The trading pair is removed 400
50040 The repayment amount must be more than 0 400
50042 The repayment amount must be more than the interest 400
50041 The repayment amount must be less than your available balance 400
50051 The user in reconciliation is not in the system (cache) 400
50024 The trading pair does not exist 400
50011 Parameter verification error 400
50053 The amount is less than 0 when making loan repayment 400
50056 The amount is less than 0 when paying liquidation fees 400
50054 The amount is less than 0 when making interest repayment 400
50055 The amount is less than 0 when paying trading fees 400
50033 The topic of the websocket query does not exist 400
50057 The amount is less than 0 when paying the excessive loss resulted from liquidation 400
50032 The currency does not exist 400
50036 The loan configuration does not exist 400
50037 This currency cannot be borrowed 400
50038 The system limit is exceeded 400
50034 The borrowing amount must be over 0.00000001 400
50035 The maximum borrowing amount is exceeded 400
50020 Insufficient balance 400
50045 Insufficient locked asset 400
50015 Currently, sub-accounts cannot engage in margin trading 400
50021 The margin trading account does not exist 400
50022 The account is liquidated 400
50014 The account already exists 400
50060 Duplicated clientOid 400
50058 After the profit is used to cover the excessive loss resulted from liquidation, the balance will be less than 0 400
50039 The currency and the trading pair do not match 400
50018 The price must be 0 or higher 400
50043 Unknown transaction type 400
50061 There is a problem with the parameter you requested 400
50062 The order status is cancelled or fullFill 400
50063 Token precision must less than or equal to eight 400
50064 Your account is temporarily frozen. Please contact customer support if you have any questions 400
50065 symbol_off_shelf 400
50066 Position closing, please try again later 400
31001 The user is not a trader 400
31002 Condition {0} is not satisfied 400
31003 Parameter {0} must have a value, cannot be empty 400
31004 Take profit price must be > current price 400
31005 Stop loss price must be < current price 400
31006 The order is in the process of being placed, closing of the position is not supported at the moment 400
31007 Order does not exist 400
31008 There is no position in this position, no take profit or stop loss order can be made 400
31009 Tracking order status error 400
31010 Clear user prompt 400
31011 The order is not completely filled and the order is closed prompting the cancellation of the commission 400
31012 Pullback greater than {0} 400
31013 Pullback range is less than {0} 400
31014 Stop gain yield greater than {0} 400
31015 Stop loss yield less than {0} 400
31016 Batch execution exception 400
31017 Maximum price limit exceeded {0} 400
31018 Minimum price change of {0} 400
31019 Support trading currency pair does not exist 400
31020 Business is restricted 400
31021 The currency pair is not available for trading, please select another currency pair 400
31022 Minimum order size for this trading area is not met, please select another trading area 400
31023 Ending order processing 400
31024 The order is not completely filled, please go to \"Spot trading\"-\"Current orders\" to cancel the order and then sell or close the operation! 400
31025 The user is not a trader 400
31026 The user is not exist 400
31027 Operation failed, please try again 400
31028 Parameter verification failed 400
31029 User is not existed 400
31030 Chosen trading pair is empty 400
31031 You’re log in as trader,can not follow trade 400
31032 Can not follow trade with yourself 400
31033 Fail to remove 400
31034 This trader’s no. of follower has reached limit, please select other trader 400
31035 Follow order ratio can not less than{0} 400
31036 Follow order ratio can not greater than{0} 400
31037 Follow order count can not less than{0} 400
31038 Exceeds max. limit 400
31039 Can not set reminder as your Elite Trader status has been revoked 400
31040 T/P ratio must between {0}%%-{1}%% 400
31041 S/L ratio must between {0}%%-{1}%% 400
31042 The status of your Elite Trader has been suspended, please contact online customer service to resume. 400
31043 Your copy trade follower cap is too high. Please contact customer support to lower it if you want to enable this function! 400
31044 You are applying to become a trader now. Copying trade is not allowed 400
31045 The max. quantity for TP/SL is {0}. For any quantity exceeding this limit, please operate under “Initiated Copies”. 400
31046 No copy trade relationship is allowed between a parent account and its sub-account 400
