Welcome to Bitget ApiDoc! Click here for quick start
Coming Soon
New Feature Forecast
No. | Interface | Launch Date | Remark |
1 | New feature to support auto suppliment margin | TBP | Developing and testing |
Update Forecast
ETA Nov 1 , 2023
/api/mix/v1/account/account response 'crossedUnrealizedPL' 'isolatedUnrealizedPL'
Update log
Oct 30, 2023
Place Order logic update forecast:
- Current logic: 'single_hold' mode + "reduceOnly":true, API will return '40757-Not enough position is available.' when 'order size' is greater than the 'position size'
- New logic: 'single_hold' mode + "reduceOnly":true,
- If position size = 0 (was fully closed), a new error will throw:
45006-Insufficient position
- If closing size > position size (over size), original error will throw:
40757-Not enough position is available.
- If position size = 0 (was fully closed), a new error will throw:
- Logic in 'double_hold' mode remains the same
Sep 21, 2023
New response field 'uTime' added: /api/mix/v1/position/allPosition-v2
Sep 05, 2023
- New interface Get merged depth data
Aug 31, 2023
- new response field 'symbol' on interface Close All Position
- new response field 'fail_infos'.'symbol' on interface Cancel All Order
Aug 29, 2023
- New response field on Websocket Positions Channel:
: auto suppliment margin, value: on/off
Aug 23, 2023
Websocket error response format change:
Aug 23, 2023
- Added Set Auto Margin
Aug 21, 2023
- New response field on below APIs:
: auto suppliment margin, value: on/off
Aug 11, 2023
- New feature to support RSA signature: RSA Signature Demo Code
July 25, 2023
- Added get history position
July 03, 2023
- Added get history candle data
- Added get history index candle data
- Added get history mark candle data
Jun 30, 2023
- Added get risk position limit
Jun 28, 2023
Jun 15, 2023
- symbolStatus added new enum: 'restrictedAPI'
- Get History Plan Orders (TPSL) added param 'productType'
Jun 05, 2023
- Update description on response field: 'orderId' of Place order
May 26, 2023
- Add new interface Close All Position
May 22, 2023
- Add new interface Modify Order
- Get Account Bill and Get Business Account Bill add request parameter
May 20, 2023
- Get Open Order, Get All Open Order, Get History Orders, Get ProductType History Orders, and get Order Detail added response field
May 12, 2023
- Get Tader List add parameter:
trader uid andtraderNickName
trader nickname
May 08, 2023**
- Get Candle Data add parameter: 'kLineType' support index/mark price k-line
- Get Trader Open order parameter: 'symbol' changed to non-mandatory
May 6, 2023
- New interface Cancel Follower Trader
Apr 21, 2023
- New interface Get Symbol Position V2
- New interface Get All Position V2
Mar 28, 2023
- New interface Get Position Tier
- New interface Get Trader List
- New interface Follower query Trace Config
- New interface Follower Set copyTrade Config
- New interface Follower Close Position By Tracking Number
- New interface Follower Close Position By Symbol, MarginCoin, MarginMode, HoldSide
- New interface Follower Set Tpsl
Mar 17, 2023
- New interface Get Fills
- New interface Cancel Order By Symbol
- New interface Cancel Plan Order (TPSL) By Symbol
Mar 15, 2023
- /api/mix/v1/market/ticker and /api/mix/v1/market/tickers added new response fields: 'indexPrice', 'fundingRate', 'holdingAmount'
- /api/mix/v1/market/candles request param 'limit' max value: 1000
- /api/mix/v1/account/account and /api/mix/v1/account/accounts added response field 'unrealizedPL', 'bonus'
- /api/mix/v1/account/sub-account-contract-assets added response field 'bonus'
- /api/mix/v1/order/cancel-order added request param 'clientOid'
- /api/mix/v1/order/cancel-batch-orders added request param 'clientOids', added response field: 'client_order_ids'
- /api/mix/v1/order/current added response field 'priceAvg', 'filledAmount', 'leverage', 'marginMode', 'reduceOnly', 'enterPointSource', 'tradeSide', 'holdMode', 'uTime'
- /api/mix/v1/order/history and /api/mix/v1/order/historyProductType added request param 'clientOid'; added response fields: reduceOnly', 'enterPointSource', 'tradeSide', 'holdMode'
- /api/mix/v1/order/detail added response fields: 'leverage', 'marginMode', 'reduceOnly', 'enterPointSource', 'tradeSide', 'holdMode'
- /api/mix/v1/order/fills and /api/mix/v1/order/allFills added response fields: 'enterPointSource', 'tradeSide', 'holdMode','takerMakerFlag'
- /api/mix/v1/plan/modifyPlan, /api/mix/v1/plan/modifyPlanPreset, /api/mix/v1/plan/placeTPSL, /api/mix/v1/plan/placeTrailStop, /api/mix/v1/plan/placePositionsTPSL, /api/mix/v1/plan/modifyTPSLPlan, /api/mix/v1/plan/cancelPlan, added param 'clientOid'
- /api/mix/v1/plan/currentPlan and /api/mix/v1/plan/historyPlan added response fields: 'clientOid', 'rangeRate', 'enterPointSource', 'tradeSide', 'holdMode'
- Order Channel added push data fields 'hM', 'eps', 'tS', 'low',
- Plan Order Channel added push data fields 'hM', 'eps', 'triggerTime', 'userId', 'version', 'triggerPxType', 'key'
- RestAPI error codes and WebSocket error codes added new error code
Feb 28, 2023
- business added new value: 'contract_settle_fee': settle funding fee
Feb 13, 2023
- Added new interface RestAPI -> Market -> VIP fee rate
- Interface /api/mix/v1/order/fills /api/mix/v1/order/allFills added response field: profit/fillAmount
Jan 30, 2023
- /api/mix/v1/plan/placePlan add param: 'reduceOnly'
- /api/mix/v1/plan/modifyTPSLPlan param 'triggerPrice' is required
- /api/mix/v1/trace/modifyTPSL desc update on param 'stopProfitPrice' & 'stopLossPrice'
Jan 27, 2023
- Get sub Account Contract Assets add response field: unrealizedPL
- Place Stop Order triggerType desciption updated
Jan 11, 2023
- Place Order add parameter: reduceOnly
- Get All Symbols add response fields symbolStatus|offTime|limitOpenTime
Dec 28, 2022
- Provide brand new telegram group for Openapi technical support
- business added 'burst_long_loss_query' and 'b'urst_short_loss_query'
- websocket -> account channel -> push data:delete 'crossMaxAvailable' and 'fixedMaxAvailable', added 'maxOpenPosAvailable'
Dec, 21, 2022
- /api/mix/v1/plan/placeTrailStop added request param: 'side'
Dec, 16, 2022
- /api/mix/v1/account/setPositionMode curl: updated request param
- /api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder clientOid idempotent 30 days
- trader create order rate limit: 1/s
- /api/mix/v1/trace/currentTrack specify max pageSize
- /api/mix/v1/account/setMargin specify the usage of 'amount'
- /api/mix/v1/order/batch-orders max order size: 50
Dec, 07, 2022
- Specify the usage on planType in below interfaces:
- /api/mix/v1/plan/placeTPSL
- /api/mix/v1/plan/placePositionsTPSL
- /api/mix/v1/plan/modifyTPSLPlan
- /api/mix/v1/plan/cancelPlan
Dec, 06, 2022
- RestAPI -> Account -> added Get sub Account Contract Assets
- WebsocketAPI -> Private Channel -> Order Channel -> Push data parameters -> 'status' supplement enum: 'init'
- WebsocketAPI -> Public Channel -> Ticker Channel -> Push data parameters -> Added 'bidSz', 'askSz'
Nov, 23, 2022
- Added new interface RestAPI ->
-> Cancel All trigger order | Place trailing stop order - Account -> Change Hold Mode change request parameter
Nov, 11, 2022
- Add new interface RestAPI -> Account -> Change Hold Mode
- Supplementary clause on the Place Order logic with single_hold mode
- Supplementary clause on the Reversal logic with single_hold mode
- Add 'init' to order status
- New values added to side, added trade side
October, 27, 2022
- Added channel on WebSocketAPI -> Public Channels -> New Trades Channel
- WebSocketAPI -> Public Channels -> Order Book Channel added channel value:books1
- WebSocketAPI -> Private Channels -> Plan Order Channel added new push field: websocket plantype
October, 14, 2022
- Add new interface RestAPI -> Trade -> Reversal
September, 15, 2022
- Add new interface
->Cancle All Order
September, 06, 2022
- Add new interface
->Place Position TPSL
August, 29, 2022
- Add new interface
->Get productType History Order
August, 19, 2022
->Get Candle Data
add UTC0granularity
->Get Sinle Symbol Ticker
,Get All Symbol Ticker
UTC0 data
August, 16, 2022
Get All Symbols
August, 15, 2022
GET request It is forbidden to transmit parameters in the
Request Body
, please pass the parameters inQueryString
August, 11, 2022CopyTrade
->Get CopyTrade Symbols
add response parameterminOpenCount
August, 08, 2022
- add Sign Code Demo
Signature Code Demo
August, 06, 2022
- add PostMan Example
August, 03, 2022
- add Request Example
August, 01, 2022
- /api/mix/v1/account/accountBusinessBill Added query flow based on business line
July, 22, 2022
- Support USDC futures
- /api/mix/v1/order/marginCoinCurrent
No Required - /api/mix/v1/order/allFills add new interface get order fill by productType
July, 21, 2022
- Websocket connection addition rules, please refer to the Connection directory
July, 20 ,2022
- Response
delete, Please do not use this field
July, 8 ,2022
- add websocket
June, 24 ,2022
June, 10 ,2022
April 02, 2022
- add account bill interface
add field openMargin
February 25, 2022
- Add Take Profit and Stop Loss order to place an order based on quantity
optional - Get all transaction details and add
query pagination
February 12, 2022
- add new interface get symbol supported leverage get symbol supported leverage
- Get transaction details Support query all details Check Transaction Details
January 05, 2022【Modification of frequency limit rules to add a new domain name】
- Removed domain name https://capi.bitgetapi.com
add new domain name https://api.bitget.com
- Modification of frequency limit rules
Request Url | Rule |
/api/mix/v1/account/setLeverage | 5c/1s |
/api/mix/v1/account/setMargin | 5c/1s |
/api/mix/v1/account/setMarginMode | 5c/1s |
/api/mix/v1/account/setPositionMode | 5c/1s |
/api/mix/v1/position/allPosition | 5c/1s |
December 08, 2021【WebSocket Private Channel 】
- WebSocket Private Channel Online
October 26, 2021
- Follower view and documentary interface added
- The interface for traders to view the information of closing and copy trading pairs
- Traders set up the copy trading pair interface
- Golang SDK is online
- NodeJs SDK is online
September 26, 2021【WebSocket Public Channel 】
- WebSocket Public Channel Online
- The position interface adds a field for liquidation price
September 08, 2021【Contract List and Ticker Quotes】
- Get the list of all contracts and get all the ticker quotations interface requires the
parameter to be passed in to support simulated trading
September 06, 2021【New account list query】
- Account interface New account list query, query all account information according to product type
- New unrealized profit and loss field in position interface
July 27, 2021 [New Quanto Swap Contract V1 Document]
- New V1 document
- Error message support in Chinese/English
API Introduction
Welcome to Bitget Developer document!
This document is the only official document of Bitget API. We will constantly update the functionalities of Bitget API here. Please pay attention to it regularly.
You can switch to access different APIs business line by clicking the upper menu, and you can switch the document language by clicking the language button on the upper right.
On the right side of the document usually displays example of request parameters and response results.
Regarding API additions, updates, and offline information, Bitget will issue announcements in advance to notify you. It is recommended that you follow and subscribe to our announcements to obtain relevant information in time.
You can click here to subscribe to announcements.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us by:
- Send an email to API@bitget.com.
- Telegram Join
- Q1: Why can't traders close positions?
A : Traders should use Trader Close Position
- Q2: Order parameter
What should I pass? For example, BTCUSDT_UMCBL or BTCUSDT ?
- Q3 : What does the WebSocket parameter
pass? For example, BTCUSDT_UMCBL or BTCUSDT ?
- Q4: Is the parameter
case sensitive?
A : Yes
Quick Start
Access Preparation
If you need to use the API, please log in to the web page, then apply the API key application and complete the permission configuration, and then develop and trade according to the details of this document.
You can click here to create an API Key after login.
Each user can create 10 sets of Api Keys, and each Api Key can set permissions for reading and trading.
The permissions are described as follows:
- Read-Only permission: Read permission authorized to query data, such as market data.
- Trade permission: Transaction permission authorized to call the interface of placing and cancelling orders.
- Transfer permission: With this permission it authorized to transfer coins between accounts inside Bitget.
- Withdraw permission: Authorized to withdraw assets from Bitget account,
noted that you can only withdraw coins through an whitelisted IP address.
After successfully created the API key, please remember the following information:
The identity of API transactions, generated by a random algorithm.SecretKey
The private key is randomly generated by the system and used for Signature generation.Passphrase
The password is set by the user. It should be noted that if you forgot the Passphrase, it cannot be retrieved back, and the APIKey needs to be recreated.
SDK/Code Example
open SDK(Recommended)
Java | Python | GoLang | NodeJs | PHP
PostMan(Demo) PostMan
You should first try to config the APIKey, Secretkey and Passphrase in the Environments
tab on left of the PostMan
Interface Type
Interfaces are mainly divided into two types:
- Public Interface
- Private Interface
Public Interface
The public interface can be used to obtain configuration information and market data. Public requests can be used without authentication.
Private Interface
The private interface can be used for order management and account management. Every private request must be Signed.
The private interface will be verified from server side with your APIKey info.
Access Restriction
This chapter mainly focuses on access restrictions:
- Rest API will return 429 status when the access exceeds the frequency limit: the request is too frequent.
Rest API
If the APIKey is valid, we will use the APIKey to limit the frequency; if not, the public IP will be used to limit the frequency.
Frequency limit rules: There are separate instructions on each interface. If the limitation is not specified , the default frequency limit is 10 times per second.
Special note: When place orders in batch, 10 orders per currency pair will be counted as one request.
API Domain Name
You can use different domain as below Rest API.
Domain Name | REST API | Recommended To Use |
Domain 1 | https://api.bitget.com | Main Domain |
Domain 2 | https://capi.bitget.com | Old domain |
API Verification
Initiate a request
The header of all REST requests must contain the following http headers:
- ACCESS-KEY:API KEY as a string
- ACCESS-SIGN:Sign with base64 encoding (see Signature).
- ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:Timestamp of your request. Value equals to milliseconds since Epoch.
- ACCESS-PASSPHRASE:The password you set when created the API KEY.
- Content-Type:Please set to application/json for all POST request
- locale: Support language such as: Chinese (zh-CN), English (en-US)
Long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
import time
time.time_ns() / 1000000
import (
Math.round(new Date())
microtime(true) * 1000;
The request header of ACCESS-SIGN is to encrypt timestamp + method.toUpperCase() + requestPath + "?" + queryString + body string (+ means string concat) by HMAC SHA256 algorithm with secretKey. and encode the encrypted result through BASE64.
Description of each parameter in the signature
- timestamp:Same as ACCESS-TIMESTAMP request header. Value equals to milliseconds since Epoch.
- method:Request method (POST/GET), all uppercase.
- requestPath:Request interface path.
- queryString:The query string in the request URL (the request parameter after the ?).
- body:The request body in string format. If the request body is empty (usually a GET request), the body can be omitted.
If the queryString is empty, signature content
timestamp + method.toUpperCase() + requestPath + body
If the queryString not empty, signature content
timestamp + method.toUpperCase() + requestPath + "?" + queryString + body
For example
Get contract depth information, let's take BTCUSDT_UMCBL as an example:
- timestamp = 16273667805456
- method = "GET"
- requestPath = "/api/mix/V1/market/depth"
- queryString= "?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&limit=20"
Generate the content to be signed:
Contract order, take BTCUSDT_UMCBL as an example:
- timestamp = 16273667805456
- method = "POST"
- requestPath = "/api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder"
- body = {"symbol":"BTCUSDT_UMCBL","size":"8","side":"open_long","orderType":"limit","client_oid":"bitget#123456"}
Generate the content to be signed:
Steps to generate the final signature
Step 1. Use the private key secretkey to encrypt the string to be signed with hmac sha256
String payload = hmac_sha256(secretkey, Message);
Step 2. Base64 encoding for Signature.
String signature = base64.encode(payload);
Step 1. Use the RSA privateKey privateKey to encrypt the string to be signed with SHA-256
Step 2. Base64 encoding for Signature.
HMAC Signature Code Demo
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.management.RuntimeErrorException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.Base64;
import org.springframework.util.Base64Utils;
public class CheckSign {
private static final String secretKey = "";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//POST sign example
// String timestamp = "1684813405151";
// String body = "{\"symbol\":\"TRXUSDT_UMCBL\",\"marginCoin\":\"USDT\",\"size\":551,\"side\":\"open_long\",\"orderType\":\"limit\",\"price\":0.0555,\"timeInForceValue\":\"normal\"}";
// String sign = generate(timestamp,"POST","/api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder" ,null,body,secretKey);
// log.info("sign:{}",sign);
//GET sign example
String timestamp = "1684814440729";
String queryString = "symbol=btcusdt_umcbl&marginCoin=usdt";
String sign = generate(timestamp,"GET","/api/mix/v1/account/account" ,queryString,null,secretKey);
private static Mac MAC;
static {
try {
CheckSign.MAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException var1) {
throw new RuntimeErrorException(new Error("Can't get Mac's instance."));
public static String generate(String timestamp, String method, String requestPath,
String queryString, String body, String secretKey)
throws CloneNotSupportedException, InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
method = method.toUpperCase();
body = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(body, StringUtils.EMPTY);
queryString = StringUtils.isBlank(queryString) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : "?" + queryString;
String preHash = timestamp + method + requestPath + queryString + body;
byte[] secretKeyBytes = secretKey.getBytes("UTF-8");
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKeyBytes, "HmacSHA256");
Mac mac = (Mac) CheckSign.MAC.clone();
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(mac.doFinal(preHash.getBytes("UTF-8")));
import hmac
import base64
import json
import time
def get_timestamp():
return int(time.time() * 1000)
def sign(message, secret_key):
mac = hmac.new(bytes(secret_key, encoding='utf8'), bytes(message, encoding='utf-8'), digestmod='sha256')
d = mac.digest()
return base64.b64encode(d)
def pre_hash(timestamp, method, request_path, body):
return str(timestamp) + str.upper(method) + request_path + body
def parse_params_to_str(params):
url = '?'
for key, value in params.items():
url = url + str(key) + '=' + str(value) + '&'
return url[0:-1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
timestamp = "1685013478665" # get_timestamp()
request_path = "/api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder"
params = {"symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL", "marginCoin": "USDT", "price": 0.0555, "size": 551, "side": "open_long", "orderType": "limit", "timeInForceValue": "normal"}
body = json.dumps(params)
sign = sign(pre_hash(timestamp, "POST", request_path, str(body)), API_SECRET_KEY)
body = ""
request_path = "/api/mix/v1/account/account"
params = {"symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL", "marginCoin": "USDT"}
request_path = request_path + parse_params_to_str(params)
sign = sign(pre_hash(timestamp, "GET", request_path, str(body)), API_SECRET_KEY)
For more demo code on other development languages, please refer to SDK
RSA Signature Demo Code
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.management.RuntimeErrorException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.Base64;
public class CheckSign {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//GET sign example
// String timestamp = "1684814440729";
// String queryString = "symbol=btcusdt_umcbl&marginCoin=usdt";
// String signContent = timestamp + "GET" + "/api/mix/v1/account/account?" + queryString;
// String sign = generate(signContent);
// log.info("sign:{}",sign);
//POST sign example
String timestamp = "1684814440729";
String preContent = timestamp + "POST" + "/api/spot/v1/trade/orders";
String body = "{\"symbol\":\"btcusdt_spbl\",\"quantity\":\"8\",\"side\":\"buy\",\"price\":\"1\",\"orderType\":\"limit\",\"clientOrderId\":\"bitget1233456\"}";
String signContent = preContent + body;
String sign = generate(signContent);
* @param content: the string to be signed
* @return
private String generate(String content) {
String privateKey = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n" +
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQD5C1iP01MC9fh5\n" +
"43mGx8WgJRAp3Xz9Tcqfz6HzoSg+zd8HVxKXRTXBwMDBfLxfQXobptz1tDlPUs+g\n" +
"YI38X8XEBZi5U4EBaZ5qHxArBTimyNXX6WNL6hTw0MI238cGKiW0WvWd9v6Z6/LX\n" +
"i6uFUiUEsZiiuHXcO7EKGuvBrVIRl57FzvOPD5QKfhVxcHr63NfEViAEQfQH4IN2\n" +
"+mu+L8epkWkmbua4jILUP+LXvHN7ZMiWP9bouw3r4l6v0NJ4XyucSYJL9fJ81rsI\n" +
"iUoD1S7xlSboujR4RSsFZKFyurE1c8XiU2aZ2qq+6vjby0ncE4dKVu5x/iJZ4gsL\n" +
"bneZujBLAgMBAAECggEAD6cF5uw6QGpjNo30emMd6aXKsUbpbyYvgQHUxPIxDFl2\n" +
"FgkD8xv3d/j8ZGzJjhcYbJp9MrgkDfc/c23+HomKbXqIkcVMy2DvAu523q1SVTE0\n" +
"N4DEq+XHcSc9vaMs6BdIDWDWJRp8AAKTXba6jgOOrg/Xbwq25aOeyerNPHv/N3m3\n" +
"VImJZVV+ZcetUZ82UdX7NkvV4qmRi8se47OXUT9aypzpvGbSukkqXuE4GtKGoybR\n" +
"R1sJtU10ap3QvyVNshn2QJnRd3GN2UENDvZS3ZvSY6f/Cq7K/EAmrsstOdUB2Ihn\n" +
"POnI9/MrghWFq/n3ekuArWc54bDai0deKFl9KvI2oQKBgQD9ekRFMB6ueRCCeoyg\n" +
"TOGvvW3d7X7G90XKL1xKhrg6mYh65hfQaxbihfOcrneFOoc3BgZwnbAZpF+hlq9J\n" +
"klu69adhYlMxP2nF3PGj5vPln9/rd6/gcFFE9o7zZhI166PsmlxQ7/N0SCnlao7y\n" +
"HZQoeeFJ1xuvCHVlNsTR+XZ88QKBgQD7hckVvGxIftcZsHChP8TFcDAn1IsaVbyt\n" +
"i1UZ5JPznSLTcdb8YPtFr9afiCJ4b2NqRe8gCpUCUi+urnoMMsqMxTUMopiLPh2S\n" +
"SYaBgpQYUIDLpt+Wx06krbOOyXVZ8RtgYLMpMhFCsRyzovqe8/LZQfQKWfQGTAXS\n" +
"qL5vdyiw+wKBgQC7DMDYdbwOcFRYlOq1WEarExTCUoHdfZfIrc5jSKsmwynN14H3\n" +
"US9gFg1BsBWPATPKzO1vqU3Mfln7umC73/9FJgZQfOh7TRpW4saGduXAq4voDTiC\n" +
"XR/7zh6LSuVhWPRsozRAnfF/+8i+/TVjQaSVgetYPB63uXw4JoRzlq1zYQKBgQDJ\n" +
"7ASb25G+vX1n1TsGaNBKhR9TypEFylDXreTbDaMtTzg3Mcwa/qyarGiL2Fl8AEh6\n" +
"d7xaJ8SqgVpgTRgUFO6BBozpINt/5ZUN7NL7w92qi25qkAQt4sGi+QQOnHMGisak\n" +
"n90VNGmg9dkJ6cxzsXqDqiwF52M9bui5zthbWfkj4wKBgEFVT+jf235aihaS88Oj\n" +
"MbR078tvsFiRBICHlYCIef7/a+gt7N1u9sEGlPspY3HuPamA39201BuItD9X83VR\n" +
"Vg+HjkeQIIrxmfvZn1O8/l+ItSNUzQhX6T0cSdCo6KtmZLBQ6Zaw7r63GcdvSdR2\n" +
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n" +
"-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
try {
String parsedPem = privateKey.replace("\n", "").trim();
parsedPem = parsedPem
.replace("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "")
.replace("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec priPKCS8 = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64Utils.decodeFromString(parsedPem));
KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
PrivateKey priKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(priPKCS8);
Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256WithRSA");
String sign = Base64Utils.encodeToString(signature.sign());
return sign;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("create sign failed", ex);
import base64
import json
import time
import base64
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
def get_timestamp():
return int(time.time() * 1000)
def rsa_sign(message, private_key):
pri_key = RSA.importKey(private_key)
encoded_param = SHA256.new(bytes(message, encoding='utf-8'))
sign_str = PKCS1_v1_5.new(pri_key).sign(encoded_param)
return base64.b64encode(sign_str).decode()
def pre_hash(timestamp, method, request_path, body):
return str(timestamp) + str.upper(method) + request_path + body
def parse_params_to_str(params):
url = '?'
for key, value in params.items():
url = url + str(key) + '=' + str(value) + '&'
return url[0:-1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
private_key = '''-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----'''
timestamp = get_timestamp()
request_path = "/api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder"
params = {"symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL", "marginCoin": "USDT", "price": 0.0555, "size": 551, "side": "open_long", "orderType": "limit", "timeInForceValue": "normal"}
body = json.dumps(params)
sign = rsa_sign(pre_hash(timestamp, "POST", request_path, str(body)), private_key)
body = ""
request_path = "/api/mix/v1/account/account"
params = {"symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL", "marginCoin": "USDT"}
request_path = request_path + parse_params_to_str(params)
sign = rsa_sign(pre_hash(timestamp, "GET", request_path, str(body)), private_key)
export function sign() {
const private_key = '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n' +
'e0ljABC58EVhiw7fPXWhMh7gZwurQQ8M/I9/VA8lDjwwoGuuJ6enurdfwhpZxeZH\n' +
'P3wdmwvD7XLESEXVuxJv5hdpI9m6ydInK9SA8IbaF4yYWp0l4N2mA44MzadA7QZq\n' +
'bQtQPlyPZHeia5q/NZHFWCrCbW2lGAAWwrhQq9LceVIW75e213xtnps0pGlII7Ye\n' +
'xLkoazuhC1X8YNSxlCdLOiz1GvOeVSeiSZx31o/O+rj7tDFpSgZJEXRmtGRoJkJy\n' +
'10EGSrvUMezCVSOcb1hCExg4osK6rBKnDjFjwQvwvNNZq0JG+CkfH8eHAa7gSK50\n' +
'In51go29AgMBAAECggEAEvYk30hQGu7PH0stQX3UhlVsR6HXnRlvgIrmJe7F/VLO\n' +
'WaZoNdUQLktU/heYY1nsX8+mIyjmvEOayqPgdkEmXevVlcuQf38Zbduynr3vlRCX\n' +
'AJnL9+8GkmucSxFBODuu/EAZc3mm27C2wUV7w6SAy9g0g6Os97ehZsSGAwHl4aye\n' +
'i6KtB07LAA10Eh5Ptq4YAfCYiUO7j10pQ+DJKqN9N1eyjyw5eixEgCpudcbpCc9X\n' +
'+EK6zxk8Ynr0ANX8/LwvokqgYBK1UIL6ear0dtKmeFU+KwrmkKZfXk8/Amr/O8Ot\n' +
'iHTTr1SLyQKRzq3La149LMmNkUYxaMSV/KGTEV7ukQKBgQDQl/fA3mxXtQg2IjTB\n' +
'cvDBGhB4c3haECWcP7TQWJDb30vxOKeq1k9YPUfegZga5zlyV28PAZnb0m5x07+0\n' +
'OY4862brT+pje9OhQxfkAY6AtJaiIqhCcw5ew8Go/Ja1ML0jZESWG1MWBJtCcFTm\n' +
'd3+n9yU1fB1Ze0adilYmyu7zwwKBgQDBDPJZgSj7YssPyRmo3bO0MjknfYBqXvwi\n' +
'6TxV11mJRe5BJ9Rc2WXGfEm3DEn7TO/Wv0t7Yqm6/sXg5HzriN/PHlaVtE6wlXe7\n' +
'3gpYKjlm99KO7KKWYqP812mASl6ydLX9QWozlOXjVhWMuSGqMWjut4J3P8jlkOJ6\n' +
'pNq9c8/gfwKBgQCxwvAl8ubNj78hsuDWgsddKIMkwvKrfdsvXrMOYouAdLjZJvjs\n' +
'A5q2jfKzUil3s9km8g/479pYlOn+Iv/Z7Lqke8/HdOFASoQ9h1nSuujgEgXUwkg1\n' +
'6Ks0Ywqkoi0k2BY3FPnGGh8iQma1pdkUVn35fAq/m7e/S+kP1JY6lPIx1QKBgQCS\n' +
'jxul67KLNrNmpot+ceGt2bseSd8l4jqU3nDZ0oW8+4Qnnu9QFhN4Hn9wIjpAOGaU\n' +
'p+HMKFknB6h+Vbior98JxMSDHsHmuXKPA8DishumGlqV+vxsIzLQD1Ge/dbqsERB\n' +
'olnYEyB7+KyfiyUNqjk5kcPQeHIyJk5qQaF21udoTQKBgDOMbtM0Nq7cd/SAHISR\n' +
'pQ6+33v2gOtez8Cwo6tgyKRi6QPObQk00vbrKEBTihP30m81rwBPzjwj7iKXxWgA\n' +
'-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n'
const ts = Date.now();
const NodeRSA = require('node-rsa')
const pri_key = new NodeRSA(private_key)
const ts = Date.now();
const params = 'coin=USDT&startTime=1687744761000&endTime=1690336761929'
const endpoint = '/api/spot/v1/wallet/withdrawal-list'
const method = "GET"
const pre_hash = String(ts) + method + endpoint + '?' + params
const sign = pri_key.sign(pre_hash, 'base64', 'UTF-8')
const endpoint_post = '/api/spot/v1/trade/open-orders'
const params_post = '{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_SPBL"}'
const method_post = "POST"
const pre_hash_post = String(ts) + method_post + endpoint_post + params_post
const sign_post = pri_key.sign(pre_hash_post, 'base64', 'UTF-8')
return sign
Request Interaction
All requests are based on the Https protocol, and the Content-Type in the POST request header should set to:'application/json'.
Request Interaction Description
- Request parameters: Encapsulate parameters according to the interface request parameters.
- Submit request parameters: Submit the encapsulated request parameters to the server through GET/POST.
- Server Response:The server first performs parameter security verification on the user request data, and returns the response data to the user in JSON format according to the business logic after passing the verification.
- Data processing:Process the server response data.
HTTP status code 200 indicates a successful response and may contain content. If the response contains content, it will be displayed in the corresponding return content.
Common Error Codes
- 400 Bad Request – Invalid request format
- 401 Unauthorized – Invalid API Key
- 403 Forbidden – You do not have access to the requested resource
- 404 Not Found – No request found
- 429 Too Many Requests – Requests are too frequent and are limited by the system
- 500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server
- If it fails, the return body usually indicates the error message
Standard Specification
The unit of ACCESS-TIMESTAMP in the HTTP request signature is milliseconds. The timestamp of the request must be within 30 seconds of the API server time, otherwise the request will be considered expired and rejected. If there is a large deviation between the local server time and the API server time, we recommend that you compare the timestamp by querying the API server time.
Frequency Limiting Rules
If the request is too frequent, the system will automatically limit the request and return the 429 too many requests status code.
- Public interface:For the market information interfaces, the unified rate limit is a maximum of 20 requests per second.
- Authorization interface:apikey is used to restrict the calling of authorization interfaces, refer to the frequency restriction rules of each interface for frequency restriction.
Request Format
There are currently only two supported request methods: GET and POST
- GET: The parameters are transmitted to the server in the path through queryString.
- POST: The parameters are sending to the server in json format.
API Common parameters
- umcbl
USDT perpetual contract
- dmcbl
Universal margin perpetual contract
- cmcbl
USDC perpetual contract
- sumcbl
USDT simulation perpetual contract
- sdmcbl
Universal margin simulation perpetual contract
- scmcbl
USDC simulation perpetual contract
candlestick interval
- 1m(1minute)
- 3m(3minute)
- 5m(5minute)
- 15m(15minute)
- 30m(30minute)
- 1H(1hour)
- 2H (2hour)
- 4H (4hour)
- 6H (6hour)
- 12H (12hour)
- 1D (1day)
- 3D (3day)
- 1W(1week)
- 1M (1month)
- 6Hutc (UTC0 6hour)
- 12Hutc (UTC0 12hour)
- 1Dutc (UTC0 1day)
- 3Dutc (UTC0 3day)
- 1Wutc (UTC0 1 week)
- 1Mutc (UTC0 1 month)
Margin Mode
Words | Description |
fixed | Isolated margin |
crossed | Cross margin |
Position Mode
Words | Description |
single_hold | One-way position |
double_hold | Two-way position |
Position Direction
Words | Description |
long | Long position |
short | Short position |
- open_long
- open_short
- close_long
- close_short
- trans_from_exchange Transfer in from spot account
- trans_to_exchange Transfer out to spot account
- contract_settle_fee Funding fee
- contract_main_settle_fee Funding fee for 'crossed'. deprecated, please don't use in query
- contract_margin_settle_fee Funding fee for 'isolated'. deprecated, please don't use in query
- tracking_trader_income Trader 'copy trade' income
- burst_long_loss_query Liquidated close long
- burst_short_loss_query Liquidated close short
- open_long
- open_short
- close_long
- close_short
- buy_single buy under single_hold mode
- sell_single sell under single_hold mode
Values for double_hold
Words | Description |
open_long | open long |
open_short | open short |
close_long | close long |
close_short | close short |
reduce_close_long | Force reduce long position |
reduce_close_short | Force reduce short position |
offset_close_long | Force netting: close long position |
offset_close_short | Force netting: close short position |
burst_close_long | Force liquidation: close long position |
burst_close_short | Force liquidation: close short position |
delivery_close_long | Future delivery close long |
delivery_close_short | Future delivery close short |
Values for single_hold
Words | Description |
buy_single | Buy in single_hold mode |
sell_single | Sell in single_hold mode |
reduce_buy_single | Force reduce buy in single_hold mode |
reduce_sell_single | Force reduce sell in single_hold mode |
burst_buy_single | Force liquidation: buy in single_hold mode |
burst_sell_single | Force liquidation: sell in single_hold mode |
delivery_buy_single | Future delivery buy in single_hold mode |
delivery_sell_single | Future delivery sell in single_hold mode |
Words | Description |
normal | good till cancel, default value |
post_only | maker only |
fok | fill or kill |
ioc | immediately or cancel |
- limit
- market
order status
Words | Description |
init | initial order, inserted into DB |
new | new order, pending match in orderbook |
partially_filled | Partially Filled |
filled | Filled |
canceled | Canceled |
Words | Description |
fill_price | fill price |
market_price | mark price |
Words | Description |
profit_plan | profit order |
loss_plan | loss order |
normal_plan | plan order |
pos_profit | position profit |
pos_loss | position loss |
moving_plan | Trailing TP/SL |
track_plan | Trailing Stop |
Words | Description |
plan | plan order, Trailing Stop |
profit_loss | profit order, loss order, position profit, position loss, Trailing TP/SL |
Words | Description |
not_trigger | order not yet trigger |
triggered | order triggered |
fail_trigger | order trigger failed |
cancel | order cancel |
Words | Description |
WEB | Created from Web |
API | Created from API |
SYS | Created from System, usually force liquidation order |
ANDROID | Created from Android system |
IOS | Created from IOS system |
- profit
- loss
Websocket planType
- pl: default, push data whenever a plan order is created/cancelled/modified/triggered
- tp: take profit event, push data when a take profit order(partial position) is created/cancelled/modified/triggered
- sl: stop loss event, push data when a stop loss order(partial position) is created/cancelled/modified/triggered
- ptp: position take profit event, push data when a position take profit order(whole position) is created/cancelled/modified/triggered
- psl: position stop loss event, push data when a position stop loss order(whole position) is created/cancelled/modified/triggered
- normal normal
- maintain symbol is under maintenance
- off offline
- restrictedAPI API trading is restricted
- limit_open unable to open position
- full full followers trader
- all all trader
- composite default
- roi sort by roi
- totalPL sort by totalPL
- aum sort by aum
- asc
- desc
- zh-CN Chinese
- en-US English
- trader Margin Type follow trader
- specify Set Margin Type By yourself
- position leverage use position
- specify set leverage By yourself
- trader leverage follow trader
- percent Set the ratio of the copy amount to the trader's opening amount, for example, 1 means the same amount as the trader's opening amount, 2 means the opening amount is twice the trader's opening amount
- amount Set copy amount by fixed amount
- count Set Copy Amount by fixed count
Words | Description |
normal | normal order |
market | market order |
profit_market | market profit order |
loss_market | market loss order |
Trader_delegate | trader copy trader |
trader_profit | trader profit |
trader_loss | trader loss |
reverse | reverse order |
trader_reverse | trader reverse order |
profit_limit | limit profit order |
loss_limit | limit loss order |
liquidation | liquidation order |
delivery_close_long | delivery close long order |
delivery_close_short | delivery close short order |
pos_profit_limit | position limit profit order |
pos_profit_market | position market profit order |
pos_loss_limit | position limit loss order |
pos_loss_market | position market loss order |
Demo Coin Test on Simulated Trading
Demo coins include :SUSDT, SBTC, SETH, SEOS, SUSDC, demo Coin does not have actual value it is only for users to do the simulated trading, demo coin will be in your account after account registeration : Futures Account - USDT_M Futures Demo
Simulated trading does not support to use sub-account in most of interfaces, please use main account
Get Symbol Information on Simulated Trading
HTTP Request:/api/mix/v1/market/contracts?productType=sumcbl
- sumcbl USDT simulation perpetual contract
- sdmcbl Universal margin simulation perpetual contract
- scmcbl USDC simulation perpetual contract
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1687763055328,
"data": [
"makerFeeRate": "0.0002",
"takerFeeRate": "0.0006",
"feeRateUpRatio": "0.1",
"openCostUpRatio": "0.1",
"quoteCoin": "SUSDT",
"baseCoin": "SBTC",
"buyLimitPriceRatio": "0.01",
"sellLimitPriceRatio": "0.01",
"supportMarginCoins": [
"minTradeNum": "0.001",
"priceEndStep": "5",
"volumePlace": "3",
"pricePlace": "1",
"sizeMultiplier": "0.001",
"symbolType": "perpetual",
"symbolStatus": "normal",
"offTime": "-1",
"limitOpenTime": "-1",
"maintainTime": "",
"symbolName": "SBTCSUSDT"
"makerFeeRate": "0.0002",
"takerFeeRate": "0.0006",
"feeRateUpRatio": "0.1",
"openCostUpRatio": "0.1",
"quoteCoin": "SUSDT",
"baseCoin": "SETH",
"buyLimitPriceRatio": "0.03",
"sellLimitPriceRatio": "0.03",
"supportMarginCoins": [
"minTradeNum": "0.001",
"priceEndStep": "1",
"volumePlace": "3",
"pricePlace": "2",
"sizeMultiplier": "0.001",
"symbolType": "perpetual",
"symbolStatus": "normal",
"offTime": "-1",
"limitOpenTime": "-1",
"maintainTime": "",
"symbolName": "SETHSUSDT"
Get Depth Information in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request:/api/mix/v1/market/depth?symbol=SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL
- sumcbl USDT simulation perpetual contract
- sdmcbl Universal margin simulation perpetual contract
- scmcbl USDC simulation perpetual contract
Get Ticker Information in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request:/api/mix/v1/market/tickers?symbol=SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL
- sumcbl USDT simulation perpetual contract
- sdmcbl Universal margin simulation perpetual contract
- scmcbl USDC simulation perpetual contract
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1687764449397,
"data": [
"last": "0.732",
"bestAsk": "0.736",
"bestBid": "0.731",
"bidSz": "39322",
"askSz": "21875",
"high24h": "0.753",
"low24h": "0.701",
"timestamp": "1687764449400",
"priceChangePercent": "0.01667",
"baseVolume": "5092110",
"quoteVolume": "3684527.064",
"usdtVolume": "3684527.064",
"openUtc": "0.724",
"chgUtc": "0.01105",
"indexPrice": "0.73204",
"fundingRate": "-0.0006",
"holdingAmount": "14571063"
"last": "0.4834",
"bestAsk": "0.4835",
"bestBid": "0.4833",
"bidSz": "89142",
"askSz": "231868",
"high24h": "0.4975",
"low24h": "0.4804",
"timestamp": "1687764449400",
"priceChangePercent": "-0.01105",
"baseVolume": "9267164",
"quoteVolume": "4529961.9166",
"usdtVolume": "4529961.9166",
"openUtc": "0.4898",
"chgUtc": "-0.01307",
"indexPrice": "0.483906",
"fundingRate": "0.0006",
"holdingAmount": "58883676"
Get Account Information in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request:/api/mix/v1/account/account?symbol=SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL&marginCoin=SUSDT
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1687765715697,
"data": {
"marginCoin": "SUSDT",
"locked": "0",
"available": "2579.07608651",
"crossMaxAvailable": "2579.07608651",
"fixedMaxAvailable": "2579.07608651",
"maxTransferOut": "2579.07608651",
"equity": "2579.07608651",
"usdtEquity": "2579.076086513333",
"btcEquity": "0.085011902546",
"crossRiskRate": "0",
"crossMarginLeverage": 6,
"fixedLongLeverage": 6,
"fixedShortLeverage": 20,
"marginMode": "fixed",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"unrealizedPL": "0",
"bonus": "0"
Get Open Count in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request:/api/mix/v1/account/open-count
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/open-count" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL","marginCoin": "SUSDT","openPrice": "30189.5","leverage": "20","openAmount":"5000"}'
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1687766165234,
"data": {
"openCount": 2.975
Get Symbol Position in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/position/singlePosition?symbol=SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL&marginCoin=SUSDT
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/open-count" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL","marginCoin": "SUSDT","openPrice": "30189.5","leverage": "20","openAmount":"5000"}'
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 0,
"data": [
"marginCoin": "SUSDT",
"holdSide": "long",
"openDelegateCount": "0",
"margin": "0",
"available": "0",
"locked": "0",
"total": "0",
"leverage": 6,
"achievedProfits": null,
"averageOpenPrice": null,
"marginMode": "fixed",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"unrealizedPL": null,
"liquidationPrice": null,
"keepMarginRate": null,
"marketPrice": null,
"cTime": null
"marginCoin": "SUSDT",
"holdSide": "short",
"openDelegateCount": "0",
"margin": "0",
"available": "0",
"locked": "0",
"total": "0",
"leverage": 20,
"achievedProfits": null,
"averageOpenPrice": null,
"marginMode": "fixed",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"unrealizedPL": null,
"liquidationPrice": null,
"keepMarginRate": null,
"marketPrice": null,
"cTime": null
Get All Position in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/position/singlePosition?productType=SUMCBL
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 0,
"data": [
"marginCoin": "SUSDT",
"holdSide": "long",
"openDelegateCount": "0",
"margin": "0",
"available": "0",
"locked": "0",
"total": "0",
"leverage": 6,
"achievedProfits": null,
"averageOpenPrice": null,
"marginMode": "fixed",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"unrealizedPL": null,
"liquidationPrice": null,
"keepMarginRate": null,
"marketPrice": null,
"cTime": null
"marginCoin": "SUSDT",
"holdSide": "short",
"openDelegateCount": "0",
"margin": "0",
"available": "0",
"locked": "0",
"total": "0",
"leverage": 20,
"achievedProfits": null,
"averageOpenPrice": null,
"marginMode": "fixed",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"unrealizedPL": null,
"liquidationPrice": null,
"keepMarginRate": null,
"marketPrice": null,
"cTime": null
Place Order in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "SBTCUSDT_SUMCBL","marginCoin": "SUSDT","size": "0.01","price": "30145.5","side":"open_long","orderType":"limit","timeInForceValue":"normal","clientOid":"myClientOid00001"}'
Place Plan order in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/plan/placePlan
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/placePlan" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL","marginCoin": "SUSDT","size": "0.01","executePrice": "31145.5","triggerPrice":"30555.5","side":"open_long","orderType":"limit","triggerType":"market_price","clientOid":"test@483939290000"}'
Cancel Plan Order in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/plan/cancelPlan
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/cancelPlan" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"orderId":"803521986049314816","symbol": "SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL","marginCoin": "SUSDT","planType":"loss_plan"}'
Cancel All trigger Order in Stimualted Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/plan/cancelPlan
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/cancelAllPlan" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"productType":"SUMCBL","planType": "profit_plan"}'
- profit_plan
- normal_plan
- loss_plan
- pos_profit
- pos_loss
- track_plan Trailing Stop
- moving_plan Trailing TP/SL
Get Plan Order (TPSL) List in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/plan/currentPlan?symbol=SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL&isPlan=plan
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 0,
"data": [
"orderId": "1083162196761448449",
"clientOid": "1083162196761448448",
"marginCoin": "SUSDT",
"size": "0.01",
"executePrice": "0",
"triggerPrice": "26746.5",
"status": "not_trigger",
"orderType": "market",
"planType": "normal_plan",
"side": "buy_single",
"triggerType": "market_price",
"presetTakeProfitPrice": "0",
"presetTakeLossPrice": "0",
"rangeRate": "",
"enterPointSource": "API",
"tradeSide": "buy_single",
"holdMode": "single_hold",
"reduceOnly": false,
"cTime": "1693971912565",
"uTime": null
Get History Plan Orders in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/plan/historyPlan?symbol=SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL&startTime=1659406928000&endTime=1659414128000&pageSize=20
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1693981786695,
"data": [
"orderId": "1048210602999750657",
"clientOid": "1048210602999750656",
"executeOrderId": "1048508364888899593",
"marginCoin": "SUSDT",
"size": "0.001",
"executePrice": "27500",
"triggerPrice": "27200",
"status": "triggered",
"orderType": "limit",
"planType": "normal_plan",
"side": "sell_single",
"triggerType": "market_price",
"presetTakeProfitPrice": "0",
"presetTakeLossPrice": "0",
"rangeRate": null,
"enterPointSource": "API",
"tradeSide": "sell_single",
"holdMode": "single_hold",
"reduceOnly": false,
"executeTime": "1685709795259",
"executeSize": "0.001",
"cTime": "1685638803243",
"uTime": "1685709795259"
Get Order Details in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/order/detail?symbol=SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL&orderId=1627293504612
"leverage": "6",
"marginMode": "fixed",
"reduceOnly": false,
"enterPointSource": "WEB",
"tradeSide": "buy_single",
"holdMode": "single_hold",
"orderSource": "market",
Get Order fill detail in Stimualted Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/order/fills?symbol=SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL&orderId=802382049422487552
"enterPointSource": "WEB",
"tradeSide": "buy_single",
"holdMode": "single_hold",
"takerMakerFlag": "taker",
Cancel Order in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/order/cancel-order
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/cancel-order" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "SBTCSUSDT_SUMCBL","marginCoin": "SUSDT"}'
Cancel All Order in Simulated Trading
请求API接口: /api/mix/v1/order/cancel-all-orders
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/cancel-all-orders" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"productType": "SUMCBL","marginCoin": "SUSDT"}'
"code": "00000",
"data": {
"order_ids": [
"fail_infos": [
"order_id": "",
"err_code": "",
"err_msg": ""
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1627293504612
Close All Position in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/order/close-all-positions
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/close-all-positions" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"productType": "SUMCBL"}'
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1684747525424,
"data": {
"orderInfo": [
"orderId": "1044472355251990528",
"clientOid": "1044472355256184832"
"orderId": "1044472355256184835",
"clientOid": "1044472355260379136"
"failure": [],
"result": true
Get All Open Order in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/order/marginCoinCurrent?productType=SUMCBL&marginCoin=SUSDT
"data": [
"symbol": "SBTCUSDT_SUMCBL",
"size": 0.050,
"orderId": "1044911928892862465",
"clientOid": "xx005",
"filledQty": 0.000,
"fee": 0E-8,
"price": 25500.00,
"state": "new",
"side": "open_long",
"timeInForce": "normal",
"totalProfits": 0E-8,
"posSide": "long",
"marginCoin": "SUSDT",
"presetTakeProfitPrice": 33800.00,
"presetStopLossPrice": 11300.00,
"filledAmount": 0.0000,
"orderType": "limit",
"leverage": "4",
"marginMode": "crossed",
"reduceOnly": false,
"enterPointSource": "API",
"tradeSide": "open_long",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"orderSource": "normal",
"cTime": "1684852338057",
"uTime": "1684852338057"
Get ProductType History Orders in Simulated Trading
HTTP Request: /api/mix/v1/order/historyProductType?productType=SUMCB&startTime=1659403328000&endTime=1659410528000&pageSize=20
"reduceOnly": false,
"enterPointSource": "WEB",
"tradeSide": "open_long",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"orderSource": "normal",
"cTime": "1665452796883",
"uTime": "1665452797002"
Websocket in Simulated Trading
Tickers Channel: Retrieve the latest traded price, bid price, ask price and 24-hour trading volume of the instruments. Data will be pushed every 150 ms.