31047 No copying is allowed within {0} minutes after the copier has been removed. Please try again later. 400
31048 Only this trader's referrals are allowed to follow this trader at the moment. Please create an account with the trader's referral link! 400
31049 The trader's status is abnormal or has been revoked, and cannot be viewed at this time! 400
31050 This trader UID is already set for the region. 400
31051 traderUserId error 400
31052 Cannot set trading symbol that have not been opened by traders. 400
31053 executePrice cannot exceed triggerPrice 的{0} 400
31054 No order to cancel 400
20001 startTime should be less than endTime 400
22001 No order to cancel 400
22002 No position to close 400
22003 modify price and size, please pass in newClientOid 400
22004 This symbol {0} not support API trade 400
22005 This symbol does not support cross mode 400
22006 limit price > risk price 400
22007 limit price < risk price 400
22008 market price > risk price 400
22009 market price < risk price 400
22010 Please bind ip whitelist address 400
40100 Due to regulatory requirements, Hong Kong IPs are required to complete identity verification first 400
40101 Please complete KYC 400
00001 startTime and endTime interval cannot be greater than 366 days 400
12001 {0} can be used at most 400
12002 Current currency {0}, limit net sell value {1} USD 400
12003 Current currency {0}, limit net buy value {1} USD 400
13001 Withdraw is too frequent 400
13002 Currency does not exist 400
13003 Withdrawal exceeds the monthly limit 400
13004 Your remaining withdrawal amount{0} 400
13005 Failed to generate address 400
60006 Parameter error 400
60007 upload image cannot exceed 5M 400
60008 The image format must be [". jpg", ". jpeg", ". png"] 400
60009 The image format error 400
60010 upload error 400
60011 Ordinary users can not post ads 400
60012 Please change your status from offline to online before posting your ads! 400
60013 Insufficient balance 400
60014 Fiat info not found 400
60015 Digital currency info not found 400
60016 Only supports publish CNY advertisement 400
60017 Not support publish CNY advertisement 400
60018 Your KYC certification only supports publishing {0} 400
60019 Post failed. Unable to obtain preference price 400
60020 advertisement type error 400
60021 Payment method is empty 400
60022 Trading amount incorrect 400
60023 Beyond fiat limit ({0}-{1}) 400
60024 Fund reconciliation errors 400
60025 The remark length cannot be longer than the configuration length 400
60026 Exclusive country error 400
60027 Payment time limit error 400
60028 Payment method error 400
60029 publish advertisement error 400
60030 status error 400
60031 The advertisement number is too long 400
60032 The advertisement not exist 400
60033 Posted ad amount incorrect 400
60034 Number of images attached in the remark cannot exceed the allocation limit. 400
60035 Edit advertisement error 400
60036 payTimeLimit cannot be empty 400
60037 Post failed. Price is significantly deviated from preference price 400
60038 Post failed. Incorrect floating rate 400
60039 User does not exist 400
60040 Unauthorized access not supported 400
60041 Edit advertisement price error 400
60042 limitPrice not empty 400
60043 The advertisement status update fail 400
60044 The advertisement status in editing can be edited 400
60045 Exceeding the number of advertisement that can be published 400
60046 priceValue not empty 400
60047 userPayMethodId not empty 400
40926 Your identity authentication is still under review. Please wait for the review to pass before trying this function again 400
13007 The current currency is {0}, and the net purchase value of {1} USD is limited within 24 hours, and the net purchase value of {2} USD is also allowed for {3} 400
11000 withdraw address is not in addressBook 400
40103 based on your IP address , it appears that you are located in a country or region where we are currently unable to provide services 400
40104 Unable to withdraw to this account Please make sure this is a valid and verified account 400
30001 Minimum Price Change {0} % 400
40928 Risk control, currently your max open size is {0} {1}. The size was calculated with all the main-sub accounts 400
47003 Withdraw address is not in addressBook 400
13008 A single withdrawal exceeds the maximum limit 400
13009 Exceeds withdrawal daily limit 400
32038 The sell price cannot be lower than the trigger price percent{0} 400

WebSocket error code

Error Message Error Code
Channel does not exist 30001
Illegal request 30002
Invalid op 30003
User needs to log in 30004
Login failed 30005
request too many 30006
request over limit,connection close 30007
Invalid ACCESS_KEY 30011
Request timestamp expired 30014
Invalid signature 30015
Param error 30016