Request Example:
Successful Response Example:
Push data Example:
"openUtc": "17088.5000000000000000",
"chgUTC": "-0.00778",
"symbolType": 1,
"deliveryPrice": "0",
"bidSz": "10.344",
"askSz": "3.024"
Order Book Channel: Get Detph data
Request Example:
Successful Response Example:
Push data Example:
"action": "snapshot",
"arg": {
"instType": "MC",
"channel": "books",
"instId": "BTCUSDT"
"data": [ {
"asks": [
[44849.3, 0.0031]
"bids": [
[44845.2, 0.725]
"checksum":" -1638549107",
"ts": "1628826748009"
} ]
Get All Symbols
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/contracts
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | product type |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/contracts?productType=umcbl"
"code": "00000",
"data": [
"baseCoin": "BTC",
"baseCoinDisplayName": "BTC",
"buyLimitPriceRatio": "0.01",
"feeRateUpRatio": "0.005",
"makerFeeRate": "0.0002",
"minTradeNum": "0.001",
"openCostUpRatio": "0.01",
"priceEndStep": "5",
"pricePlace": "1",
"quoteCoin": "USDT",
"quoteCoinDisplayName": "USDT",
"sellLimitPriceRatio": "0.01",
"sizeMultiplier": "0.001",
"supportMarginCoins": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"takerFeeRate": "0.0006",
"volumePlace": "3",
"symbolStatus": "normal",
"offTime": "-1",
"limitOpenTime": "-1"
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1627114525850
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id, BTCUSDT_UMCBL |
symbolName | Symbol name, BTCUSDT, might be empty |
symbolDispalyName | Symbol display name, e.g. BTCUSDT, might be empty |
baseCoin | Base currency, BTC |
quoteCoin | Quote currency, USDT |
baseCoinDisplayName | Base coin display name, e.g. BTC |
quoteCoinDisplayName | Quote coin display name, e.g. USDT |
buyLimitPriceRatio | Buy price limit ratio, 0.02 means 2% |
sellLimitPriceRatio | Sell price limit ratio, 0.01 means 1% |
feeRateUpRatio | Rate of increase in handling fee, 0.005 means 0.5% |
makerFeeRate | Maker fee rate, 0.0002 means 0.02% |
takerFeeRate | Taker fee rate, 0.0006 means 0.06% |
openCostUpRatio | Percentage of increase in opening cost, 0.01 means 1% |
supportMarginCoins | Support margin currency array |
minTradeNum | Minimum number of openings(Base Currency) |
priceEndStep | Price step, i.e. when pricePlace=1, priceEndStep=5 means the price would only accept numbers like 10.0, 10.5, and reject numbers like 10.2(10.2 divided by 0.5 not equals to 0) |
volumePlace | Number of decimal places |
pricePlace | Price scale precision, i.e. 1 means 0.1; 2 means 0.01 |
sizeMultiplier | Quantity Multiplier The order size must be greater than minTradeNum and satisfy the multiple of sizeMultiplier |
symbolType | future type perpetual perpetual contract delivery delivery contract |
symbolStatus | Symbol Status |
offTime | delist time, '-1' means online symbol |
limitOpenTime | prohibit create order time, '-1' means normal; other value means symbol is under maintenance, and is not allow to create order afterwards |
Get merged depth data
Speed limit rule: 20 times/1s
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/merge-depth
request example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/merge-depth?symbol=ETHUSDT_UMCBL&precision=scale0&limit=5"
request parameters
parameter name | Parameter Type | Required | describe |
symbol | String | Yes | Trading pair name, for example: BTCUSDT_UMCBL |
precision | String | No | Price accuracy, according to the selected accuracy as the step size to return the cumulative depth, enumeration value: scale0/scale1/scale2/scale3, scale0 is not merged, the default value, in general, scale1 is the merged depth of the transaction pair’s quotation accuracy*10, generally In this case, scale2 is the quotation precision *100, scale3 is the quotation precision *1000, and the precision corresponding to 0/1/2/3 is subject to the actual return parameter "scale". The quotation precision of each trading pair is different, and some currencies The pair does not have scale2, and the request for a scale that does not exist for the currency pair will be processed according to the maximum scale. Example: A certain trading pair only has scale 0/1, and when scale2 is requested, it will be automatically reduced to scale1. |
limit | String | No | Fixed gear enumeration value: 1/5/15/50/max, the default gear is 100. When the actual depth does not meet the limit, it will be returned according to the actual gear. Passing in max will return the maximum gear of the trading pair. |
return data
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1692761045039,
"data": {
"asks": [
"bids": [
"ts": "1692761045063",
"scale": "0.1",
"precision": "scale0",
"isMaxPrecision": "NO"
Return value description
parameter name | Parameter Type | field description |
asks | Array | All buy orders at the current price, such as ["38084.5","0.5"], "38084.5" represents the depth price, and "0.5" represents the amount of base currency |
bids | Array | All sell orders at the current price |
precision | String | Current gear, for example: scale 1 |
scale | String | The actual precision value, for example: 0.1 |
isMaxPrecision | String | YES means it is already the maximum precision, NO is not the maximum precision |
ts | String | The time corresponding to the current depth |
Get Depth
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/depth
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
limit | String | No | Depth gear 5,15,50,100 default 100 |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/depth?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&limit=100"
The price & volume pair would return values in scientific notation expression
Please do adjust your code for the scientific notation expression
Get Single Symbol Ticker
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/ticker
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/ticker?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL"
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"last": "23990.5",
"bestAsk": "23991",
"bestBid": "23989.5",
"bidSz": "2.154",
"askSz": "176.623",
"high24h": "24131.5",
"low24h": "23660.5",
"timestamp": "1660705778888",
"priceChangePercent": "0.00442",
"baseVolume": "156243.358",
"quoteVolume": "3735854069.908",
"usdtVolume": "3735854069.908",
"openUtc": "23841.5",
"chgUtc": "0.00625",
"indexPrice": "22381.253737",
"fundingRate": "0.000072",
"holdingAmount": "85862.241"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
last | Latest price |
bestAsk | Ask1 price |
bestBid | Bid1 price |
bidSz | Ask1 size |
askSz | Bid1 size |
high24h | Highest price in 24 hours |
low24h | Lowest price in 24 hours |
timestamp | Timestamp (milliseconds) |
priceChangePercent | Price change (24 hours) |
baseVolume | Base currency trading volume |
quoteVolume | Quote currency trading volume |
usdtVolume | USDT transaction volume |
openUtc | UTC0 open price |
chgUtc | UTC0 price change(24 hour) |
indexPrice | Index price |
fundingRate | Funding rate |
holdingAmount | Holding amount, unit in base coin |
Get All Symbol Ticker
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/tickers
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | product type |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/tickers?productType=umcbl"
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 0,
"data": [{
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"last": "23990.5",
"bestAsk": "23991",
"bestBid": "23989.5",
"bidSz": "2.154",
"askSz": "176.623",
"high24h": "24131.5",
"low24h": "23660.5",
"timestamp": "1660705778888",
"priceChangePercent": "0.00442",
"baseVolume": "156243.358",
"quoteVolume": "3735854069.908",
"usdtVolume": "3735854069.908",
"openUtc": "23841.5",
"chgUtc": "0.00625",
"indexPrice": "22381.253737",
"fundingRate": "0.000072",
"holdingAmount": "85862.241"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
last | Latest price |
bestAsk | Ask price |
bestBid | Bid price |
bidSz | Ask1 size |
askSz | Bid1 size |
high24h | Highest price in 24 hours |
low24h | Lowest price in 24 hours |
timestamp | Timestamp (milliseconds) |
priceChangePercent | Price change (24 hours) |
baseVolume | Base currency trading volume |
quoteVolume | Quote currency trading volume |
usdtVolume | USDT transaction volume |
openUtc | UTC0 open price |
chgUtc | UTC0 price change (24hour) |
indexPrice | Index price |
fundingRate | Funding rate |
holdingAmount | Holding amount, unit in base coin |
VIP fee rate
Rate Limit: 10 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/contract-vip-level
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/contract-vip-level"
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1675759699382,
"data": [
"level": 1,
"dealAmount": "1000000",
"assetAmount": "50000",
"takerFeeRate": "0.000475",
"makerFeeRate": "0.00006",
"withdrawAmount": "300",
"withdrawAmountUSDT": "5000000"
Response parameter
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Description |
level | Integer | Yes | VIP level |
dealAmount | BigDecimal | Yes | Transaction volume (USDT) within 30 days |
assetAmount | BigDecimal | Yes | Asset amount (USDT) |
takerFeeRate | BigDecimal | No | Taker fee rate, actual fee rate please refer to official announcement when '0' |
makerFeeRate | BigDecimal | No | Maker fee rate, actual fee rate please refer to official announcement when '0' |
withdrawAmount | BigDecimal | Yes | 24 hours withdraw amount (BTC) |
withdrawAmountUSDT | BigDecimal | Yes | 24 hours withdraw amount (USDT) |
Get Recent Fills
Get recent 100 trades.
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/fills
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
limit | String | No | Default limit is 100, max 100 |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/fills?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&limit=100"
Response Data
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
tradeId | tradeId |
price | price |
size | size |
side | side |
timestamp | timestamp, ms |
symbol | symbol |
Get Fills
Fetch trade history within 30 days, response will be cached with same param for 10 minutes, please revise 'endTime' to get the latest records
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/fills-history
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
limit | String | No | Default is 500, Max is 1000 |
tradeId | String | No | tradeId, return records with 'tradeId' less than the provided value |
startTime | String | No | startTime, ms |
endTime | String | No | endTime, ms |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/fills-history?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&limit=12&tradeId=1020224189048217601&startTime&endTime"
Response Data
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 0,
"data": [
"tradeId": "1020224187601182723",
"price": "21120",
"size": "23.296",
"side": "Buy",
"timestamp": "1678966321000",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL"
"tradeId": "1020224187055923213",
"price": "21120",
"size": "0.804",
"side": "Sell",
"timestamp": "1678966321000",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
tradeId | tradeId, desc |
price | price |
size | size, base coin |
side | side, Buy/Sell |
timestamp | timestamp, ms |
symbol | symbol |
Get Candle Data
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
Could only get data within 30 days for '1m' data, default return 100 rows
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/candles
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
granularity | String | Yes | Types of candlestick interval |
startTime | String | Yes | Start time (Timestamp ms, bigger or equals), will round-down as per granularity, which is: 1672410799436(2022-12-30 22:33:19) will rounded down to 1672410780000 (2022-12-30 22:33:00) if granularity=1m |
endTime | String | Yes | End time (Timestamp ms, less or equals), will round-down as per granularity, which is: 1672410799436(2022-12-30 22:33:19) will rounded down to 1672408800000 (2022-12-30 22:00:00) if granularity=1H |
kLineType | String | No | k-line type: 'market mark index'; Default 'market' |
limit | String | No | Default 100, max 1000 |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/candles?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&granularity=5m&startTime=1659406928000&endTime=1659410528000"
Response Description
Parameter | Index |
Timestamp in milliseconds | 0 |
Opening price | 1 |
Highest price | 2 |
Lowest price | 3 |
Closing price, value of the latest candle stick might change, please try subscribe the websocket candlestick channel for the updates | 4 |
Base currency trading volume | 5 |
Quote currency trading volume | 6 |
Get History Candle Data
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
Get history candle data, max return 200 rows
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/history-candles
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
granularity | String | Yes | Types of candlestick interval |
startTime | String | Yes | Start time (Timestamp ms, bigger or equals), will round-down as per granularity, which is: 1672410799436(2022-12-30 22:33:19) will rounded down to 1672410780000 (2022-12-30 22:33:00) if granularity=1m |
endTime | String | Yes | End time (Timestamp ms, less or equals), will round-down as per granularity, which is: 1672410799436(2022-12-30 22:33:19) will rounded down to 1672408800000 (2022-12-30 22:00:00) if granularity=1H |
limit | String | No | Default 100, max 200 |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/history-candles?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&granularity=5m&startTime=1659406928000&endTime=1659410528000"
Response Description
Parameter | Index |
Timestamp in milliseconds | 0 |
Opening price | 1 |
Highest price | 2 |
Lowest price | 3 |
Closing price, value of the latest candle stick might change, please try subscribe the websocket candlestick channel for the updates | 4 |
Base currency trading volume | 5 |
Quote currency trading volume | 6 |
Get History Index Candle Data
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
Could only get data within 30 days for '1m' data, default return 100 rows
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/history-index-candles
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
granularity | String | Yes | Types of candlestick interval |
startTime | String | Yes | Start time (Timestamp ms, bigger or equals), will round-down as per granularity, which is: 1672410799436(2022-12-30 22:33:19) will rounded down to 1672410780000 (2022-12-30 22:33:00) if granularity=1m |
endTime | String | Yes | End time (Timestamp ms, less or equals), will round-down as per granularity, which is: 1672410799436(2022-12-30 22:33:19) will rounded down to 1672408800000 (2022-12-30 22:00:00) if granularity=1H |
limit | String | No | Default 100, max 200 |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/history-index-candles?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&granularity=5m&startTime=1659406928000&endTime=1659410528000"
Response Description
Parameter | Index |
Timestamp in milliseconds | 0 |
Opening price | 1 |
Highest price | 2 |
Lowest price | 3 |
Closing price, value of the latest candle stick might change, please try subscribe the websocket candlestick channel for the updates | 4 |
Base currency trading volume | 5 |
Quote currency trading volume | 6 |
Get History Mark Candle Data
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
Could only get data within 30 days for '1m' data, default return 100 rows
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/history-mark-candles
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
granularity | String | Yes | Types of candlestick interval |
startTime | String | Yes | Start time (Timestamp ms, bigger or equals), will round-down as per granularity, which is: 1672410799436(2022-12-30 22:33:19) will rounded down to 1672410780000 (2022-12-30 22:33:00) if granularity=1m |
endTime | String | Yes | End time (Timestamp ms, less or equals), will round-down as per granularity, which is: 1672410799436(2022-12-30 22:33:19) will rounded down to 1672408800000 (2022-12-30 22:00:00) if granularity=1H |
limit | String | No | Default 100, max 200 |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/history-mark-candles?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&granularity=5m&startTime=1659406928000&endTime=1659410528000"
Response Description
Parameter | Index |
Timestamp in milliseconds | 0 |
Opening price | 1 |
Highest price | 2 |
Lowest price | 3 |
Closing price, value of the latest candle stick might change, please try subscribe the websocket candlestick channel for the updates | 4 |
Base currency trading volume | 5 |
Quote currency trading volume | 6 |
Get Symbol Index Price
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/index
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/index?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
index | Index price |
timestamp | Timestamp, milliseconds |
Get Symbol Next Funding Time
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/funding-time
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/funding-time?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol ID |
fundingTime | Next settlement time, milliseconds |
Get History Funding Rate
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/history-fundRate
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
pageSize | int | No | Page size default 20 |
pageNo | int | No | Page No. |
nextPage | Boolean | No | Whether to query the next page default false |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/history-fundRate?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol name |
fundingRate | Current funding rate |
settleTime | Settlement time |
Get Current Funding Rate
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/current-fundRate
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/current-fundRate?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
fundingRate | Current funding rate |
Get Open Interest
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/open-interest
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/open-interest?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol ID |
amount | Total platform open interest |
timestamp | Timestamp (milliseconds) |
Get Symbol Mark Price
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/mark-price
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/mark-price?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
markPrice | Mark price |
timestamp | Timestamp (milliseconds) |
Get Symbol Leverage
Limit rule: 20/sec (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/symbol-leverage
Request Parameter
Parameter | type | required | description |
symbol | String | Yes | symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/symbol-leverage?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | symbol id |
minLeverage | min leverage |
maxLeverage | max leverage |
Get Position Tier
Limit rule: 20/sec (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/queryPositionLever
Request Parameter
Parameter | type | required | description |
symbol | String | Yes | symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
productType | String | Yes | product type |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/queryPositionLever?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&productType=UMCBL"
"level": 1,
"startUnit": 0,
"endUnit": 150000,
"leverage": 125,
"keepMarginRate": "0.004"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
level | Tier |
startUnit | Start value |
endUnit | End value |
leverage | Leverage multiple |
keepMarginRate | Margin Rate, The value corresponding to the position, when the margin rate of the position is less than the maintenance margin rate, forced decreased or liquidation will be triggered |
Get Risk Position Limit
Limit rule: 20/sec (IP)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/market/open-limit
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/market/open-limit"
"code": "00000",
"data": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"posLimit": "0.05"
"symbol": "ETHUSDT_UMCBL",
"posLimit": "0.05"
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1627292076687
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol name |
posLimit | The percentage of positions that can be held by a single trader. |
Get Single Account
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/account/account
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin coin |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/account?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&marginCoin=USDT" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"unrealizedPL": null,
"crossedUnrealizedPL": null,
"isolatedUnrealizedPL": null,
"bonus": "0"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
locked | Locked amount (margin currency), system will lock when close position |
available | Available balance(margin currency) |
crossMaxAvailable | The maximum available balance for crossed margin mode(margin currency) |
fixedMaxAvailable | The maximum available balance for fixed margin mode(margin currency) |
maxTransferOut | Maximum transferable |
equity | Account equity (margin currency) , includes uPnL (calculated by mark price) |
usdtEquity | Account equity convert to USDT, |
btcEquity | Account equity convert to BTC |
crossRiskRate | Risk ratio at crossed margin mode |
crossMarginLeverage | Leverage level for crossed margin mode |
fixedLongLeverage | Long leverage with isolated(fixed) margin mode |
fixedShortLeverage | Short leverage with isolated(fixed) margin mode |
marginMode | Margin mode |
holdMode | Hold mode |
unrealizedPL | unrealized profit and loss at crossed margin mode, unit in USDT |
crossedUnrealizedPL | current symbol unrealized profit and loss at crossed margin mode, unit in USDT |
isolatedUnrealizedPL | current symbol unrealized profit and loss at isolated margin mode, unit in USDT |
bonus | coupon |
Get Account List
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/account/accounts
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | product type |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/accounts?productType=umcbl" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"crossRiskRate": "0",
"unrealizedPL": null,
"bonus": "0"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
locked | Locked amount (margin currency) |
available | Available balance(margin currency) |
crossMaxAvailable | The maximum available balance for crossed margin mode(margin currency) |
fixedMaxAvailable | The maximum available balance for isolated(fixed) margin mode(margin currency) |
maxTransferOut | Maximum transferable |
equity | Account equity (margin currency), includes uPnL (calculated by mark price) |
usdtEquity | Account equity convert to USDT |
btcEquity | Account equity convert to BTC |
crossRiskRate | Risk ratio at crossed margin mode |
unrealizedPL | unrealized profit and loss |
bonus | coupon |
Get sub Account Contract Assets
Limit rule: 1 times/10s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/account/sub-account-contract-assets
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | product type |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/sub-account-contract-assets" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"productType": "umcbl"}'
"userId": 4351550450,
"contractAssetsList": [
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"locked": "0",
"available": "23.123",
"crossMaxAvailable": "23.123",
"fixedMaxAvailable": "23.123",
"maxTransferOut": "23.123",
"equity": "23.123",
"usdtEquity": "23.123",
"btcEquity": "0.001403612744",
"unrealizedPL": "0",
"bonus": null
"userId": 9465254769,
"contractAssetsList": [
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"locked": "0",
"available": "11",
"crossMaxAvailable": "11",
"fixedMaxAvailable": "11",
"maxTransferOut": "11",
"equity": "11",
"usdtEquity": "11",
"btcEquity": "0.000667722189",
"unrealizedPL": "0",
"bonus": null
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
locked | Locked amount (margin currency) |
available | Available balance(margin currency) |
crossMaxAvailable | The maximum available balance for crossed margin mode(margin currency) |
fixedMaxAvailable | The maximum available balance for isolated(fixed) margin mode(margin currency) |
maxTransferOut | Maximum transferable |
equity | Account equity (margin currency) |
usdtEquity | Account equity convert to USDT |
btcEquity | Account equity convert to BTC |
unrealizedPL | Unrealized Profit or Lost |
bonus | Coupon |
Get Open Count
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (IP)
This interface is only used to calculate the maximum number of positions that can be opened when the user does not hold a position by the specified leverage. The result does not represent the actual number of positions opened.
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/account/open-count
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
openPrice | BigDecimal in String format | Yes | Opening price |
leverage | Int value in String format | No | Default leverage is 20 |
openAmount | BigDecimal in String format | Yes | Opening amount in margin coin |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/open-count" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","openPrice": "23189.5","leverage": "20","openAmount":"5000"}'
Change Leverage
Limit rule: 5 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/account/setLeverage
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
leverage | String | Yes | Leverage |
holdSide | String | No | Position direction (ignore this field if marginMode is crossed) |
The leverage could set to different number in fixed margin mode(holdSide is required)
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/setLeverage" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","leverage": "20"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
longLeverage | Long leverage |
shortLeverage | Short leverage |
marginMode | Margin Mode |
Change Margin
Limit rule: 5 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/account/setMargin
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
amount | String | Yes | Margin amount, positive: add margin, negative: reduce margin |
holdSide | String | No | Position direction (ignore this field if marginMode is crossed) |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/setMargin" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","amount": "-10"}'
Change Margin Mode
Limit rule: 5 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/account/setMarginMode
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Server will return error if you call this interface with any exists position/order
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
marginMode | String | Yes | Margin mode |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/setMarginMode" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","marginMode": "crossed"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
longLeverage | Long leverage |
shortLeverage | Short leverage |
marginMode | Margin mode |
Set Auto Margin
Limit rule: 5 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/account/set-auto-margin
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
holdSide | String | Yes | long / short |
autoMargin | String | Yes | on/off |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/set-auto-margin" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","holdSide": "long","autoMargin":"on"}'
Change Hold Mode
Please DO NOT change the hold mode with existing position/order under any symbols within the 'productType'
Limit rule: 5 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/account/setPositionMode
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | product type |
holdMode | String | Yes | Hold mode |
Might fail if intended to change hold mode when the "symbol" has positions/orders on any side
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/setPositionMode" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"productType": "umcbl","holdMode": "double_hold"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
dualSidePosition | boolean, true: "double_hold"; false: "single_hold" |
Get Symbol Position
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/position/singlePosition
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/position/singlePosition?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&marginCoin=USDT" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
holdSide | Position direction |
openDelegateCount | Open amount pending to fill (base currency) |
margin | Margin quantity (margin currency) |
autoMargin | Auto suppliment margin: off on |
available | Position available (Quote currency) |
locked | Position locked (Quote currency) |
total | Total position (available + locked) |
leverage | Leverage |
achievedProfits | Realized profit and loss |
averageOpenPrice | Average opening price |
marginMode | Margin mode |
holdMode | Position mode |
unrealizedPL | Unrealized profit or loss |
keepMarginRate | keep margin rate |
marketPrice | mark price |
cTime | Created time Timestamp milliseconds |
Get Symbol Position V2
Only return the position information of the position, and return the liquidation price
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/position/singlePosition-v2
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/position/singlePosition-v2?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&marginCoin=USDT" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 0,
"data": [
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"holdSide": "long",
"openDelegateCount": "0",
"margin": "0",
"available": "0",
"locked": "0",
"total": "0",
"leverage": 10,
"achievedProfits": null,
"averageOpenPrice": null,
"marginMode": "crossed",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"unrealizedPL": null,
"liquidationPrice": null,
"keepMarginRate": null,
"marketPrice": null,
"cTime": null
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"holdSide": "short",
"openDelegateCount": "0",
"margin": "0",
"available": "0",
"locked": "0",
"total": "0",
"leverage": 10,
"achievedProfits": null,
"averageOpenPrice": null,
"marginMode": "crossed",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"unrealizedPL": null,
"liquidationPrice": null,
"keepMarginRate": null,
"marketPrice": null,
"cTime": null
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
holdSide | Position direction |
openDelegateCount | Open amount pending to fill (base currency) |
margin | Margin quantity (margin currency) |
autoMargin | Auto suppliment margin: off on |
available | Position available (Quote currency) |
locked | Position locked (Quote currency) |
total | Total position (available + locked) |
leverage | Leverage |
achievedProfits | Realized profit and loss |
averageOpenPrice | Average opening price |
marginMode | Margin mode |
holdMode | Position mode |
unrealizedPL | Unrealized profit or loss |
liquidationPrice | estimated liquidation price |
keepMarginRate | keep margin rate |
marketPrice | mark (typo) price |
cTime | Last update time Timestamp milliseconds |
Get All Position
Limit rule: 5 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/position/allPosition
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | Product type |
marginCoin | String | No | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/position/allPosition?productType=umcbl&marginCoin=USDT" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
holdSide | Position direction |
openDelegateCount | Opened amount pending to fill (trading currency) |
margin | Margin quantity (margin currency) |
autoMargin | Auto suppliment margin: off on |
available | Position available (Quote currency) |
locked | Position locked (Quote currency) |
total | Total position (available + locked) |
leverage | Leverage |
achievedProfits | Realized profit and loss |
averageOpenPrice | Average opening price |
marginMode | Margin mode |
holdMode | Position mode |
unrealizedPL | Unrealized profit and loss |
keepMarginRate | keep margin rate |
marketPrice | market price |
cTime | Last update time Timestamp milliseconds |
Get All Position V2
Only return the position information of the position, and return the liquidation price
Limit rule: 5 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/position/allPosition-v2
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | Product type |
marginCoin | String | No | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/position/allPosition-v2?productType=umcbl&marginCoin=USDT" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"holdSide": "long",
"openDelegateCount": "0",
"margin": "0",
"available": "0",
"locked": "0",
"total": "0",
"leverage": 10,
"achievedProfits": "0",
"averageOpenPrice": "0",
"marginMode": "crossed",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"unrealizedPL": "0",
"liquidationPrice": "0",
"keepMarginRate": "0.004",
"marketPrice": "28038.69",
"cTime": "1669362331867",
"uTime": "1626232130664"
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"holdSide": "short",
"openDelegateCount": "0",
"margin": "0",
"available": "0",
"locked": "0",
"total": "0",
"leverage": 10,
"achievedProfits": "0",
"averageOpenPrice": "0",
"marginMode": "crossed",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"unrealizedPL": "0",
"liquidationPrice": "0",
"keepMarginRate": "0.004",
"marketPrice": "28038.69",
"cTime": "1669362331868",
"uTime": "1626232130664"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
holdSide | Position direction |
openDelegateCount | Opened amount pending to fill (trading currency) |
margin | Margin quantity (margin currency) |
autoMargin | Auto suppliment margin: off on |
available | Position available (Quote currency) |
locked | Position locked (Quote currency) |
total | Total position (available + locked) |
leverage | Leverage |
achievedProfits | Realized profit and loss |
averageOpenPrice | Average opening price |
marginMode | Margin mode |
holdMode | Position mode |
unrealizedPL | Unrealized profit and loss |
liquidationPrice | estimate liquidation price |
keepMarginRate | keep margin rate |
marketPrice | market price |
cTime | Last position create time Timestamp milliseconds |
uTime | Last update time Timestamp milliseconds |
Get History Position
Only supports Query within 3 months
Limit rule: 20c/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/position/history-position
Request Parameter(Request Param)
Parameter | type | Required | Description |
productType | String | No | Business type Default umcbl If symbol is passed, this field will be invalid |
symbol | String | No | symbolId |
pageSize | Int | No | default 20 Max 100 |
startTime | String | Yes | startTime,eg:1597026383085 . (For Managed Sub-Account, the StartTime cannot be earlier than the binding time) |
endTime | String | Yes | endTime,eg:1597026383011 Maximum interval 90 days |
lastEndId | String | No | lastEndId |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/position/history-positions?productType=umcbl&startTime=&endTime="
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 0,
"data": {
"list": [
"symbol": "ETHUSDT_UMCBL",
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"holdSide": "short",
"openAvgPrice": "1206.7",
"closeAvgPrice": "1206.8",
"marginMode": "fixed",
"openTotalPos": "1.15",
"closeTotalPos": "1.15",
"pnl": "-0.11",
"netProfit": "-1.780315",
"totalFunding": "0",
"openFee": "-0.83",
"closeFee": "-0.83",
"ctime": "1689300233897",
"utime": "1689300238205"
"endId": "1062308959580516352"
Response Description
parameter | description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
holdSide | Position direction |
openAvgPrice | open average price |
closeAvgPrice | close average price |
marginMode | Margin mode |
openTotalPos | open position size (accumulate) |
closeTotalPos | close position size (accumulate) |
pnl | realized profit and loss |
netProfit | net profit and loss |
totalFunding | Funding costs (Funding costs Cumulative) |
openFee | Total handling fee for position opening |
closeFee | Total handling fee for position closing |
cTime | Last update time Timestamp milliseconds |
uTime | Last update time Timestamp milliseconds |
Get Account Bill
Records within 90 days
Limit rule: 10/sec (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/account/accountBill
Request (Request Param)
Parameter | type | required | description |
productType | String | No | Product Type, choose one in: 'symbol' and 'productType' |
symbol | String | No | Symbol Id (Deprecated) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | margin coin |
startTime | String | Yes | Start Time, milliseconds |
endTime | String | Yes | end time, milliseconds |
pageSize | int | No | page size, default 20, max is 100 |
business | String | No | Bill business type |
lastEndId | String | No | last end Id of last query |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/accountBill?productType=UMCBL&marginCoin=USDT&startTime=1659403328000&endTime=1659406928000&pageSize=20" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"result": [
"id": "892962903462432768",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"amount": "0",
"fee": "-0.1765104",
"feeByCoupon": "",
"feeCoin": "USDT",
"business": "open_long",
"ctime": "1648624867354"
"endId": "885353495773458432",
"nextFlag": false
Response params
Parameter | Description |
id | record ID |
symbol | Symbol Id, might be null |
marginCoin | margin Coin |
amount | charge amount |
fee | fee |
feeByCoupon | fee deduction coupon |
feeCoin | fee coin |
business | business |
cTime | create time |
lastEndId | last end Id, will return when next set to true |
Get Business Account Bill
Records within 90 days
Limit rule: 5/sec (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/account/accountBusinessBill
Request (Request Param)
Parameter | type | required | description |
productType | String | Yes | Product Type |
business | String | No | account bill business type |
startTime | String | Yes | Start Time, millisecond |
endTime | String | Yes | end time, millisecond |
pageSize | int | No | page size, default 20, max is 100 |
lastEndId | String | No | last end Id of last query |
next | boolean | No | Whether query return lastEndId? default false |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/account/accountBusinessBill?productType=umcbl&startTime=1659403328000&endTime=1659406928000&pageSize=20" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"result": [
"id": "892962903462432768",
"symbol": "ETHUSDT_UMCBL",
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"amount": "0",
"fee": "-0.1765104",
"feeByCoupon": "",
"feeCoin": "USDT",
"business": "open_long",
"ctime": "1648624867354"
"endId": "885353495773458432",
"nextFlag": false,
"preFlag": false
Response params
Parameter | Description |
id | record no |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | margin Coin |
amount | charge amount |
fee | fee |
feeByCoupon | fee deduction coupon |
feeCoin | fee coin |
business | business type |
cTime | create time |
lastEndId | last end Id, will return when next set to true |
Place Order
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
Trader Limit rule: 1 times/1s (uid)
If you are a trader, you can only use this interface to open a position. To close a position, you need to call CopyTrade
-> Trader close Position
For trader, if multiple limit order/plan order triggers at the same second, then the first order will become CopyTrade order, while the rest will become normal orders (As a result: no one could follow)
The price and quantity of the order need to meet pricePlace
and priceEndStep
, those fields could be found from the response of Market
-> Get All Symbols
for example:
is 1 and priceEndStep
is 5, then the order price needs to satisfy a multiple of 0.5, for example, the price should be 23455.0, 23455.5, 23446.0
is 2 and priceEndStep
is 1, then the order price needs to satisfy a multiple of 0.01, for example, the price should be 1325.00, 1325.01, 1325.02
If the position quantity is less than the minimum order quantity, the position can be closed by entering the order quantity into the remaining quantity of the position when closing the position. However, if the position quantity is greater than the minimum order quantity, the minimum order quantity must be met when placing an order.
There are two scenarios where this error would return
- Insufficient account balance
- The current maximum openable leverage tier of the current trading pair is full, please refer to the specific tier position here
High frequency error when close position:
There are two scenarios where this error would happen
- 0 position
- Position exists,but specify a wrong
param when closing. For example: you have along
position, and try to close it withside=close_short
Hold mode = double_hold
- if specify a size
greater than the position size
when closing position, the order will success with actual position size
, that is, reduceOnly.
Hold mode = single_hold + reduceOnly=false
- you are holding 1.0 long BTCUSDT
- try to close the long BTCUSDT with size: 3.0 in market price
- place order interface return success, 1.0 long position will be closed, and 2.0 short position will be opened
Hold mode = single_hold + reduceOnly=true
- you are holding 1.0 long BTCUSDT
- try to close the long BTCUSDT with size: 2.0 in market price
- place order interface return failure
- try to close the long BTCUSDT with size: 0.5 in market price
- place order interface return success, position changes to 0.5 long BTCUSDT
- try to close the long BTCUSDT with size: 0.5 in market price
- place order interface return success, position changes to 0
Unknown error
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency |
size | String | Yes | Order quantity, base coin |
price | String | No | Order price (not required at market price) |
side | String | Yes | Order direction |
orderType | String | Yes | Order type |
timeInForceValue | String | No | Time in force |
clientOid | String | No | Unique client order ID, The idempotent is promised but only within 30 days |
reduceOnly | Boolean | No | Default false; set to true when try to reduce position in 'single_hold' mode and when close position with value less than 5 USDT, DOES NOT WORK under 'double_hold' mode |
presetTakeProfitPrice | String | No | Preset take profit price |
presetStopLossPrice | String | No | Preset stop loss price |
Response Data
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
orderId | Order Id, might be null. (especially in one-way mode when limit order is reduce order: if there is an unexecuted limit order in the current position, when the order size of the placing limit order is greater than or equals to the size that are available in the current position, then the previous limit order will be canceled, and place another new order asynchronously. the response orderId will be null, please DO use clientOid as the main key when placing an order) |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
If client does not pass clientOid
, the user should be awared that the order might be duplicated, as this is the only idempotent promise field between client and server
Duplicate clientOid
"msg":"Duplicate clientOid",
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid), counted together with placeOrder
Reversal share the same interface with Place order.
Reversal logic is different under "double_hold"/"single_hold" hold mode:
double_hold: 1) You could usually specify a size(size > 0 and size <= position size), which the size will be closed from your current position and a same size will be opened on the opposite side 2) "side" value: close_short or close_long
single_hold: 1) The size parameter is omitted, that means you could only close the whole position, then try to open on the opposite side with market price, the open position might fail due to margin condition 2) "side" value: sell_single when position side is buy_single, buy_single when position side is sell_single
Note: Your position will be closed at market price and open in reverse side for the specific amount.
If the close position settled amount + available balance are insufficient to open the specific size of positions, or the reverse order value is less than 5 USDT, the specified size position will be closed and the position open will fail.
Your operation may not be 100% successful due to margin, market conditions and other factors.
You must have an exists position to trigger a reversal operation, or server will return error "Not enough position is available."
Not enough position
"code": "40757",
"msg": "Not enough position is available.",
"requestTime": 1665454799692,
"data": null
The reverse order size usually should be same as the original size. For example: original position size 100, in reversal request you should set the size to 100, Server will then close your original position 100, and open extra 100 in reversal side in market price with the best efforts.
- Reversal - 1 times size
- [reverse size] = [close size] = [open reverse size]
- original position size: 1 long BTCUSDT
- reverse order size: 1 close_long BTCUSDT
- ideally the 1 long BTCUSDT will be closed, and 1 short BTCUSDT will be opened
The reverse order size could also be set to 1.5 or 3 times of the original size(or even more), in reversal it will first close all of your position in market price, then try to open reverse position with the original size (that is: if reversal size is bigger than the original position size, the reversal size will be treated as the original position size)
- Reversal - 1.5 times size
- original position size: 1 long BTCUSDT
- reverse order size: 1.50 close_long BTCUSDT
- ideally the 1 long BTCUSDT will be closed, and 1 short BTCUSDT will be opened
The reverse order size could also be set to a number between 0 to 1 times of the original position size, in reversal it will first close your position with specific reversal size in market price, then try to open reverse position with the specific size
- Reversal - 0.5 times size
- original position size: 1 long BTCUSDT
- reverse order size: 0.5 close_long BTCUSDT
- ideally the 0.5 long BTCUSDT will be closed, and 0.5 short BTCUSDT will be opened; So at the end you should be holding 0.5 long BTCUSDT, and 0.5 short BTCUSDT
must be market price, a limit price order will be treated as market price order in reversal
Reversal Sample: original order
"size": "100",
"side": "open_long",
"orderType": "market",
"timeInForceValue": "normal",
"symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL",
"marginCoin": "USDT"
Reversal Sample: reverse order
"size": "100",
"side": "close_long",
"orderType": "market",
"timeInForceValue": "normal",
"symbol": "TRXUSDT_UMCBL",
"marginCoin": "USDT",
If originally side
is open_long, then in reversal you should set the side
to close_long;
If originally side
is open_short, then in reversal you should set the side
to close_short;
Use sell_single
when original position side
is buy_single
Use buy_single
when original position side
is sell_single
Samples on the right side demonstrate a reversal operation. Ideally at the end you should be holding 100 TRXUSDT short
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency |
size | String | No | Order quantity size = close_size = open_reverse_size; this param will be omitted in single_hold mode |
side | String | Yes | Order direction, set to close_long or close_short in double_hold mode; set to buy_single or sell_single in single_hold mode |
orderType | String | Yes | Order type: market |
clientOid | String | No | Unique Client ID |
timeInForceValue | String | No | set to 'normal' |
reverse | Boolean | No | Default false : place order; true : reversal order |
Reversal Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/placeOrder" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","size": "0.01","side":"open_long","orderType":"market","timeInForceValue":"normal","clientOid":"reverse@483939290002","reverse":true}'
Reversal Response Data
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
orderId | Order Id |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
Batch Order
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
Trader Limit rule: 1 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/order/batch-orders
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
orderDataList | List | Yes | Order data list, maximum size: 50 |
Maximum 50 orders
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
size | String | Yes | Order quantity |
price | String | No | Order price, quote coin |
side | String | Yes | Order direction |
orderType | String | Yes | Order type |
timeInForceValue | String | No | Time In Force |
clientOid | String | No | Unique Client ID, the idempotent is promised but only within 24 hours |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/batch-orders" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT", "orderDataList":[{"size": "0.01","price": "23145.5","side":"open_long","orderType":"limit","timeInForceValue":"normal","clientOid":"test@483939290000"}] }'
"code": "00000",
"data": {
"orderInfo": [
"orderId": "1627293504612",
"clientOid": "BITGET#1627293504612"
"orderId": "1627293504611",
"clientOid": "BITGET#1627293504611",
"errorMsg":"Duplicate clientOid"
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1627293504612
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
orderInfo | Successful order array |
> orderId | Order Id |
> clientOid | Client custom Id |
failure | Failure order array |
> orderId | Order Id, might be empty |
> clientOid | Client custom Id |
> errorMsg | Fail reason |
Cancel Order
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/order/cancel-order
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
orderId | String | No | Order Id, int64 in string format, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
clientOid | String | No | Client Order Id, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/cancel-order" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","orderId":"1627293504612"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
orderId | Order Id |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
Batch Cancel Order
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/order/cancel-batch-orders
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
orderIds | String array | No | Order Id list, int64 in string format, 'orderIds' or 'clientOids' must have one |
clientOids | String array | No | Client Order Id list, 'orderIds' or 'clientOids' must have one |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/cancel-batch-orders" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","orderIds":["1627293504612"]}'
"code": "00000",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"order_ids": [
"fail_infos": [
"order_id": "",
"err_code": "",
"err_msg": ""
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1627293504612
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
order_ids | Order Id array |
client_order_ids | Client Order Id array |
fail_infos | Failed information array |
> order_id | Failed order id |
> err_code | Error code |
> err_msg | error msg |
Modify Order
- Modify
to only allow Hedge mode, and One-way mode are not allowed - Modifying
will cancel the old order; then create a new order asynchronously, modify the preset TPSL will not cancel the old order. - Modifying
, please pass in both, not just one of them Modify the order
and preset TPSL according toorderId
It is only allowed to modify the
status limit order. If theprice
of the order are modified, the old order will be canceled and a new order will be created. Set TPSL will not be changedModify the limit order
, please be sure to providenewClientOid
because theorderId
of the new order cannot be returned synchronously, so you need to usenewClientOid
to help you query order informationModifying the order size needs to meet the minimum order quantity
If you only modify the TPSL, please do not pass
, if you only pass TP or SL , the other one will be canceled
Limit rule: 10c/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/order/modifyOrder
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
orderId | String | No | limit order Id |
clientOid | String | No | custom clientId , If both are passed, the orderId is the main |
newClientOid | String | No | new custom clientOid |
symbol | String | Yes | Order symbol |
size | String | No | order size |
price | String | No | order price |
presetTakeProfitPrice | String | No | Preset take profit price |
presetStopLossPrice | String | No | Preset stop loss price |
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/modifyOrder" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"orderId":"1627293504612","newClientOid":"BITGET#1627293504612","symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","size":"0.001","price":"26775.5"}'
Cancel Order By Symbol
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/order/cancel-symbol-orders
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/cancel-symbol-orders" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT"}'
"code": "00000",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"order_ids": [
"fail_infos": [
"order_id": "",
"err_code": "",
"err_msg": ""
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1627293504612
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
order_ids | Order Id array |
client_order_ids | Client Order Id array |
fail_infos | Failed information array |
> order_id | Failed order id |
> err_code | Error code |
> err_msg | error msg |
Cancel All Order
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/order/cancel-all-orders
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | Product type |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/cancel-all-orders" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"productType": "umcbl","marginCoin": "USDT"}'
"code": "00000",
"data": {
"order_ids": [
"client_order_ids": [
"fail_infos": [
"order_id": "",
"clientOid": "",
"symbol": "",
"err_code": "",
"err_msg": ""
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1627293504612
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
order_ids | Cancel success order Id list |
client_order_ids | Cancel success client order ID list |
fail_infos | cancel failed information |
> symbol | Symbol Id |
> order_id | Failed order id |
> clientOid | client order ID |
> err_code | Error code |
> err_msg | Error message |
Close All Position
Limit rule: 1 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/order/close-all-positions
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | Product type |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/close-all-positions" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"productType": "umcbl"}'
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1684747525424,
"data": {
"orderInfo": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"orderId": "1044472355251990528",
"clientOid": "1044472355256184832"
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"orderId": "1044472355256184835",
"clientOid": "1044472355260379136"
"failure": [],
"result": true
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
orderInfo | close order Id list |
> symbol | Symbol Id |
> orderId | order id |
> clientOid | client order ID |
failure | close failed list |
> symbol | Symbol Id |
> orderId | order id |
> clientOid | client order ID |
> errorCode | Error code |
> errorMsg | Error message |
Get Open Order
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/order/current
Get pending order list on one symbol;
Note that for the history order please refer to Get History Orders
For the TPSL order please refer to Get Plan Order (TPSL) List
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/current?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"orderList": [
"priceAvg": 23999.00,
"filledAmount": 48.4520,
"leverage": "6",
"marginMode": "fixed",
"reduceOnly": false,
"enterPointSource": "WEB",
"tradeSide": "buy_single",
"holdMode": "single_hold",
"orderSource": "normal",
"cTime": "1678779464831",
"uTime": "1678779464891"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol id |
size | Order size |
orderId | Order Id |
clientOid | Client custom id |
filledQty | Transaction volume, base coin |
fee | Transaction fee |
price | Order price |
priceAvg | Average price |
state | Order state |
side | Order direction |
timeInForce | Time In Force |
totalProfits | Total profit and loss |
posSide | Position direction |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
filledAmount | Filled Amount, quote coin |
leverage | leverage |
marginMode | Margin mode |
reduceOnly | Is reduce only |
enterPointSource | enterPointSource |
tradeSide | Trade Side |
holdMode | Hold mode |
orderType | Order type |
orderSource | orderSource |
cTime | Created update time |
uTime | Last update time |
Get All Open Order
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/order/marginCoinCurrent
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | productType |
marginCoin | String | No | margin coin |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/marginCoinCurrent?productType=umcbl&marginCoin=USDT" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1684852347068,
"data": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"size": 0.050,
"orderId": "1044911928892862465",
"clientOid": "xx005",
"filledQty": 0.000,
"fee": 0E-8,
"price": 25500.00,
"state": "new",
"side": "open_long",
"timeInForce": "normal",
"totalProfits": 0E-8,
"posSide": "long",
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"presetTakeProfitPrice": 33800.00,
"presetStopLossPrice": 11300.00,
"filledAmount": 0.0000,
"orderType": "limit",
"leverage": "4",
"marginMode": "crossed",
"reduceOnly": false,
"enterPointSource": "API",
"tradeSide": "open_long",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"orderSource": "normal",
"cTime": "1684852338057",
"uTime": "1684852338057"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
size | Order size |
orderId | Order Id |
clientOid | Client custom id |
filledQty | Transaction volume |
fee | Transaction fee |
price | Order price |
state | Order state |
side | Order direction |
timeInForce | Time In Force |
totalProfits | Total profit and loss |
posSide | Position direction |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
orderType | Order type |
presetTakeProfitPrice | Take profit price |
presetStopLossPrice | Stop Loss Price |
filledAmount | filledAmount |
leverage | leverage |
marginMode | marginMode |
reduceOnly | reduceOnly |
enterPointSource | enterPointSource |
tradeSide | tradeSide |
holdMode | holdMode |
orderSource | orderSource |
cTime | Created time |
uTime | Last update time |
Get History Orders
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/order/history
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
startTime | String | Yes | Start time, milliseconds |
endTime | String | Yes | End time, milliseconds |
pageSize | String | Yes | Page size |
lastEndId | String | No | last end Id of last query |
clientOid | String | No | match exactly with the given 'clientOid' |
isPre | Boolean | No | true: order by order Id asc; default false |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/history?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&startTime=1659403328000&endTime=1659410528000&pageSize=20" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1665715936583,
"data": {
"nextFlag": true,
"endId": "963544804144852112",
"orderList": [
"symbol": "SOLUSDT_UMCBL",
"size": 1,
"orderId": "963544804144852112",
"clientOid": "963544804144852113",
"filledQty": 1,
"fee": -0.00629204,
"price": 31.4602,
"priceAvg": 31.4602,
"state": "filled",
"side": "close_short",
"timeInForce": "normal",
"totalProfits": 0.00760000,
"posSide": "short",
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"filledAmount": 31.4602,
"orderType": "limit",
"leverage": "5",
"marginMode": "crossed",
"reduceOnly": false,
"enterPointSource": "WEB",
"tradeSide": "open_long",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
"cTime": "1665452903781",
"uTime": "1665452917467"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
size | Order size |
orderId | Order Id |
clientOid | Client order id |
filledQty | Transaction volume |
fee | Transaction fee |
price | Order price |
priceAvg | Order fill avg price |
state | Order state |
side | Order direction |
timeInForce | Time In Force |
totalProfits | Total profit and loss |
posSide | Position direction |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
leverage | order leverage |
marginMode | Margin mode |
orderType | Order type |
reduceOnly | is reduce only |
enterPointSource | enterPointSource |
tradeSide | Trade Side |
holdMode | Hold mode |
orderSource | orderSource |
cTime | create time |
uTime | last update time |
Get ProductType History Orders
Limit rule: 5/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/order/historyProductType
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | Product type |
startTime | String | Yes | Start time, milliseconds. (For Managed Sub-Account, the StartTime cannot be earlier than the binding time) |
endTime | String | Yes | End time, milliseconds |
pageSize | String | Yes | page size, max 100 |
lastEndId | String | No | Last query endId |
clientOid | String | No | match exactly with the given 'clientOid' |
isPre | Boolean | No | true: order by order Id asc; default false |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/historyProductType?productType=umcbl&startTime=1659403328000&endTime=1659410528000&pageSize=20" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"nextFlag": true,
"endId": "963544804144852112",
"orderList": [
"reduceOnly": false,
"enterPointSource": "WEB",
"tradeSide": "open_long",
"holdMode": "double_hold",
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
size | Order size |
orderId | Order Id |
clientOid | Client custom id |
filledQty | Transaction volume |
fee | Transaction fee |
price | Order price |
priceAvg | Order fill avg price |
state | Order state |
side | Order direction |
timeInForce | Time In Force |
totalProfits | Total profit and loss |
posSide | Position direction |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
leverage | order leverage |
marginMode | account Margin mode |
orderType | Order type |
reduceOnly | is reduce only |
enterPointSource | enterPointSource |
tradeSide | Trade Side |
holdMode | Hold mode |
orderSource | orderSource |
cTime | create time |
uTime | last update time |
Get Order Details
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/order/detail
Request Parameter (Request Param)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
orderId | String | No | Order Id, int64 in string format, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
clientOid | String | No | Customized Client Order Id, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/detail?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&orderId=802382049422487552" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"leverage": "6",
"marginMode": "fixed",
"reduceOnly": false,
"enterPointSource": "WEB",
"tradeSide": "buy_single",
"holdMode": "single_hold",
"orderSource": "normal",
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
symbol | Symbol Id |
size | Order size |
orderId | Order Id |
clientOid | Client custom id |
filledQty | Transaction volume |
priceAvg | Transaction price |
fee | Transaction fee |
price | Order price |
state | Order state |
side | Order direction |
timeInForce | Time In Force |
totalProfits | Total profit and loss |
posSide | Position direction |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
cTime | create time |
uTime | update time |
presetTakeProfitPrice | Preset take profit price |
presetStopLossPrice | Preset stop loss price |
filledAmount | filled amount, limit/market |
orderType | order type |
leverage | leverage |
marginMode | Margin Mode |
reduceOnly | Is reduce only |
enterPointSource | enterPointSource |
tradeSide | Trade Side |
holdMode | Hold mode |
orderSource | orderSource |
cTime | Created time, ms |
uTime | Updated time, ms |
Get Order fill detail
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/order/fills
Request Parameter (Request Param)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
orderId | String | No | Order Id |
startTime | String | No | Start time (timestamp in milliseconds) This field is required if orderId is empty. (For Managed Sub-Account, the StartTime cannot be earlier than the binding time) |
endTime | String | No | End time (timestamp in milliseconds) This field is required if orderId is empty |
lastEndId | String | No | Pagination parameter; Query the data after this tradeId; works when orderId is null |
Default return 100 records
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/fills?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&orderId=802382049422487552" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Response Data
"enterPointSource": "WEB",
"tradeSide": "buy_single",
"holdMode": "single_hold",
"takerMakerFlag": "taker",
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
tradeId | Trade Id |
symbol | Symbol Id |
orderId | Order Id |
price | Transaction price |
sizeQty | Transaction volume |
fee | Transaction fee |
side | Trade side |
fillAmount | fill Amount |
profit | profit |
enterPointSource | enterPointSource |
tradeSide | Trade Side |
holdMode | Hold mode |
takerMakerFlag | taker, maker |
cTime | Trade time |
Get ProductType Order fill detail
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/order/allFills
Request Parameter (Request Param)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | Product type |
startTime | String | No | Start time (timestamp in milliseconds) This field is required if querying all details. (For Managed Sub-Account, the StartTime cannot be earlier than the binding time) |
endTime | String | No | End time (timestamp in milliseconds) This field is required if querying all details |
lastEndId | String | No | Query the data after this tradeId |
Default pageSize: 100
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/order/allFills?productType=umcbl&startTime=1659406928000&endTime=1659410528000" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Response Data
"enterPointSource": "WEB",
"tradeSide": "buy_single",
"holdMode": "single_hold",
"takerMakerFlag": "taker",
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
tradeId | Trade Id |
symbol | Symbol Id |
orderId | Order Id |
price | Transaction price |
sizeQty | Transaction volume |
fee | Transaction fee |
side | Trade side |
fillAmount | fill Amount |
profit | profit |
enterPointSource | enterPointSource |
tradeSide | Trade Side |
holdMode | Hold mode |
takerMakerFlag | taker, maker |
cTime | Trade time |
Place Plan order
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/plan/placePlan
Request Parameter (Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
size | String | Yes | Order quantity |
executePrice | String | No | Execute price, could not be null when orderType=limit |
triggerPrice | String | Yes | Trigger price |
side | String | Yes | Order side |
orderType | String | Yes | Order type |
triggerType | String | Yes | Trigger type |
clientOid | String | No | Unique Client ID, idempotent is only promised within 24 hours |
presetTakeProfitPrice | String | No | Preset take profit price |
presetStopLossPrice | String | No | Preset stop loss price |
reduceOnly | String | No | Default false; set to true when try to reduce position in 'single_hold' mode and when close position with value less than 5USDT, DOES NOT WORK under 'double_hold' mode |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/placePlan" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","size": "0.01","executePrice": "23145.5","triggerPrice":"23555.5","side":"open_long","orderType":"limit","triggerType":"market_price","clientOid":"test@483939290000"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
orderId | Order Id |
Modify Plan Order
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/plan/modifyPlan
Request Parameter (Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
orderId | String | No | Plan order Id, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
clientOid | String | No | Client order Id, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id |
executePrice | String | No | Strike price, could not be null when orderType=limit |
triggerPrice | String | Yes | Trigger price |
triggerType | String | Yes | Trigger type |
orderType | String | Yes | Order type |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/modifyPlan" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"orderId":"803521986049314816","symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","executePrice": "23145.5","triggerPrice":"23555.5","orderType":"limit","triggerType":"market_price"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
orderId | Order Id |
Modify Plan Order TPSL
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/plan/modifyPlanPreset
Request Parameter (Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
orderId | String | No | Plan order Id, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
clientOid | String | No | Client order Id, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
presetTakeProfitPrice | String | No | Take profit price If it is empty, cancel and take profit |
presetStopLossPrice | String | No | Stop loss price If it is empty, cancel the stop loss |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/modifyPlanPreset" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"orderId":"803521986049314816","symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","presetTakeProfitPrice": "23145.5","presetStopLossPrice":"23555.5"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
orderId | Order Id |
Place Stop Order
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
At present, take-profit and stop-loss orders are only supported at market price, and the trigger type is transaction trigger price
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/plan/placeTPSL
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
planType | String | Yes | plan type, please use "profit_plan", "loss_plan" and "moving_plan" |
triggerPrice | String | Yes | Trigger price |
triggerType | String | No | Trigger Type default 'fill_price' |
holdSide | String | Yes | Hold Side, Whether this position is long or short |
size | String | No | Order Quantity Default Position Quantity |
rangeRate | String | No | Only works when planType is "moving_plan", "1" means 1.0% price correction, two decimal places |
clientOid | String | No | Customized client order ID |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/placeTPSL" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","size": "0.01","planType": "profit_plan","triggerPrice":"23555.5","holdSide":"long"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
orderId | Order Id |
Place Trailing Stop Order
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/plan/placeTrailStop
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
triggerPrice | String | Yes | Trigger price |
triggerType | String | No | Trigger Type |
size | String | Yes | Order Quantity, please provide value less than 'available position size' |
side | String | Yes | Order side |
rangeRate | String | Yes | "1" means 1.0% price correction, max "10" |
clientOid | String | No | Customized client order ID |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/placeTrailStop" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","size": "0.01","triggerPrice":"23555.5","side":"open_long","rangeRate":"10"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
orderId | Order Id |
Place Position TPSL
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
When the position take profit and stop loss are triggered, the full amount of the position will be entrusted at the market price by default
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/plan/placePositionsTPSL
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
planType | String | Yes | plan type, please use "pos_profit", "pos_loss" |
triggerPrice | String | Yes | Trigger price |
triggerType | String | Yes | Trigger type |
holdSide | String | Yes | Whether this position is long or short |
clientOid | String | No | Customized client order ID |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/placePositionsTPSL" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","planType": "pos_profit","triggerPrice":"23555.5","holdSide":"long"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
orderId | Order Id |
Modify Stop Order
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/plan/modifyTPSLPlan
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
orderId | String | No | TPSL Order Id, int64 in string format, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
clientOid | String | No | Customized Client Order Id, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin currency (Must be capitalized) |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
triggerPrice | String | Yes | Trigger price |
planType | String | Yes | Refer to plan type: "pos_profit" or "profit_plan"; "pos_loss" or "loss_plan" |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/modifyTPSLPlan" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"orderId":"803521986049314816","symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","triggerPrice":"23555.5","planType":"pos_profit"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
orderId | Order Id |
Cancel Plan Order (TPSL)
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/plan/cancelPlan
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
orderId | String | No | Order ID, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
clientOid | String | No | Client Order ID, 'orderId' or 'clientOid' must have one |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
marginCoin | String | Yes | Margin Coin |
planType | String | Yes | plan type |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/cancelPlan" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"orderId":"803521986049314816","symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","marginCoin": "USDT","planType":"loss_plan"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
orderId | Order Id |
Cancel Plan Order (TPSL) By Symbol
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/plan/cancelSymbolPlan
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
planType | String | Yes | plan type |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/cancelSymbolPlan" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"symbol": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL","planType":"loss_plan"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
data | Whether 'cancel' is received |
Final cancel result should be confirmed via websocket or /api/mix/v1/plan/currentPlan
Cancel All trigger Order (TPSL)
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- POST /api/mix/v1/plan/cancelAllPlan
Request Parameter(Request Body)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | product type |
planType | String | Yes | plan type, default 'plan' |
Request Example
curl -X POST "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/cancelPlan" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \'{"productType":"umcbl","planType":"loss_plan"}'
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
clientOid | Client custom Id |
orderId | Order Id |
Get Plan Order (TPSL) List
Limit rule: 20 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/plan/currentPlan
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | No | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized), 'productType' and 'symbol' must have one |
isPlan | String | No | Is plan |
productType | String | No | product type, 'productType' and 'symbol' must have one |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/currentPlan?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&isPlan=plan" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 0,
"data": [
"orderId": "1083147482484514819",
"clientOid": "1083147482484514818",
"marginCoin": "SUSDT",
"size": "0.01",
"executePrice": "0",
"triggerPrice": "26746.5",
"status": "not_trigger",
"orderType": "market",
"planType": "normal_plan",
"side": "buy_single",
"triggerType": "market_price",
"presetTakeProfitPrice": "0",
"presetTakeLossPrice": "0",
"rangeRate": "",
"enterPointSource": "API",
"tradeSide": "buy_single",
"holdMode": "single_hold",
"reduceOnly": false,
"cTime": "1693968404408",
"uTime": null
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
orderId | Order Id |
clientOid | Client Order Id |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
size | Order size |
executePrice | Order price |
triggerPrice | Trigger price |
status | Plan order status |
orderType | Order type |
planType | plan type |
side | Trade side |
triggerType | Trigger type |
presetTakeProfitPrice | Preset take profit price |
presetTakeLossPrice | Preset stop loss price |
rangeRate | planType is "moving_plan", "1" means 1.0% price correction, two decimal places |
enterPointSource | enterPointSource |
tradeSide | Trade Side |
holdMode | Hold Mode |
reduceOnly | Is reduce only |
ctime | Order Creation time |
utime | Order Update time |
Get History Plan Orders (TPSL)
Limit rule: 10 times/1s (uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/mix/v1/plan/historyPlan
Request Parameter (Request Param)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | No | productType |
symbol | String | No | Symbol Id (Must be capitalized) |
startTime | String | Yes | Start time, milliseconds (For Managed Sub-Account, the StartTime cannot be earlier than the binding time) |
endTime | String | Yes | End time, milliseconds |
pageSize | Integer | No | Page size, default 100 |
isPre | boolean | No | true: order by order Id asc; default false |
isPlan | String | No | Is plan |
Request Example
curl "https://api.bitget.com/api/mix/v1/plan/historyPlan?symbol=BTCUSDT_UMCBL&startTime=1659406928000&endTime=1659414128000&pageSize=20" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1693968259096,
"data": [
"orderId": "1048210602999750657",
"clientOid": "1048210602999750656",
"executeOrderId": "1048508364888899593",
"marginCoin": "SUSDT",
"size": "0.001",
"executePrice": "27500",
"triggerPrice": "27200",
"status": "triggered",
"orderType": "limit",
"planType": "normal_plan",
"side": "sell_single",
"triggerType": "market_price",
"presetTakeProfitPrice": "0",
"presetTakeLossPrice": "0",
"rangeRate": null,
"enterPointSource": "API",
"tradeSide": "sell_single",
"holdMode": "single_hold",
"reduceOnly": false,
"executeTime": "1685709795259",
"executeSize": "0.001",
"cTime": "1685638803243",
"uTime": "1685709795259"
Response Description
Parameter | Description |
orderId | Plan Order Id |
clientOid | Client Order Id |
executeOrderId | Execute success Order Id |
symbol | Symbol Id |
marginCoin | Margin currency |
size | Order size |
executePrice | Order price |
triggerPrice | Trigger price |
status | Plan order status |
orderType | Order type |
planType | Plan type |
side | Side |
triggerType | Trigger type |
presetTakeProfitPrice | Preset take profit price |
presetTakeLossPrice | Preset stop loss price |
rangeRate | planType is "moving_plan", "1" means 1.0% price correction, two decimal places |
enterPointSource | enterPointSource |
tradeSide | Trade Side |
holdMode | Hold Mode |
reduceOnly | Is reduce only |
executeTime | Execute Time |
executeSize | Execute Size |
ctime | Order creation time |
utime | Order Update time |
WebSocket is a new HTML5 protocol that achieves full-duplex data transmission between the client and server, allowing data to be transferred effectively in both directions. A connection between the client and server can be established with just one handshake. The server will then be able to push data to the client according to preset rules. Its advantages include:
- The WebSocket request header size for data transmission between client and server is only 2 bytes.
- Either the client or server can initiate data transmission.
- There's no need to repeatedly create and delete TCP connections, saving resources on bandwidth and server.
It is strongly recommended that developers use WebSocket API to obtain market information and transaction depth.
domain | WebSocket API | Recommended to use |
domain 1 | wss://ws.bitget.com/mix/v1/stream | internationality |
Connection instructions:
Connection limit: 100 connections per IP
Subscription limit: 240 times per hour
If there’s a network problem, the system will automatically disconnect the connection.
The connection will break automatically if the subscription is not established or data has not been pushed for more than 30 seconds.
To keep the connection stable:
- Set a timer of 30 seconds.
- If the timer is triggered, send the String 'ping'.
- Expect a 'pong' as a response. If the response message is not received within 30 seconds, please raise an error and/or reconnect.
- The Websocket server accepts up to 10 messages per second. The message includes:
- PING frame
- Messages in JSON format, such as subscribe, unsubscribe.
- If the user sends more messages than the limit, the connection will be disconnected. IPs that are repeatedly disconnected may be blocked by the server;
- A single connection can subscribe up to 1000 Streams;
- A single IP can create up to 100 connections.
apiKey: Unique identification for invoking API. Requires user to apply one manually.
passphrase: APIKey password
timestamp: the Unix Epoch time, the unit is seconds(--different from the signature timestamp of restAPI--)
secretKey: The security key generated when the user applies for APIKey, e.g. : 22582BD0CFF14C41EDBF1AB98506286D
Example of timestamp
const timestamp ='' + Date.now() / 1000
Sign example
sign=CryptoJS.enc.Base64.Stringify(CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(timestamp +'GET'+'/user/verify', secretKey))
method: always 'GET'.
requestPath : always '/user/verify'
sign: signature string, the signature algorithm is as follows:
First concatenate timestamp
, method
, requestPath
, then use HMAC SHA256 method to encrypt the concatenated string with SecretKey, and then perform Base64 encoding.
The request will expire 30 seconds after the timestamp. If your server time differs from the API server time, we recommended using the REST API to query the API server time and then compare the timestamp.
Steps to generate the final signature:
Step 1. concat the content
Long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
String content = timestamp +"GET"+"/user/verify";
Step 1. Use the private key secretkey to encrypt the string to be signed with hmac sha256
String hash = hmac_sha256(content, secretkey)
The final step is to base64 encode the hash
String sign = base64.encode(hash)
If login fails, it will automatically disconnect
Request format description
Request Example
Successful Response Example
Failure Response Example
Subscription Instructions
Request format description
"op": "subscribe",
"args": ["<SubscriptionTopic>"]
WebSocket channels : public and private
Public channels
-- include
etc -- do not require log in.
Private channels
-- include
from Get All SymbolsbaseCoin + quoteCoin
Users can choose to subscribe to one or more channels, and the total length of multiple channels cannot exceed 4096 bytes.
Request Example
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation, subscribe |
args | Array | Yes | List of subscribe channels |
> instType | String | No | Instrument Type MC:Perpetual contract public channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel name |
> instId | String | No | Instrument ID |
Example response
{ "event": "subscribe", "arg": { "instType":"SP","channel":"ticker", "instId":"BTCUSDT" }}
Return parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Event, subscribe error |
arg | Object | No | Subscribed channel |
> instType | String | No | Instrument Type MC:Perpetual contract public channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel name |
> instId | String | No | Instrument ID |
code | String | No | Error code |
msg | String | No | Error message |
Unsubscribe from one or more channels.
Request format description
"op": "unsubscribe",
"args": ["< SubscriptionTopic> "]
Request Example
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation, unsubscribe |
args | Array | Yes | List of channels to unsubscribe from |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type MC:Perpetual contract public channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel name |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID |
Example response
Return parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Event, unsubscribe error |
arg | Object | Yes | Unsubscribed channel |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel name |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID |
code | String | No | Error Code |
msg | String | No | Error Message |
This mechanism can assist users in checking the accuracy of depth(order book) data.
Merging update data into snapshot
After subscribe to the channel (such as books
400 levels) of Order book , user first receive the initial snapshot of market depth. Afterwards the incremental update is subsequently received, user are responsible to update the snapshot from client side.
If there are any levels with same price from the updates, compare the amount with the snapshot order book:
If the amount is 0, delete this depth data.
If the amount changes, replace the depth data.
If there is no level in the snapshot with same price from the update, insert the update depth information into the snapshot sort by price (bid in descending order, ask in ascending order).
Calculate Checksum
Use the first 25 bids and asks in the local snapshot to build a string (where a colon connects the price and amount in an ask or a bid), and then calculate the CRC32 value (32-bit signed integer).
Calculate Checksum
1. More than 25 levels of bid and ask
A local snapshot of market depth (only 2 levels of the orderbook are shown here, while 25 levels of orderbook should actually be intercepted):
"bids": [
[ 43231.1, 4 ], //bid1
[ 43231, 6 ] //bid2
"asks": [
[ 43232.8, 9 ], //ask1
[ 43232.9, 8 ] //ask2
Build the string to check CRC32:
The sequence:
2. Less than 25 levels of bid or ask
A local snapshot of market depth:
"bids": [
[ 3366.1, 7 ] //bid1
"asks": [
[ 3366.8, 9 ], //ask1
[ 3368 , 8 ], //ask2
[ 3372 , 8 ] //ask3
Build the string to check CRC32:
The sequence:
- When the bid and ask depth data exceeds 25 levels, each of them will intercept 25 levels of data, and the string to be checked is queued in a way that the bid and ask depth data are alternately arranged.
Such as:
... - When the bid or ask depth data is less than 25 levels, the missing depth data will be ignored.
Such as:
... - If price is '0.5000', DO NOT calculate the checksum by '0.5', please DO use the original value
Public Channels
Tickers Channel
Retrieve the latest traded price, bid price, ask price and 24-hour trading volume of the instruments. Data will be pushed every 150 ms.
Request Example
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation, subscribe unsubscribe |
args | Array | Yes | List of subscribed channels |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type MC : Perpetual contract public channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel name, tickers |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID, value refer to Get All Symbols on response field: 'symbolName' |
Successful Response Example
{ "event": "subscribe", "arg": { "instType":"mc","channel": "ticker", "instId": "BTCUSDT"} }
Failure Response Example
"event": "error",
"code": 30001,
"msg": "instType:MC,channel:ticker,instId:BTC-USDT doesn't exist"
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Event, subscribe unsubscribe error |
arg | Object | No | Subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument type |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel name |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID |
code | String | No | Error Code |
msg | String | No | Error Message |
Push data Example
"openUtc": "17088.5000000000000000",
"chgUTC": "-0.00778",
"symbolType": 1,
"symbolId": "BTCUSDT_UMCBL",
"deliveryPrice": "0",
"bidSz": "10.344",
"askSz": "3.024"
Push data parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg | Object | Successfully subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Instrument Type |
> channel | String | Channel name |
> instId | String | Instrument Name |
action | String | Push data action, incremental push data or full push data snapshot : full update : incremental |
data | Array | Subscribed data |
> instId | String | Instrument Name |
> last | String | Last traded price |
>bestAsk | String | Best ask price |
>bestBid | String | Best bid price |
>high24h | String | Highest price in the past 24 hours |
>low24h | String | Lowest price in the past 24 hours |
>priceChangePercent | String | Price change int the past 24 hours |
>capitalRate | String | Funding rate |
>nextSettleTime | String | The next fund rate settlement time timestamp milliseconds |
>systemTime | String | system time |
>markPrice | String | Market price |
>indexPrice | String | Index price |
>holding | String | Open interest |
>baseVolume | String | 24h trading volume, with a unit of base . |
>quoteVolume | String | 24h trading volume, with a unit of quote |
>openUtc | String | Open price at UTC 00:00 |
>chgUTC | String | Price change since UTC 00:00 |
>symbolType | Integer | SymbolType: 2: Settled Futures; 1: Perpetual Futures |
>symbolId | String | Symbol Id |
>deliveryPrice | String | Delivery price - 0 when SymbolType=perpetual |
>bidSz | String | Best bid size |
>askSz | String | Best ask size |
Candlesticks Channel
Retrieve the candlesticks data of an instrument. Data will be pushed every 500 ms.
The channel will push a snapshot after successful subscribed, later on the updates will be pushed
If intended to query history data in a customized time range, please refer to Get Candle Data
Request Example
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation, subscribe unsubscribe |
args | Array | Yes | List of subscribed channels |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type MC : Perpetual contract public channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name,candle1W candle1D candle12H candle4H candle1H candle30m candle15m candle5m candle1m |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID, value refer to Get All Symbols on response field: 'symbolName' |
Successful Response Example
Failure Response Example
"msg":"instType:MC,channel:ticker,instId:BTC-USDT Symbol not exists",
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Event, subscribe unsubscribe error |
arg | Object | No | Subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type |
> channel | String | Yes | channel name |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID |
code | String | No | Error Code |
msg | String | No | Error Message |
Push Data Example - snapshot
"action": "snapshot",
Push Data Example - update
{ "action": "update", "arg": { "instType": "mc", "channel": "candle1D", "instId": "BTCUSDT" }, "data": [ [ "1665590400000", "19129", "19223.5", "19007.5", "19078.5", "67440.713" ] ] }
Push data parameters**
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | String | snapshot or update |
arg | Object | Successfully subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Instrument Type |
> channel | String | Channel name |
> instId | String | Instrument ID |
data | Array | Subscribed data |
> ts | String | Data generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds |
> o | String | Open price |
> h | String | highest price |
> l | String | Lowest price |
> c | String | Close price |
> baseVol | String | Trading volume, with a unit of base coin. |
Order Book Channel
Subscribe order book data.
Use books
for snapshot data, book5
for 5 depth levels, book15
for 15 depth levels
: Push the fullsnapshot
data for the first time, pushupdate
afterwards, that is, if there is a change in depth, the depth data that has changed will be pushed.books1
: 1 depth levels will be pushed every time(all snapshot, no update).books5
: 5 depth levels will be pushed every time(all snapshot, no update).books15
: 15 depth levels will be pushed every time(all snapshot, no update). Data will be pushed every 100 ~ 200 ms when there is change in order book.
Channel | Length of bids | Length of asks | Remark |
books | maximum 200 | maximum 200 | Snapshot and update might return less than 200 bids/asks as per symbol's orderbook various from each other; The number of bids/asks is not a fixed value and may vary in the future |
books1 | 1 | 1 | Top 1 order book of "books" that begins from bid1/ask1 |
books5 | 5 | 5 | Top 5 order book of "books" that begins from bid1/ask1 |
books15 | 15 | 15 | Top 15 order book of "books" that begins from bid1/ask1 |
For example, if the whole order book consist of 20 bids and 12 asks
channel books return 20 bids and 12 asks
channel books1 return 1 bids and 1 asks, bids return index 19(index 19 is bid1), asks return index 0
channel books5 return 5 bids and 5 asks, bids return from index 15 to 19(index 19 is bid1), asks return from index 0 to index 4
channel books15 return 15 bids index from 5 to 19(index 19 is bid1), and return 12 asks index from 0 to 11
Noted that bids are in descending order, while asks are in ascending order
Request Example
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation, subscribe unsubscribe |
args | Array | Yes | List of subscribed channels |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument type MC : Perpetual contract public channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel name, books , books1 , books5 , books15 |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID, value refer to Get All Symbols on response field: 'symbolName' |
Example Response
Failure example
"msg":"instType:MC,channel:books5,instId:BTC-USDT Symbol not exists",
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Event,subscribe unsubscribe error |
arg | Object | No | Subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel name |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID |
msg | String | No | Error Message |
code | String | No | Error Code |
Push data parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg | Object | Successfully subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Instrument Type |
> channel | String | Channel name |
> instId | String | Instrument ID |
action | String | Push data action, incremental push data or full push data. snapshot : full; update : incremental |
data | Array | Subscribed data array |
> asks | Array | Order book on sell side |
> bids | Array | Order book on buy side |
> ts | String | Order book generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds |
> checksum | Integer | Checksum |
An example of the array of asks and bids values: ["411.8", "10"] where "411.8" is the depth price, "10" is the size
Trades Channel
Retrieve the recent trades data. Data will be pushed whenever there is a trade.
Request Example
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation, subscribe unsubscribe |
args | Array | Yes | List of subscribed channels |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument type MC : Perpetual contract public channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name,trade |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID, value refer to Get All Symbols on response field: 'symbolName' |
Successful Response Example
Failure Response Example
"msg":"instType:MC,channel:trade,instId:BTC-USDT Symbol not exists",
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Event,subscribe unsubscribe error |
arg | Object | No | Subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Yes | InstrumentType |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID |
code | String | No | Error Code |
msg | String | No | Error Message |
Push data example
"action": "snapshot",
"arg": {
"instType": "mc",
"channel": "trade",
"instId": "BTCUSDT"
"data": [
Push data parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | String | snapshot for the first push, afterwards push data will be update |
arg | Object | Successfully subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Instrument Type |
> channel | String | Channel Name |
> instId | String | Instrument ID |
data | Array | Subscribed data String array |
> ts | String | Filled time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds |
> px | String | Trade price |
> sz | String | Trade size |
> side | String | Trade direction, buy , sell |
New Trades Channel
Retrieve the recent trades data. The first snapshot will push 50 trade records. Data will be pushed whenever there is a trade.
Request Example
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation, subscribe unsubscribe |
args | Array | Yes | List of subscribed channels |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument type MC : Perpetual contract public channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name,tradeNew |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID, value refer to Get All Symbols on response field: 'symbolName' |
Successful Response Example
Failure Response Example
"msg":"instType:MC,channel:tradeNew,instId:BTC-USDT Symbol not exists",
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Event,subscribe unsubscribe error |
arg | Object | No | Subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Yes | InstrumentType |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name |
> instId | String | Yes | Instrument ID |
code | String | No | Error Code |
msg | String | No | Error Message |
Push data example - snaphsot
"data": [
"p": "20221.5",
"c": "0.009",
"ti": "969054894406951028",
"ty": "sell",
"ts": 1666766611672
"p": "20221.5",
"c": "1.100",
"ti": "969054894406951026",
"ty": "sell",
"ts": 1666766611672
"arg": {
"instType": "mc",
"instId": "BTCUSDT",
"channel": "tradeNew"
"action": "snapshot"
Push data example - update
"data": [
"p": "20221.0",
"c": "0.249",
"ti": "969054896504102913",
"ty": "buy",
"ts": 1666766612172
"arg": {
"instType": "mc",
"instId": "BTCUSDT",
"channel": "tradeNew"
"action": "update"
Push data parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | String | snapshot for the first push, afterwards push data will be update |
arg | Object | Successfully subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Instrument Type |
> channel | String | Channel Name |
> instId | String | Instrument ID |
data | Array | Subscribed data String array |
> ts | String | Filled time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds |
> p | String | Trade price |
> c | String | Trade size |
> ty | String | Trade direction, buy , sell |
> ti | String | Trade ID |
Private Channels
Account Channel
Retrieve account information. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing/canceling order, and will also be pushed in regular interval according to subscription granularity.
Request Example
"op": "subscribe",
"args": [{
"instType": "UMCBL",
"channel": "account",
"instId": "default"
Request Parameter
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation,subscribe unsubscribe |
args | Array | Yes | Subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type UMCBL :USDT Perpetual Contract Private Channel; DMCBL :Coin Margin Perpetual Contract Private Channel; CMCBL : USDC margin Perpetual Contract Private Channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel name account |
> instId | String | Yes | Coin, please set to default |
Successful Response Example
Failure Response Example
"msg":"instType:UMCBL,channel:account,instId:BTC-USDT Symbol not exists",
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Operation,subscribe unsubscribe error |
arg | Object | No | Subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name |
> instId | String | No | Symbol Name |
code | String | No | Error code |
msg | String | No | Error message |
Push Data Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg | Object | Subscribed channel |
> instType | String | Instrument Type |
> channel | String | Channel Name |
> instId | String | Coin |
data | Array | Subscribed Data |
marginCoin | String | Margin Coin |
locked | String | Lock balance |
available | String | Available balance |
maxOpenPosAvailable | String | Max available to open position |
maxTransferOut | String | Max transfer out |
equity | String | Equity of the currency |
usdtEquity | String | Equity of the currency USD |
First push: full push.
Incremental push: push transaction changes
Positions Channel
Retrieve position information. Initial snapshot will be pushed once subscribed. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing/canceling order.
Request Example
"op": "subscribe",
"args": [{
"instType": "UMCBL",
"channel": "positions",
"instId": "default"
Request Parameter
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation ,subscribe unsubscribe |
args | Array | Yes | Subscribed channel List |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name,positions |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type UMCBL :USDT Perpetual Contract Private Channel; DMCBL :Coin Margin Perpetual Contract Private Channel; CMCBL : USDC margin Perpetual Contract Private Channel |
> instId | String | No | Symbol Name |
Response Parameter
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Event ,subscribe unsubscribe errror |
arg | Object | No | Subscribed channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type |
> instId | String | No | Symbol Name |
code | String | No | Error Code |
msg | String | No | Error Message |
Push Data Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg | Object | Subscribed channel |
> channel | String | Channel Name |
> instType | String | Instrument Type |
> instId | String | Instrument ID |
data | Array | Subscribed Data |
> posId | String | Position Id |
> instId | String | Symbol Name |
> instName | String | Symbol Name |
> marginCoin | String | Margin Coin |
> margin | String | Margin, can be added or reduced |
> autoMargin | String | Auto suppliment margin, value: on/off |
> marginMode | String | Margin mode, cross fixed |
> holdSide | String | Position sidelong short |
> holdMode | String | hold Mode single_hold , double_hold |
> total | String | Quantity of positions |
> available | String | Position that can be closed |
> locked | String | Frozen quantity |
> averageOpenPrice | String | Average open price |
> leverage | String | Leverage |
> achievedProfits | String | Realized profit and loss |
> upl | String | Unrealized profit and loss |
> uplRate | String | Unrealized profit and loss ratio |
> liqPx | String | Estimated liquidation price |
> keepMarginRate | String | Maintenance margin requirement Ratio |
> fixedMarginRate | String | Margin requirement Ratio fixed |
> marginRate | String | Risk rate. |
> cTime | String | Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds |
> uTime | String | Latest time position was adjusted, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds |
When multiple orders are being executed at the same time, the changes of position data will be aggregated into one as much as possible.
Order Channel
Retrieve order information. Data will not be pushed when first subscribed. Data will only be pushed when triggered by events such as placing/canceling/force liquidate order.
Request Example
"op": "subscribe",
"args": [{
"channel": "orders",
"instType": "UMCBL",
"instId": "default"
Request Parameter
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation ,subscribe unsubscribe |
args | Array | Yes | Request Subscribed channel List |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name, orders |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type UMCBL :USDT Perpetual Contract Private Channel; DMCBL :Coin Margin Perpetual Contract Private Channel; CMCBL : USDC margin Perpetual Contract Private Channel |
> instId | String | No | Currently only supports default all trading pair orders |
Success Response Example
"event": "subscribe",
"arg": {
"channel": "orders",
"instType": "UMCBL",
"instId": "default"
Failure Response Example
"msg":"instType:UMCBL,channel:orders,instId:BTC-USDT Symbol not exists",
Response Parameter
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Event ,subscribe unsubscribe errror |
arg | Object | No | Subscribed channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type |
> instId | String | No | Instrument Id |
code | String | No | Error Code |
msg | String | No | Error Message |
Push Data Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | String | Snapshot. |
arg | Object | Subscribed channel |
> channel | String | Channel Name |
> instType | String | Instrument Type |
> instId | String | Instrument Id |
data | Array | Subscribed Data |
> instId | String | Instrument Id |
> ordId | String | Order Id |
> clOrdId | String | Client-supplied order ID |
> px | String | Order price |
> sz | String | The original order quantity, in the unit of currency |
> hM | String | Hold Mode |
> eps | String | enterPointSource |
> tS | String | Trade Side |
> notionalUsd | String | Estimated national value in USD of order |
> ordType | String | Order Type market limit |
> force | String | Order Force normal : normal order post_only : Post-only orderfok : Fill-or-kill orderioc : Immediate-or-cancel order |
> side | String | Order side, buy sell |
> posSide | String | Position side; 'double_hold':long or short ; 'single_hold': net |
> tdMode | String | Trade mode, cross : cross fixed : fixed |
> tgtCcy | String | Margin Coin |
> fillPx | String | Last filled price |
> tradeId | String | Last trade ID |
> fillSz | String | Last filled quantity |
> fillTime | String | Last filled time |
> fillFee | String | last filled fee, negative |
> fillFeeCcy | String | last filled fee currency |
> execType | String | Order flow type, T: taker M: maker |
> accFillSz | String | Accumulated fill quantity |
> fillNotionalUsd | String | Filled notional value in USD of order |
> avgPx | String | Average filled price. If none is filled, it will return 0 |
> status | String | Order Status init new partial-fill full-fill cancelled |
> lever | String | Leverage |
> orderFee | Array | |
>> feeCcy | String | Fee currency |
>> fee | String | FeeNegative number represents the user transaction fee charged by the platform.Positive number represents rebate. |
> pnl | String | Profit and loss |
> uTime | String | Update time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds |
> cTime | String | Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds |
> low | Boolean | Is reduce only |
Plan Order Channel
Retrieve order information. Data will not be pushed when first subscribed. Data will only be pushed when triggered by events such as created/cancelled/modified/triggered.
Request Example
"op": "subscribe",
"args": [{
"channel": "ordersAlgo",
"instType": "UMCBL",
"instId": "default"
Request Parameter
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation ,subscribe unsubscribe |
args | Array | Yes | Subscribed channel List |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name,ordersAlgo |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type UMCBL :USDT Perpetual Contract Private Channel; DMCBL :Coin Margin Perpetual Contract Private Channel; CMCBL : USDC margin Perpetual Contract Private Channel |
> instId | String | No | Symbol Name |
"event": "subscribe",
"arg": {
"channel": "ordersAlgo",
"instType": "UMCBL",
"instId": "default"
"msg":"instType:UMCBL,channel:ordersAlgo,instId:BTC-USDT Symbol not exists",
Response Parameter
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
event | String | Yes | Event,subscribe unsubscribe errror |
arg | Object | No | Subscribed channel |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel Name |
> instType | String | Yes | Instrument Type |
> instId | String | No | Instrument Id |
code | String | No | Error Code |
msg | String | No | Error Message |
Push Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | String | 'snapshot' |
arg | Object | Subscribed channel |
> channel | String | Channel Name |
> instType | String | Instrument Type |
> instId | String | Instrument ID |
data | Array | Subscribed data |
> instId | String | instrument ID |
> id | String | order ID |
> cOid | String | Client-supplied order ID |
> triggerPx | String | trigger price |
> planType | String | Websocket planType, null means 'pl' |
> ordPx | String | actual price |
> sz | String | trigger size |
> actualSz | String | actual size |
> actualPx | String | Actual price |
> ordType | String | Order Type market limit |
> side | String | Order Side, buy sell |
> posSide | String | Position side; 'double_hold':long or short ; 'single_hold': net |
> tgtCcy | String | Margin Coin |
> state | String | Order status not_trigger triggered fail_trigger cancel |
> hM | String | Hold mode |
> eps | String | enterPointSource. |
> triggerTime | String | trigger time, ms |
> userId | String | userId |
> version | Long | version |
> triggerPxType | String | 'mark': mark price; 'last': fill price(market price) |
> key | String | key ID |
> tS | String | Trade Side |
> uTime | String | Update time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds |
> cTime | String | Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds |
RestAPI error codes
Error message | Error code | http status code |
Error message | Error code | http status code |
00000 | success! | 400 |
40001 | ACCESS_KEY cannot be empty | 400 |
40002 | ACCESS_SIGN cannot be empty | 400 |
40003 | Signature cannot be empty | 400 |
40004 | Request timestamp expired | 400 |
40005 | Invalid ACCESS_TIMESTAMP | 400 |
40006 | Invalid ACCESS_KEY | 400 |
40007 | Invalid Content_Type | 400 |
40008 | Request timestamp expired | 400 |
40009 | sign signature error | 400 |
40010 | Request timed out | 400 |
40011 | ACCESS_PASSPHRASE cannot be empty | 400 |
40012 | apikey/password is incorrect | 400 |
40013 | User status is abnormal | 400 |
40014 | Incorrect permissions, need {0} permissions | 400 |
40015 | System is abnormal, please try again later | 400 |
40016 | The user must bind the phone or Google | 400 |
40017 | Parameter verification failed {0} | 400 |
00171 | Parameter verification failed {0}{1} | 400 |
00172 | Parameter verification failed | 400 |
40018 | Invalid IP | 400 |
40019 | Parameter {0} cannot be empty | 400 |
40020 | Parameter {0} error | 400 |
40021 | User disable withdraw | 400 |
40022 | The business of this account has been restricted | 400 |
40023 | The business of this account has been restricted | 400 |
40024 | Account has been frozen | 400 |
40025 | The business of this account has been restricted | 400 |
40026 | User is disabled | 400 |
40027 | Withdrawals in this account area must be kyc | 400 |
40028 | This subUid does not belong to this account | 400 |
40029 | This account is not a Broker, please apply to become a Broker first | 400 |
40031 | The account has been cancelled and cannot be used again | 400 |
40032 | The Max of sub-account created has reached the limit | 400 |
40033 | This email has been bound | 400 |
40034 | Parameter {0} does not exist | 400 |
50001 | coin {0} does not support cross | 400 |
50002 | symbol {0} does not support isolated | 400 |
50003 | coin {0} does not support isolated | 400 |
50004 | symbol {0} does not support cross | 400 |
40035 | Judging from your login information, you are required to complete KYC first for compliance reasons. | 400 |
40036 | passphrase is error | 400 |
40037 | Apikey does not exist | 400 |
40038 | The current ip is not in the apikey ip whitelist | 400 |
40039 | FD Broker's user signature error | 400 |
40040 | user api key permission setting error | 400 |
40041 | User's ApiKey does not exist | 400 |
40043 | FD Broker does not exist | 400 |
40045 | The bound user cannot be an FD broker | 400 |
40047 | FD Broker binding related interface call frequency limit | 400 |
40048 | The user's ApiKey must be the parent account | 400 |
40049 | User related fields decrypt error | 400 |
40051 | This account is not a FD Broker, please apply to become a FD Broker first | 400 |
40052 | Security settings have been modified for this account. For the safety of your account, withdrawals are prohibited within 24 hours | 400 |
40053 | Value range verification failed: {0} should be between {1} | 400 |
40054 | The data fetched by {0} is empty | 400 |
40055 | subName must be an English letter with a length of 8 | 400 |
40056 | remark must be length of 1 ~ 20 | 400 |
40057 | Parameter {0} {1} does not meet specification | 400 |
40058 | Parameter {0} Only a maximum of {1} is allowed | 400 |
40059 | Parameter {0} should be less than {1} | 400 |
40060 | subNames already exists | 400 |
40061 | sub-account not allow access | 400 |
40063 | API exceeds the maximum limit added | 400 |
40064 | Sub-account creation failed, please check if there is a duplicate | 400 |
40065 | This subApikey does not exist | 400 |
40066 | This subUid does not belong to the account or is not a virtual sub-account | 400 |
40067 | sub-account create failed, please check if there is a duplicate | 400 |
40068 | Disable subaccount access | 400 |
40069 | The maximum number of sub-accounts created has been reached | 400 |
40070 | passphrase 8-32 characters with letters and numbers | 400 |
40071 | subName exist duplication | 400 |
40072 | symbol {0} is Invalid or not supported mix contract trade | 400 |
40102 | Symbol does not exist | 400 |
40109 | The data of the order cannot be found, please confirm the order number | 400 |
40200 | Server upgrade, please try again later | 400 |
40301 | Permission has not been obtained yet. If you need to use it, please contact customer service | 400 |
40303 | Can only query up to 20,000 data | 400 |
40304 | clientOid or clientOrderId length cannot greater than 50 | 400 |
40305 | clientOid or clientOrderId length cannot greater than 64, and cannot be Martian characters | 400 |
40306 | Batch processing orders can only process up to 20 | 400 |
40308 | The contract is being temporarily maintained | 400 |
40309 | The contract has been removed | 400 |
40400 | Status check abnormal | 400 |
40401 | The operation cannot be performed | 400 |
40402 | orderId or clientOId format error | 400 |
40407 | The query direction is not the direction entrusted by the plan | 400 |
40408 | Range error | 400 |
40409 | wrong format | 400 |
40704 | Can only check the data of the last three months | 400 |
40705 | The start and end time cannot exceed 90 days | 400 |
40706 | Wrong order price | 400 |
40707 | Start time is greater than end time | 400 |
40708 | client_oid duplicate | 400 |
40709 | There is no position in this position, and no automatic margin call can be set | 400 |
40710 | Abnormal account status | 400 |
40711 | Insufficient contract account balance | 400 |
40712 | Insufficient margin | 400 |
40713 | Cannot exceed the maximum transferable margin amount | 400 |
40714 | No direct margin call is allowed | 400 |
40715 | delegate count can not high max of open count | 400 |
40716 | This trading pair not support Cross Margin mode | 400 |
40717 | The number of closed positions cannot exceed the number of sheets held | 400 |
40718 | The entrusted price of Pingduo shall not be lower than the bursting price | 400 |
40719 | Flat empty entrustment price is not allowed to be higher than explosion price | 400 |
40720 | swap hand depth does not exist | 400 |
40721 | Market price list is not allowed at present | 400 |
40722 | Due to excessive price fluctuations and the insufficient market price entrusted cost, the opening commission is failed. | 400 |
40723 | The total number of unexecuted orders is too high | 400 |
40724 | Parameter is empty | 400 |
40725 | service return an error | 400 |
40726 | Cross margin not support Auto Margin Replenishment (AMR) | 400 |
40727 | Cross margin not support margin adjustment | 400 |
40728 | You’re log in as trader, please close position for current copy trade orders | 400 |
40729 | Failed to adjust the position, the current position or order or plan order | 400 |
40730 | There is currently a commission or a planned commission, and the leverage cannot be adjusted | 400 |
40731 | This product does not support copy trading | 400 |
40732 | Not currently a trader | 400 |
40199 | Traders are prohibited from calling the API | 400 |
40733 | The order closing has been processed | 400 |
40734 | Failed to place an order, the minimum number of traders to open a position {0} | 400 |
40735 | Long position take profit price should be greater than the average opening price | 400 |
40736 | Long position take profit price is greater than the current price | 400 |
40737 | The short position take profit price should be less than the average opening price | 400 |
40738 | The short position take profit price should be less than the current price | 400 |
40739 | The stop loss price of a long position should be less than the average opening price | 400 |
40740 | The stop loss price of a long position should be less than the current price | 400 |
40741 | The stop loss price of a short position should be greater than the average opening price | 400 |
40742 | The stop loss price of the short position should be greater than the current price | 400 |
40743 | The order is being closed and cannot be closed again | 400 |
40744 | The tracking order status is wrong | 400 |
40745 | This order is being commissioned, and liquidation is not supported temporarily | 400 |
40746 | The current maximum number of positions that can be closed is {0}, if you exceed the number, please go to the current order to close the position | 400 |
40747 | The bonus is not allowed to hold two-way positions | 400 |
40748 | The commission price is higher than the highest bid price | 400 |
40749 | The commission price is lower than the lowest selling price | 400 |
40750 | The plan commission for this contract has reached the upper limit | 400 |
40751 | The contract's stop profit and stop loss order has reached the upper limit | 400 |
40752 | You are disabled for current business, if you have any questions, please contact customer service | 400 |
40753 | The contract transaction business is disabled, if you have any questions, please contact customer service | 400 |
40754 | balance not enough | 400 |
40755 | Not enough open positions are available. | 400 |
40756 | The balance lock is insufficient. | 400 |
40757 | Not enough position is available. | 400 |
40758 | The position lock is insufficient. | 400 |
40759 | No assets | 400 |
40760 | Account abnormal status | 400 |
40761 | The total number of unfilled orders is too high | 400 |
40762 | The order size is greater than the max open size | 400 |
40763 | The number of orders cannot exceed the maximum amount of the corresponding gear | 400 |
40764 | The remaining amount of the order is less than the current transaction volume | 400 |
40765 | The remaining volume of the position is less than the current transaction volume | 400 |
40766 | The number of open orders is less than this transaction volume | 400 |
40767 | Position does not exist when opening a position | 400 |
40768 | Order does not exist | 400 |
40769 | Reject order has been completed | 400 |
40770 | The settlement or fee currency configuration was not found. | 400 |
40771 | When there is a gap, you cannot have a position closing order. | 400 |
40772 | The account does not exist | 400 |
40773 | Closed positions can only occur in two-way positions. | 400 |
40774 | The order type for unilateral position must also be the unilateral position type. | 400 |
40775 | The market-making account can only be a unilateral position type. | 400 |
40776 | Error creating order. | 400 |
40777 | Cancel order error. | 400 |
40778 | Coin pair {0} does not support {1} currency as margin | 400 |
40779 | Please check that the correct delegateType is used | 400 |
40780 | There are multiple risk handling records for the same symbolId at the same time | 400 |
40781 | The transfer order was not found | 400 |
40782 | Internal transfer error | 400 |
40783 | No gear found | 400 |
40784 | Need to configure modify depth account | 400 |
40785 | Need to configure draw line account | 400 |
40786 | Duplicate clientOid | 400 |
40787 | The price step does not match | 400 |
40788 | Internal batch transfer error | 400 |
40789 | The tokenId is duplicated in the configuration item | 400 |
40790 | Duplicate symbolCode in configuration item | 400 |
40791 | The baseToken or quoteToken of symbolCode does not exist | 400 |
40792 | The symbol in the configuration item is duplicated | 400 |
40793 | The symbolCode of BusinessSymbol does not exist | 400 |
40794 | The supportMarginToken of BusinessSymbol is not configured | 400 |
40795 | The transaction is suspended due to settlement or maintenance reasons | 400 |
40796 | The adjusted leverage is not within the appropriate range | 400 |
40797 | Exceeded the maximum settable leverage | 400 |
40798 | Insufficient contract account balance | 400 |
40799 | Cannot be less than the minimum transfer amount | 400 |
40800 | Insufficient amount of margin | 400 |
40801 | Cannot exceed the maximum transferable deposit amount | 400 |
40802 | Position is zero and direct margin call is not allowed | 400 |
40803 | The leverage is reduced and the amount of margin call is incorrect | 400 |
40804 | The number of closed positions cannot exceed the number of positions held | 400 |
40805 | Unsupported operation | 400 |
40806 | Unsupported currency | 400 |
40807 | The account does not exist | 400 |
40808 | Parameter verification exception {0} | 400 |
40809 | Execution price parameter verification exception | 400 |
40810 | Triggered price parameter verification exception | 400 |
40811 | The parameter {0} should not be null | 400 |
40812 | The condition {0} is not met | 400 |
40813 | The parameter {0} must have a value and cannot be empty | 400 |
40814 | No change in leverage | 400 |
40815 | The order price is higher than the highest bid price | 400 |
40816 | The order price is lower than the lowest selling price | 400 |
40817 | The current order status cannot be cancelled | 400 |
40818 | The current order type cannot be cancelled | 400 |
40819 | The order does not exist! | 400 |
40820 | The order price for closing a long position is not allowed to be lower than the liquidation price | 400 |
40821 | The closing order price cannot be higher than the liquidation price | 400 |
40822 | The contract configuration does not exist | 400 |
40823 | The transaction or reasonable marked price does not exist | 400 |
40824 | Currently, it is not allowed to list market orders | 400 |
40825 | Contract opponent depth does not exist | 400 |
40826 | Due to excessive price fluctuations, the market order cost is insufficient, and the position opening order failed. | 400 |
40827 | The bonus is not allowed to hold two-way positions | 400 |
40828 | Special market making accounts cannot manually place orders | 400 |
40829 | The take profit price of a long position should be greater than the average open price | 400 |
40830 | The take profit price of the long position should be greater than the current price | 400 |
40831 | The short position take profit price should be less than the average open price | 400 |
40832 | The take profit price of short positions should be less than the current price | 400 |
40833 | The stop loss price of a long position should be less than the average opening price | 400 |
40834 | The stop loss price of the long position should be less than the current price | 400 |
40835 | The stop loss price of the short position should be greater than the average opening price | 400 |
40836 | The stop loss price of the short position should be greater than the current price | 400 |
40837 | There is no position in this position, so stop-profit and stop-loss orders cannot be made | 400 |
40838 | There is no position in this position, and automatic margin call cannot be set | 400 |
40839 | The automatic margin call function of this contract has been suspended | 400 |
40840 | Duplicate shard market making account | 400 |
40841 | Online environment does not allow execution | 400 |
40842 | Current configuration does not allow adjustment, please try again later | 400 |
40843 | no_datasource_key_exists | 400 |
40844 | This contract is under temporary maintenance | 400 |
40845 | This contract has been removed | 400 |
40846 | Status verification abnormal | 400 |
40847 | The operation cannot be performed | 400 |
40848 | Cannot open a copy transaction if there is a position | 400 |
40849 | This user already has an ongoing copy | 400 |
40850 | The copy is in progress, the balance cannot be transferred | 400 |
40851 | Account status is wrong, cannot end copying | 400 |
40852 | There are unfilled orders, cannot end the copy | 400 |
40853 | There is an unexecuted plan order, cannot end the copy | 400 |
40854 | This product does not support copy trading | 400 |
40855 | The user has ended copying and cannot end copying again | 400 |
40856 | Data abnormal | 400 |
40857 | Document number error | 400 |
40858 | Error tracking order status | 400 |
40859 | This order is being closed and cannot be closed again | 400 |
40860 | The trader does not exist and cannot be set to follow | 400 |
40861 | The trader has been disabled and cannot be set to follow | 400 |
40862 | Please cancel the current order | 400 |
40863 | Please cancel the current plan | 400 |
40864 | Please close the current position with orders | 400 |
40865 | This order is being commissioned, and it is not currently supported to close the position | 400 |
40866 | You are currently a trader, please close the position under the current order | 400 |
40867 | Currently the maximum number of positions that can be closed is {0}, please go to the current order to close the position if the amount exceeds | 400 |
40868 | You are currently a trader and currently do not support liquidation through planned orders | 400 |
40869 | You are currently a trader and currently do not support modification of leverage | 400 |
40870 | You are currently copying an order and currently do not support modifying the leverage | 400 |
40871 | The leverage does not meet the configuration, and you cannot become a trader | 400 |
40872 | Failed to adjust position, currently holding position or order or plan order | 400 |
40873 | The account has a margin and needs to be transferred out | 400 |
40874 | Whole position mode does not support automatic margin call | 400 |
40875 | Whole position mode does not support margin adjustment | 400 |
40876 | Too many tracking orders | 400 |
40877 | Too many follow-up orders | 400 |
40878 | The contract index data is abnormal. In order to avoid causing your loss, please try again later. | 400 |
40879 | The risk is being processed, and the funds cannot be adjusted. | 400 |
40880 | The risk is being processed and the leverage cannot be adjusted. | 400 |
40881 | There is currently an order, or an order is planned, and the leverage cannot be adjusted. | 400 |
40882 | You are currently a trader and you cannot switch to the full position mode | 400 |
40883 | When the currencies are mixed, it cannot be adjusted to the warehouse-by-warehouse mode | 400 |
40884 | When a one-way position is held, it cannot be adjusted to a position-by-position mode | 400 |
40885 | In the case of position by position mode, it cannot be adjusted to one-way position | 400 |
40886 | The automatic margin call cannot be adjusted in the full position mode | 400 |
40887 | Failed to place the order, the number of single lightning open positions is at most {0} | 400 |
40888 | Failed to place the order, the maximum amount of single lightning closing is {0} | 400 |
40889 | The plan order of this contract has reached the upper limit | 400 |
40890 | The order of stop-profit and stop-loss for this contract has reached the upper limit | 400 |
40891 | Insufficient position, can not set take profit or stop loss | 400 |
40892 | Failed to place the order, the minimum number of positions opened by the trader is {0} | 400 |
40893 | Unable to update the leverage factor of this position, there is not enough margin! | 400 |
40894 | The documentary closing has been processed | 400 |
40895 | The preset price does not match the order/execution price | 400 |
40896 | The default stop profit and stop loss has been partially fulfilled and cannot be modified | 400 |
40897 | The system experience gold account does not exist | 400 |
40898 | The system experience gold account balance is insufficient | 400 |
40899 | The number of stored users exceeds the limit | 400 |
40900 | The system experience gold account is inconsistent | 400 |
40901 | The contract experience fund balance is insufficient | 400 |
40902 | Future time is not allowed | 400 |
40903 | Failed to obtain leverage information | 400 |
40904 | Failed to collect funds | 400 |
40905 | Failed to collect user funds | 400 |
40906 | Failed to pay user funds | 400 |
40907 | The payment cannot be transferred | 400 |
40908 | Concurrent operation failed | 400 |
40909 | Transfer processing | 400 |
40910 | Operation timed out | 400 |
40911 | Request timestamp expired | 400 |
40912 | single cancel cannot exceed 50 | 400 |
40913 | {0} must be passed one | 400 |
40914 | Trader the maximum leverage can use is {0} | 400 |
40915 | Long position take profit price please > mark price | 400 |
40916 | The business of this account has been restricted | 400 |
40917 | Stop price for long positions please < mark price {0} | 400 |
40918 | Traders open positions with orders too frequently | 400 |
40919 | This function is not open yet | 400 |
40920 | Position or order exists, the position mode cannot be switched | 400 |
40921 | The order size cannot exceed the maximum size of the positionLevel | 400 |
40922 | Only work order modifications are allowed | 400 |
40923 | Order size and price have not changed | 400 |
40924 | orderId and clientOid must have one | 400 |
40925 | price or size must be passed in together | 400 |
43013 | Take profit price needs> current price | 400 |
43014 | Take profit price needs to be <current price | 400 |
43015 | Stop loss price needs to be <current price | 400 |
43016 | Stop loss price needs to be> current price | 400 |
43017 | You are currently a trader and currently do not support liquidation through planned orders | 400 |
43020 | Stop profit and stop loss order does not exist | 400 |
43021 | The stop-profit and stop-loss order has been closed | 400 |
43022 | Failed to trigger the default stop loss | 400 |
43023 | Insufficient position, can not set profit or stop loss | 400 |
43024 | Take profit/stop loss in an existing order, please change it after canceling all | 400 |
43025 | Plan order does not exist | 400 |
43026 | The planned order has been closed | 400 |
43027 | The minimum order value {0} is not met | 400 |
43028 | Please enter an integer multiple of {0} for price | 400 |
43029 | The size of the current Order > the maximum number of positions that can be closed | 400 |
43030 | Take profit order already existed | 400 |
43031 | Stop loss order already existed | 400 |
43032 | rangeRate is smaller than {0} | 400 |
43033 | Trailing order does not exist | 400 |
43034 | The trigger price should be ≤ the current market price | 400 |
43035 | The trigger price should be ≥ the current market price | 400 |
43036 | Trader modify tpsl can only be operated once within 300ms | 400 |
43037 | The minimum order amount allowed for trading is {0} | 400 |
43038 | The maximum order amount allowed for trading is {0} | 400 |
43039 | Maximum price limit exceeded {0} | 400 |
43040 | Minimum price limit exceeded {0} | 400 |
43041 | Maximum transaction amount {0} | 400 |
43042 | Minimum transaction amount {0} | 400 |
43043 | There is no position | 400 |
43044 | The follow order status error | 400 |
43045 | The trader is ful | 400 |
43046 | User does not exist | 400 |
43047 | Followers are not allowed to follow again within xx minutes after being removed, please try again later! | 400 |
43048 | The symbol is null | 400 |
43049 | Margin coin is not allowed | 400 |
43050 | Leverage exceeds the effective range | 400 |
43051 | Maximum limit exceeded | 400 |
43052 | Follow order count can not less than {0} | 400 |
43053 | The copy ratio cannot exceed {0} | 400 |
43054 | The copy ratio cannot be less than {0} | 400 |
43055 | The take loss ratio must be between {0}-{1} | 400 |
43056 | The take profit ratio must be between {0}-{1} | 400 |
43057 | It is not allowed to bring orders or copy orders between sub-accounts | 400 |
43058 | Parameter verification failed | 400 |
43059 | Request failed, please try again | 400 |
43060 | Sort rule must send | 400 |
43061 | Sort Flag must send | 400 |
43062 | not to follow | 400 |
43063 | Can not follow trade with yourself | 400 |
43064 | Tracking order status error | 400 |
43065 | Tracking No does not exist | 400 |
43066 | operation failed | 400 |
43067 | The loaded data has reached the upper limit, and the maximum support for loading {0} data | 400 |
43068 | The status of the current follower is abnormal and removal is not allowed for now | 400 |
43069 | A follower account can only be removed when its equity is lower than {0} USDT | 400 |
43001 | The order does not exist | 400 |
43002 | Pending order failed | 400 |
43003 | Pending order failed | 400 |
43004 | There is no order to cancel | 400 |
43005 | Exceed the maximum number of orders | 400 |
43006 | The order quantity is less than the minimum transaction quantity | 400 |
43007 | The order quantity is greater than the maximum transaction quantity | 400 |
43008 | The current order price cannot be less than {0}{1} | 400 |
43009 | The current order price exceeds the limit {0}{1} | 400 |
43010 | The transaction amount cannot be less than {0}{1} | 400 |
43011 | The parameter does not meet the specification {0} | 400 |
43012 | Insufficient balance | 400 |
41103 | param {0} error | 400 |
41101 | param {0} error | 400 |
41113 | symbol is offline | 400 |
41114 | The current trading pair is under maintenance, please refer to the official announcement for the opening time | 400 |
42013 | transfer fail | 400 |
42014 | The current currency does not support deposit | 400 |
42015 | The current currency does not support withdrawal | 400 |
42016 | symbol {0} is Invalid or not supported spot trade | 400 |
41100 | error {0} | 400 |
43111 | param error {0} | 400 |
43112 | The amount of coins withdrawn is less than the handling fee {0} | 400 |
43113 | The daily limit {0} is exceeded in a single transaction | 400 |
43114 | Withdrawal is less than the minimum withdrawal count {0} | 400 |
43115 | The current trading pair is opening soon, please refer to the official announcement for the opening time | 400 |
43116 | This chain requires a tag to withdraw coins | 400 |
43117 | Exceeds the maximum amount that can be transferred | 400 |
43118 | clientOrderId duplicate | 400 |
43119 | Trading is not open | 400 |
43120 | symbol is not open trade | 400 |
43121 | Withdrawal address cannot be your own | 400 |
43122 | The purchase limit of this currency is {0}, and there is still {1} left | 400 |
43123 | param error {0} | 400 |
43124 | withdraw step is error | 400 |
43125 | No more than 8 decimal places | 400 |
43126 | This currency does not support withdrawals | 400 |
43127 | Sub transfer not by main account, or main/sub relationship error | 400 |
43128 | Exceeded the limit of the maximum number of orders for the total transaction pair {0} | 400 |
45034 | clientOid duplicate | 400 |
47001 | Currency recharge is not enabled | 400 |
47002 | Address verification failed | 400 |
45001 | Unknown error | 400 |
45002 | Insufficient asset | 400 |
45003 | Insufficient position | 400 |
45004 | Insufficient lock-in asset | 400 |
45005 | Insufficient available positions | 400 |
45006 | Insufficient position | 400 |
45007 | Insufficient lock position | 400 |
45008 | No assets | 400 |
45009 | The account is at risk and cannot perform trades temporarily | 400 |
45010 | The number of orders cannot exceed the maximum amount of the corresponding leverage | 400 |
45011 | Order remaining volume < Current transaction volume | 400 |
45012 | Remaining volume of position < Volume of current transaction | 400 |
45013 | The number of open orders < Current transaction volume | 400 |
45014 | Position does not exist during opening | 400 |
45017 | Settlement or the coin for transaction configuration not found | 400 |
45018 | In the case of a netting, you cannot have a liquidation order | 400 |
45019 | Account does not exist | 400 |
45020 | Liquidation can only occur under two-way positions | 400 |
45021 | When one-way position is held, the order type must also be one-way position type | 400 |
45023 | Error creating order | 400 |
45024 | Cancel order error | 400 |
45025 | The currency pair does not support the currency as a margin | 400 |
45026 | Please check that the correct delegateType is used | 400 |
45031 | The order is finalized | 400 |
45035 | Price step mismatch | 400 |
45043 | Due to settlement or maintenance reasons, the trade is suspended | 400 |
45044 | Leverage is not within the suitable range after adjustment | 400 |
45045 | Exceeds the maximum possible leverage | 400 |
45047 | Reduce the leverage and the amount of additional margin is incorrect | 400 |
45051 | Execution price parameter verification is abnormal | 400 |
45052 | Trigger price parameter verification anbormal | 400 |
45054 | No change in leverage | 400 |
45055 | The current order status cannot be cancelled | 400 |
45056 | The current order type cannot be cancelled | 400 |
45057 | The order does not exist! | 400 |
45060 | TP price of long position > Current price {0} | 400 |
45061 | TP price of short position < Current price {0} | 400 |
45062 | SL price of long position < Current price {0} | 400 |
45064 | TP price of long position > order price {0} | 400 |
45065 | TP price of short position < order price {0} | 400 |
45066 | SL price of long position < order price {0} | 400 |
45067 | SL price of short position > order price {0} | 400 |
45068 | There is no position temporarily, and the order of TP and SL cannot be carried out | 400 |
45075 | The user already has an ongoing copy trade | 400 |
45082 | Copy trade number error | 400 |
45089 | You are currently copy trading, leverage cannot be changed | 400 |
45091 | Too many tracking orders | 400 |
45097 | There is currently an order or a limit order, and the leverage cannot be adjusted | 400 |
45098 | You are currently a trader and cannot be switched to the full position mode | 400 |
45099 | When there are different coins, it cannot be adjusted to Isolated Margin mode | 400 |
45100 | When a one-way position is held, it cannot be adjusted to the Isolated Margin mode | 400 |
45101 | In Isolated Margin mode, it cannot be adjusted to a one-way position | 400 |
45102 | In the full position mode, the automatic margin call cannot be adjusted | 400 |
45103 | Failed to place the order, the maximum amount of single flash opening position is %s | 400 |
45104 | Failed to place the order, the maximum amount of single flash closing position is %s | 400 |
45106 | copy trade liquidation has been processed | 400 |
45107 | API is restricted to open positions. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service | 400 |
45108 | API is restricted to close position. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service | 400 |
45109 | The current account is a two-way position | 400 |
45110 | less than the minimum amount {0} USDT | 400 |
45111 | less than the minimum order quantity | 400 |
45112 | more than the maximum order quantity | 400 |
45113 | Maximum order value limit triggered | 400 |
45114 | The minimum order requirement is not met | 400 |
45115 | The price you enter should be a multiple of {0} | 400 |
45116 | The count of positions hold by the account exceeds the maximum count {0} | 400 |
45117 | Currently holding positions or orders, the margin mode cannot be adjusted | 400 |
45118 | Reached the upper limit of the order of transactions (the current number of order + the current number of orders) {0} | 400 |
45119 | This symbol does not support position opening operation | 400 |
45120 | size > max can open order size | 400 |
45121 | The reasonable mark price deviates too much from the market, and your current leveraged position opening risk is high | 400 |
45122 | Short position stop loss price please > mark price {0} | 400 |
45123 | Insufficient availability, currently only market orders can be placed | 400 |
45124 | Please edit and submit again. | 400 |
45125 | Order cancellation is unavailable for inactive orders. Please cancel parent order and place a new order. | 400 |
45126 | Order cancellation is unavailable for inactive orders. Please cancel parent order and place a new order. | 400 |
45127 | Position brackets disabled TP SL | 400 |
45128 | Position brackets disabled modify qty | 400 |
45129 | Cancel order is too frequent, the same orderId is only allowed to be canceled once in a second | 400 |
49000 | apiKey and userId mismatch | 400 |
49001 | not custody account, operation deny | 400 |
49002 | missing http header: ACCESS-BROKER-KEY or ACCESS-BROKER-SIGN | 400 |
49003 | illegal IP, access deny | 400 |
49004 | illegal ACCESS-BROKER-KEY | 400 |
49005 | access deny: sub account | 400 |
49006 | ACCESS-BROKER-SIGN check sign fail | 400 |
49007 | account is unbound | 400 |
49008 | account is bound | 400 |
49009 | clientUserId check mismatch with the bound user ID | 400 |
49010 | account: {0} still have assets: {1} | 400 |
49011 | kyc must be done before bind | 400 |
49020 | unsupported coin | 400 |
49021 | operation accepted | 400 |
49022 | access deny | 400 |
49023 | insufficient fund | 400 |
49024 | {0} decimal precision error | 400 |
49025 | Parameter mismatch with the initial requestId, request body: {0} | 400 |
49026 | {0} maximum {1} digits | 400 |
49030 | custody account, operation deny | 400 |
49040 | Unknown Error | 400 |
60001 | StartTime not empty | 400 |
60002 | MerchantId not empty | 400 |
60003 | Not found the p2p order | 400 |
60004 | Not found the p2p advertisement | 400 |
60005 | Not found the p2p merchant | 400 |
70001 | Activity ID not correct | 400 |
70002 | rankType error | 400 |
40000 | Bitget is providing services to many countries and regions around the world and strictly adheres to the rules and regulatory requirements of each country and region. According to the relevant regulations, Bitget is currently unable to provide services to your region (Mainland China) and you do not have access to open positions.Apologies for any inconvenience caused! | 400 |
48001 | Parameter validation failed {0} | 400 |
48002 | Missing request Parameter | 400 |
46013 | This symbol limits the selling amount{0},Remaining{0} | 400 |
40404 | Request URL NOT FOUND | 400 |
50010 | Unknown error | 400 |
50012 | The account has been suspended or deleted. Please contact our Customer Support | 400 |
50013 | The account has been suspended and deleted. Please contact our Customer Support | 400 |
50019 | The user is forbidden to trade. | 400 |
50059 | This currency cannot be transferred | 400 |
50052 | The asset balance will be less than 0 after transferring | 400 |
50048 | The maximum number of orders is exceeded | 400 |
50046 | The price is too low | 400 |
50047 | The price is too high | 400 |
50026 | The trading pair is currently unavailable | 400 |
50025 | The trading pair is currently unavailable | 400 |
50016 | The number of open orders is smaller than the minimum limit of the trading pair | 400 |
50017 | The number of open orders is bigger than the maximum limit of the trading pair | 400 |
50023 | The account has been suspended due to abnormal behavior. Please contact our Customer Support is you have any questions. | 400 |
50031 | System error | 400 |
50044 | The system account is not found | 400 |
50049 | The request body of the system user is empty | 400 |
50050 | The system loan collection has been done | 400 |
50027 | The trading pair is suspended for maintenance | 400 |
50030 | The trading pair will soon be available | 400 |
50029 | The trading pair has no order price | 400 |
50028 | The trading pair is removed | 400 |
50040 | The repayment amount must be more than 0 | 400 |
50042 | The repayment amount must be more than the interest | 400 |
50041 | The repayment amount must be less than your available balance | 400 |
50051 | The user in reconciliation is not in the system (cache) | 400 |
50024 | The trading pair does not exist | 400 |
50011 | Parameter verification error | 400 |
50053 | The amount is less than 0 when making loan repayment | 400 |
50056 | The amount is less than 0 when paying liquidation fees | 400 |
50054 | The amount is less than 0 when making interest repayment | 400 |
50055 | The amount is less than 0 when paying trading fees | 400 |
50033 | The topic of the websocket query does not exist | 400 |
50057 | The amount is less than 0 when paying the excessive loss resulted from liquidation | 400 |
50032 | The currency does not exist | 400 |
50036 | The loan configuration does not exist | 400 |
50037 | This currency cannot be borrowed | 400 |
50038 | The system limit is exceeded | 400 |
50034 | The borrowing amount must be over 0.00000001 | 400 |
50035 | The maximum borrowing amount is exceeded | 400 |
50020 | Insufficient balance | 400 |
50045 | Insufficient locked asset | 400 |
50015 | Currently, sub-accounts cannot engage in margin trading | 400 |
50021 | The margin trading account does not exist | 400 |
50022 | The account is liquidated | 400 |
50014 | The account already exists | 400 |
50060 | Duplicated clientOid | 400 |
50058 | After the profit is used to cover the excessive loss resulted from liquidation, the balance will be less than 0 | 400 |
50039 | The currency and the trading pair do not match | 400 |
50018 | The price must be 0 or higher | 400 |
50043 | Unknown transaction type | 400 |
50061 | There is a problem with the parameter you requested | 400 |
50062 | The order status is cancelled or fullFill | 400 |
50063 | Token precision must less than or equal to eight | 400 |
50064 | Your account is temporarily frozen. Please contact customer support if you have any questions | 400 |
50065 | symbol_off_shelf | 400 |
50066 | Position closing, please try again later | 400 |
31001 | The user is not a trader | 400 |
31002 | Condition {0} is not satisfied | 400 |
31003 | Parameter {0} must have a value, cannot be empty | 400 |
31004 | Take profit price must be > current price | 400 |
31005 | Stop loss price must be < current price | 400 |
31006 | The order is in the process of being placed, closing of the position is not supported at the moment | 400 |
31007 | Order does not exist | 400 |
31008 | There is no position in this position, no take profit or stop loss order can be made | 400 |
31009 | Tracking order status error | 400 |
31010 | Clear user prompt | 400 |
31011 | The order is not completely filled and the order is closed prompting the cancellation of the commission | 400 |
31012 | Pullback greater than {0} | 400 |
31013 | Pullback range is less than {0} | 400 |
31014 | Stop gain yield greater than {0} | 400 |
31015 | Stop loss yield less than {0} | 400 |
31016 | Batch execution exception | 400 |
31017 | Maximum price limit exceeded {0} | 400 |
31018 | Minimum price change of {0} | 400 |
31019 | Support trading currency pair does not exist | 400 |
31020 | Business is restricted | 400 |
31021 | The currency pair is not available for trading, please select another currency pair | 400 |
31022 | Minimum order size for this trading area is not met, please select another trading area | 400 |
31023 | Ending order processing | 400 |
31024 | The order is not completely filled, please go to \"Spot trading\"-\"Current orders\" to cancel the order and then sell or close the operation! | 400 |
31025 | The user is not a trader | 400 |
31026 | The user is not exist | 400 |
31027 | Operation failed, please try again | 400 |
31028 | Parameter verification failed | 400 |
31029 | User is not existed | 400 |
31030 | Chosen trading pair is empty | 400 |
31031 | You’re log in as trader,can not follow trade | 400 |
31032 | Can not follow trade with yourself | 400 |
31033 | Fail to remove | 400 |
31034 | This trader’s no. of follower has reached limit, please select other trader | 400 |
31035 | Follow order ratio can not less than{0} | 400 |
31036 | Follow order ratio can not greater than{0} | 400 |
31037 | Follow order count can not less than{0} | 400 |
31038 | Exceeds max. limit | 400 |
31039 | Can not set reminder as your Elite Trader status has been revoked | 400 |
31040 | T/P ratio must between {0}%%-{1}%% | 400 |
31041 | S/L ratio must between {0}%%-{1}%% | 400 |
31042 | The status of your Elite Trader has been suspended, please contact online customer service to resume. | 400 |
31043 | Your copy trade follower cap is too high. Please contact customer support to lower it if you want to enable this function! | 400 |
31044 | You are applying to become a trader now. Copying trade is not allowed | 400 |
31045 | The max. quantity for TP/SL is {0}. For any quantity exceeding this limit, please operate under “Initiated Copies”. | 400 |
31046 | No copy trade relationship is allowed between a parent account and its sub-account | 400 |
31047 | No copying is allowed within {0} minutes after the copier has been removed. Please try again later. | 400 |
31048 | Only this trader's referrals are allowed to follow this trader at the moment. Please create an account with the trader's referral link! | 400 |
31049 | The trader's status is abnormal or has been revoked, and cannot be viewed at this time! | 400 |
31050 | This trader UID is already set for the region. | 400 |
31051 | traderUserId error | 400 |
31052 | Cannot set trading symbol that have not been opened by traders. | 400 |
31053 | executePrice cannot exceed triggerPrice 的{0} | 400 |
31054 | No order to cancel | 400 |
20001 | startTime should be less than endTime | 400 |
22001 | No order to cancel | 400 |
22002 | No position to close | 400 |
22003 | modify price and size, please pass in newClientOid | 400 |
22004 | This symbol {0} not support API trade | 400 |
22005 | This symbol does not support cross mode | 400 |
22006 | limit price > risk price | 400 |
22007 | limit price < risk price | 400 |
22008 | market price > risk price | 400 |
22009 | market price < risk price | 400 |
22010 | Please bind ip whitelist address | 400 |
40100 | Due to regulatory requirements, Hong Kong IPs are required to complete identity verification first | 400 |
40101 | Please complete KYC | 400 |
00001 | startTime and endTime interval cannot be greater than 366 days | 400 |
12001 | {0} can be used at most | 400 |
12002 | Current currency {0}, limit net sell value {1} USD | 400 |
12003 | Current currency {0}, limit net buy value {1} USD | 400 |
13001 | Withdraw is too frequent | 400 |
13002 | Currency does not exist | 400 |
13003 | Withdrawal exceeds the monthly limit | 400 |
13004 | Your remaining withdrawal amount{0} | 400 |
13005 | Failed to generate address | 400 |
60006 | Parameter error | 400 |
60007 | upload image cannot exceed 5M | 400 |
60008 | The image format must be [". jpg", ". jpeg", ". png"] | 400 |
60009 | The image format error | 400 |
60010 | upload error | 400 |
60011 | Ordinary users can not post ads | 400 |
60012 | Please change your status from offline to online before posting your ads! | 400 |
60013 | Insufficient balance | 400 |
60014 | Fiat info not found | 400 |
60015 | Digital currency info not found | 400 |
60016 | Only supports publish CNY advertisement | 400 |
60017 | Not support publish CNY advertisement | 400 |
60018 | Your KYC certification only supports publishing {0} | 400 |
60019 | Post failed. Unable to obtain preference price | 400 |
60020 | advertisement type error | 400 |
60021 | Payment method is empty | 400 |
60022 | Trading amount incorrect | 400 |
60023 | Beyond fiat limit ({0}-{1}) | 400 |
60024 | Fund reconciliation errors | 400 |
60025 | The remark length cannot be longer than the configuration length | 400 |
60026 | Exclusive country error | 400 |
60027 | Payment time limit error | 400 |
60028 | Payment method error | 400 |
60029 | publish advertisement error | 400 |
60030 | status error | 400 |
60031 | The advertisement number is too long | 400 |
60032 | The advertisement not exist | 400 |
60033 | Posted ad amount incorrect | 400 |
60034 | Number of images attached in the remark cannot exceed the allocation limit. | 400 |
60035 | Edit advertisement error | 400 |
60036 | payTimeLimit cannot be empty | 400 |
60037 | Post failed. Price is significantly deviated from preference price | 400 |
60038 | Post failed. Incorrect floating rate | 400 |
60039 | User does not exist | 400 |
60040 | Unauthorized access not supported | 400 |
60041 | Edit advertisement price error | 400 |
60042 | limitPrice not empty | 400 |
60043 | The advertisement status update fail | 400 |
60044 | The advertisement status in editing can be edited | 400 |
60045 | Exceeding the number of advertisement that can be published | 400 |
60046 | priceValue not empty | 400 |
60047 | userPayMethodId not empty | 400 |
40926 | Your identity authentication is still under review. Please wait for the review to pass before trying this function again | 400 |
13007 | The current currency is {0}, and the net purchase value of {1} USD is limited within 24 hours, and the net purchase value of {2} USD is also allowed for {3} | 400 |
11000 | withdraw address is not in addressBook | 400 |
40103 | based on your IP address , it appears that you are located in a country or region where we are currently unable to provide services | 400 |
40104 | Unable to withdraw to this account Please make sure this is a valid and verified account | 400 |
30001 | Minimum Price Change {0} % | 400 |
40928 | Risk control, currently your max open size is {0} {1}. The size was calculated with all the main-sub accounts | 400 |
47003 | Withdraw address is not in addressBook | 400 |
13008 | A single withdrawal exceeds the maximum limit | 400 |
13009 | Exceeds withdrawal daily limit | 400 |
32038 | The sell price cannot be lower than the trigger price percent{0} | 400 |
WebSocket error codes
Error Message | Error Code |
Channel does not exist | 30001 |
Illegal request | 30002 |
Invalid op | 30003 |
User needs to log in | 30004 |
Login failed | 30005 |
request too many | 30006 |
request over limit,connection close | 30007 |
Invalid ACCESS_KEY | 30011 |
Invalid ACCESS_PASSPHRASE | 30012 |
Invalid ACCESS_TIMESTAMP | 30013 |
Request timestamp expired | 30014 |
Invalid signature | 30015 |
Param error | 30016 |